How Did Mordecai and Rigby's Friendship LAST?

Published 2021-06-19
Do Me A Solid is a Regular Show episode that tests the limits of Mordecai and Rigby's friendship. Although known more for the solid system it introduces, when looked at within the context of the Margaret Arc, it's comical to see Mordecai so lovestruck and Rigby so against Eileen in hindsight. Let me know what you think of this regular show episode in the comments below!


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All Comments (21)
  • @theodoro3188
    At least Margaret was the one who did a solid just right, she gave Eileen the chance to hang out with Rigby on that day and I saw nothing go wrong between the two
  • @vapor8723
    Mordecai and Rigby were definitely more "aggressive" with each other in the early seasons
  • @TrueReverse74
    When they were laughing at the tree who else felt compelled to join in by the power of the vibe
  • @Fizzpig
    If someone does a solid for you and they say you owe them a solid, it would create an endless loop until one of them stops asking for a solid. So you could have a solid war.
  • @Retr0Bunn113
    Despite Mordecai being an asshole to Rigby, we all know he'll go to Hell and back for his homie Rigby cause he's the only one that he considers a brother.
  • I know some people don’t like Mordecai but Rigby was just as much of not more of an asshole (internationally) in the earlier seasons
  • I really don't see their friendship as "toxic" more as it is just rocky at times. Like Mordecai could've DIED if he picked the wrong hat in Eggscellent but he came back and got the hat just for Rigby. Also did we forget Mordecai punched Benson in that same episode because he disrespected Rigby?
  • @MuffinMythos
    They did have a pretty toxic relationship tbh. Mordecai barely respected Rigby half the time, and Rigby was just flat out annoying a bunch of the time. Lol
  • The way Eileen was running to my man Rigby... At least she shot her shot.
  • Can we just talk about how Eileen's the best character in Regular Show?
  • @Seanwilson1795
    Eileen doesn't deserve this treatment. She's so sweet, and really interested, but leading her on is wrong. (I know that Rigby and Eileen get better, but right now, she's treated like literal trash).
  • @V.B.T.G
    Eileen asking Rigby to go golfing was so adorable, I felt bad for how she was treated in that episode
  • I think the reason why Rigby and Eileen worked so well as a couple is because, despite Rigby's flaws, he grew to care about Eileen. Rigby was honest with her and didn't try to change himself for her- so they could get to know each other with clear transparency. Mordicai on the other hand, devoted his time to her while, at times, being a bad friend to Rigby. He also lied to his friends and Margret as well as creating excuses as he "waited for the right moment". But with all the time waiting instead of making it happen, and letting her see the real him, Mordecai never had the courage to make a genuine relationship with any girl until the very end of the show. It's a good lesson though, if you find someone you love it least try and you'll know if they fill the same way. Otherwise, that chance will pass you by.
  • I always felt that while Rigby is lazy and annoying he can be a good friend. He once covered for Mordecai constantly and Mordecai will forever see Rigby as the lazy and stupid friend, just to make himself feel better. He throws Rigby under the bus after everything he did for him. Mordecai is very toxic and disrespectful to Rigby. Rigby can be annoying but mostly this whole Simp arc shows how he would rather hang out with a stranger than his own best friend.
  • @ma3mc3mu-X
    This might've been cosmic payback regarding the whole "Jinx" fiasco. Impaling his eye may seem less than enough.
  • @devinjones1527
    I feel that like while mordecai can be toxic in later seasons, this show has been established as having continuity and rigby literally screws everything up every single time, whereas mordecai has to constantly take the fall as well for his friend even though HE is often the one who tries to do the right thing. After literal years of this, I can see why mordecai would have this view of Rigby just being lazy and stupid. For the first few seasons until he starts to get with Eileen, that's pretty much all he establishes himself to be. Also, I never hear anyone say this and it's super important: rigby is VERY manipulative. Every time something happens (unicorns, the date with Margaret, solids, etc) rigby gets jealous over something petty, usually just that he wants to have mordecai all to himself when mordecai wants to do something independent of rigby, rigby will go out of his way to ruin things, and then when mordecai calls him out, he says "if YOU had just done *whatever*, this wouldn't have happened". That is gaslighting. That's what abusers say to make you think it was your fault you were punished or what have you. Like, while rigby is technically correct, he blames everything on mordecai not wanting to hang out with him, instead of the fact that HIS reaction to mordecai's actions were the cause of the problem getting worse rather than just talking to him or saying "you know what? If you'd rather hang out with some stranger than your best friend then fine we don't have to be best friends" or SOMETHING. instead, he just blames mordecai for basically not wanting his ENTIRE EXISTENCE to be spent hanging out with the same loser slacker who CONSTANTLY gets him into trouble and nearly costs him his job literally every week. It's a severe personality flaw that I never see anyone address and I'm not saying that mordecai is perfect or anything and honestly I absolutely love Rigby's arc through the whole show, seeing him grow and mature makes him such a dynamic character. It just also seems like the show itself sometimes also wants to paint it as Rigby being right when he says "if you hadn't etc" and I feel like sometimes mordecai should have said "I did mess up but you went out of your way and YOUR actions directly caused the bad thing to happen". This did happen more in unicorns when mordecai pointed out that even though he had been an idiot about the cologne, it still didn't give Rigby the right to treat him like dirt. As the show went on as Rigby changed and matured, it showed that mordecai didn't think he really needed to change and mature because he was already used to being a step above Rigby, which brought his personality flaws more to the forefront, and I like how the show didn't flanderize them both and go through so many seasons of mordecai just constantly bailing Rigby out and Rigby basically just being patrick and the only motivation for any conflict in the show through insistent stupidity. They're actually dynamic characters with real flaws which is one reason the show can still speak to me even though I'm not a teenager anymore.
  • I think a better question would be, why did they ever become friends at all?...because as we've all seen Mordecai and Rigby's friendship is toxic, well okay maybe not toxic but it's definitely terrible.
  • @firenze6478
    I mean rigby can’t even do this one thing for his friend who’s constantly bailing him out of trouble or rigby usually starts the trouble, it’s not just mordecai
  • I'm not sure exactly what Jay is asking about solids because his wording was pretty weird, but I think the idea here is that if someone asks you for a solid and you do it, then they owe you one (unless you agree to different terms beforehand like Mordecai and Rigby). If you don't return a solid owed, then the universe apparently decides to punish you and everyone around you with death, but if you don't owe them a solid when you refuse one, I'm guessing nothing happens. So in regards to a "solid war," once they were even on solids again, then either of them should be able to end it by just refusing to do anything they were asked to do.