Children of the Moon - Ian Fontova

Published 2024-01-17
This is Children of the Moon! My new Epic Celtic Folk single, accompanied by a 2D illustrated animation video. It's set in a fantasy world, but the story has similarities with things that happen in our reality.

Societal norms that take away children’s autonomy and grant full authority to parents are really strong and extended, they're the norm. What happens inside the household is a "private matter" and goes unchallenged. And if you give full authority to someone over another human being, and never hold them accountable, abuse is going to happen at some point in many cases. From smaller but harmful microaggressions, to more explicit verbal or physical violence. The result from all this is that many kids are trapped in a terrible situation from which they can't escape, because the surrounding community will either not believe them, or even think that the parents' behaviour is justified. And all this is especially bad for LGBTQIA+ kids, who have a lot more chances to face rejection and mistreatment from their parents 😔

Many people argue that abuse is not just about some "bad apples", but about a system of social values that enables it and makes it very likely for it to appear. The abuser knows who they are allowed to abuse, and how much they're allowed to do it, because society taught them and gave them that power. That's why it's so important to challenge the authoritarian functioning of the traditional family, and to find community outside of it when it's not a safe place. Big hugs to all abuse survivors ❤🩹

Reading Lee Shevek has helped me a lot to understand how abuse works, as well as other important subjects. You can follow her or read her essays if you’re interested:

Big thanks to my friend Nil Castelltort for their huge help on the lyrics. They have great ideas and way better English than me 🤣 Also they’re an awesome illustrator, check it out:

I also want to give a thumbs up for Krita, the illustration software I used to make this. It’s an open-source software with a lovely community, you should definitely check it out if you do digital art:

Children of the Moon is part of the album Tales of Olden, Vol. 2:

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#CelticFolk #CelticMusic #2DAnimation

