Young People's Concert: "Bach Transmogrified" / Bernstein · New York Philharmonic

Published 2018-04-26
Young People's Concert: "Bach Transmogrified"
with the New York Philharmonic
Written and conducted by Leonard Bernstein

Bernstein discusses different transmogrifications or treatments of Bach's works. After an organ recital of the Little Fugue, guest conductor Leopold Stokowski conducts his own transcription of the fugue for symphony orchestra. Other transmogrifications include Foss' Phorion and a version of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 performed by the New York Rock and Roll Ensemble.

In this excerpt, Bernstein discusses the Bach Little Fugue in G Minor heard on the Moog Synthesizer.

Original CBS Television Network Broadcast Date: April 27, 1969
Produced and directed by Roger Englander

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© 1990, 1993 The Leonard Bernstein Office Inc.

All Comments (21)
  • @joelsmith3473
    "Guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids are gonna love it."
  • @yoless42
    What many of the so-called "purists" like to forget is that Bach himself was very interested in making instruments. He was known not only for his organ playing, but also for his expertise in organ building. He helped Gottfried Silbermann with the development of the PianoForte and gave a lot of impetus for the further development of many instruments of his time. I think it's safe to say that Bach would have loved to own a synthesizer.
  • @HenryLondon
    I was there when this was done live! What great memories for me.
  • His space machine puns absolutely bombing somehow makes this video even better
  • @danabarnes4751
    The combined look of fascination and hatred from the orchestra is precious.
  • @gengraded
    The range of emotion on peoples faces are fascinating. Boredom, Confused, Inspired, Awestruck.
  • @qwasd0r
    It's the musical equivalent of the steam train racing towards the movie theater screen
  • @dandyandy2046
    2:33 I love it when the robot on the left peaks its head out to hear that groovy sound.
  • @jirihorecky9644
    “This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence”
    I love the fact that Bernstein broke a lance for the Synthesizer & emancipated it as a real instrument (as it rightfully deserves), back when people still laughed it off as some fancy new thing. Just a few years (maybe 5 or 6) Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze filled concert halls with a big moog like this one here & showed what it was capable of. Earth-shattering fat sounds, hypnotic sequencerlines, poly-rythmic patterns & unearthly pads.
  • @adam872
    I was pleasantly surprised by Bernstein's view on the synthesizer. He seemed to dig it. I certainly did and I'm watching it 53 years later. I'm also quite certain I would have loved it at the age these kids were too.
  • @ProSimex84
    This sorta thing along with a glass of moloko plus would sharpen you up for a night of the old untraviolence.
  • @adamiotime
    Man, I can't get over how charismatic Bernstein was.
  • @joermnyc
    He failed to mention this kind of synthesizer only plays 1 note at a time. Hence why they had to play it on tape.
  • 54 years later and now we have Keygen Church. I love to find pieces of history of electronic music like this video here.