All Comments (21)
  • I find the forest spirit to be quite a fascinating character. His righteous fury, his gentle kindness, his slight naivete in assuming that the city knights must be good and heroic figures. He's separated from humanity, both biologically and socially, and yet still fundamentally holding those qualities we most ascribe to the quality of 'humanity.' A powerful outsider able to act where others cannot or will not, the sort of person everyone dreams of being rescued by at least once in their life no matter how charmed ones life is. A distinctly archetypal hero in an unusual form.
  • @aa-oy9il
    When I was a little girl, my 'home' wasn't safe. So I used to run away into the forest and search for fairies amongst the streambeds and ferns. This song struck a chord with me... my 9 month old daughter will always have a home and hearth and my protection. Beautiful song, lyrics and video.
  • @lilhedgehog8576
    The lyrics “Darkness looks like haven when fiends hide in plain sight.” hit hard every time.
  • @noctusfury6918
    "But having nowhere you could go, that I don't forgive!" is an interesting line. As a forest spirit, he symbolises the concept of having the freedom to roam or spread to wherever they wish, but also that forests have distinct boundaries which they don't cross. If trees don't spread to a certain distance, they form a boundary and stay there, or until the requirements to continue expanding have been met. Basically, the fact that this child wasn't protected nor looked after, but forced to flee and wasn't even allowed to grant him any place to settle would go against every rule of the forest. Which explains his righteous anger. At least from my point of view. Sequel: Forest spirit collects children and adopted them, protecting them in his realm, and they grow up to become druid rangers which protect the forest from monsters and humans, and the forest quickly develops the reputation of being the "Dark Forest". Crap, this makes me wanna write a fanfic about this. 😗 This was very good, Ian! Well done! ❤💯👍
  • I love the forest spirit's anger at the end but how it also helped the child. He seems more like not just a protector of the forest but also of children or those that seek help. He felt sorry for the child but also took charge to help the child unlike some that might not have helped the child at all.
  • I wasn't abused by my parents as a kid, but I've had so many people I trusted hurt me. This song drove me to tears
  • @haysmcgee801
    Wow, this hit me deeply. I am a disabled and autistic 42 year old man. I was severely bullied all through out school and I had an abusive father who didn’t know how to handle me as a person or my disabilities growing up and after my parents divorced he let his frustration and temper rule over my childhood home. Being a well liked member of our community he issued a similar warning to me about speaking out. Because I was so regularly physically attacked and bullied at school the nature of my disability it was easy to lie about and/or hide the physical signs of the abuse. I was and still am also an insomniac, when it got too bad I also would escape into the moonlit forest around my home; living in my own fantasy world. I would pretend I was on all manner of late night adventures. As I got older I would spend hours conversing with the moon, or telling stories to the trees about heroes and villains. When I finally came of age, and with my disability check in hand and some help from a friend, I left and never looked back. I am okay now but man, this got me sobbing like a baby. I was not expecting it. Thank you so much for making this.
  • the moment when the child ask hopeful yet fearful for help - and gets way more than he expected -can't say how much that touched me knowing someone who was abused the worst way possible from her father and had noone to turn to that time - may everyone in need get an angel in whatever shape
  • @rjwintl
    My wooden boat is named ‘Ayla’ , which means ‘halo of the moon’ … maybe a good name for one of your little friends ??? 👩
  • Heartbreaking story. An enchanted wood. And a horned owl I've never known of before. This is precious. Tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. You made my day Ian. Thank you from the bottom of my witchy soul.
  • My friend, I have no words to express how good that was. The music is so gorgeous, and so are the animations. I cannot wait for the Volume 2 !
  • @fearreavers
    I was bullied a lot as a kid and my home life was not great. As a result I ended up loving the night. I feel safer walking alone at night then any where else. Love this song.
  • How naively I clicked on this expecting a fantasy folk song. Only to weep upon realising the reality woven into the fantasy. You evoke such beautiful cruel emotion in this. I am fortunate enough to live in a safe home thanks to my mother. She shields me from the evils of life because she wasn't afforded the same. Domestic abuse is no joke and I am grateful you are covering this issue so eloquently in song. The forest is a wonderful thematic device for a safe haven. Something that provides safe harbour and takes serious of the injustice of being refused refuge. I love reading the comments here. Everyone has such wonderful interpretations. Reminds me of English class, but this feels infinitely more meaningful and relevant. I will always remember "Darkness looks like haven when fiends hide in plain sight" a reminder that the greatest evils are the realest ones. Thank you Mr Fontova, for something rich and worthwhile in an era where thing seem exceedingly shallow and insensitive.
  • @SeliahK
    This hit home hard. Survivor of an abusive sperm donor and trafficking here. I've always been drawn into forests and mountains and away from humans whenever I needed space or time to myself. You hit every button in exactly the right way with this. Thank you. Beautifully done, excellent storytelling as well as a wonderful singer (and the artwork is just gorgeous, too!). I've never heard you before, so please pardon me while I go trudging around your channel now. :)
  • This song gave me chills. Such a powerful ballad, and one of my new favorites. I was never abused, but I do have demons that I run from, and I have always considered the wilderness my safe haven, and my friend who have been abused feel the same.
  • Ooo. This one hit me in multiple ways. I expected so much beautiful art and music, and you've more than delivered.❤️🙏🏼 But I have also been a child of the moon in my life, wandering at nights to feel free and safe in the darkness, and sometimes with my siblings and friends, and processing parental abuse since then. I've also been a volunteer advocate at a domestic and sexual violence services organization, and I see these kids (and abused spouses) around me more often than I think is right. This is beautiful, for obvious reasons, as well as for those that may not be as easy for some to see, but which are very clear to those who haven't had a voice for their struggles. Thank you.
  • Stunning... What a beyond gorgeous melody. This is haunting, stirring and comforting at the same time... I got so many chills and teared up at the part when the owl spirit soars through the air. Just, wow, wow, wow..... ❤♥♥♥
  • This hit so hard, I'm ngl. I have too many friends who were abused by their parents, and even my own parents went through that. Just knowing how hard it is for a kid to run from a traumatizing childhood makes this song hit hard. I can't count how many times I'd be messaged in the middle of the night by my now adult friends because they had night terrors of their parents, how many times I've sat with them as they fall into another pit of depression because "they're not good enough". This song legitimately almost made me cry.
  • @fellowcat3796
    Even though this beautiful video literally has the lyrics. I've written it down for the people who'd like it. Guided by the moon tonight Across the frozen path Strides a fearful spirit Running from the past Deep inside the dark wood Where roots are veiled in ice They fall and find upon them Two eerie bright eyes Tell me troubled young soul What is it that you fear? I watch over this forest None shall hurt you here Did you come across the dead That roam around the bog? Did you wake the wicked troll Or breathe the deadly fog? Will my garden settle you, Or will you follow your flight? Darkness looks like haven When fiends hide in plain sight Let the dawn light scatter 'round And spread the robin's tune May this glade be home and hearth For the children of the moon There's no dragon, wraith or curse, No monster that i woke For it was someone close to me The reason i donned my cloak Twas my father I ran from I'm afraid to tell Made my life so miserable He does not wish me well How can that be possible? How can it be true? A parent must protect their child He should've cared for you Did you seek your mother's aid? What about your god's? Surely the righteous city knights Would chase a man so flawed Will my garden settle you, Or will you follow your flight? Darkness looks like haven When fiends hide in plain sight Let the dawn light scatter 'round And spread the robin's tune May this glade be home and hearth For the children of the moon Mother weeps and stays aside She does not dare to speak Her laughter once a sunny storm Turned to sigh so bleak Father's a respected man He's the mayor and the priest There's no guards I could go to For they would turn on me He said 'If you run I will find you I'll spread the word, there's nowhere to hide I'm a friend of each honourable man, From here to the end of known land' Will you help me? A cursed evil coward snake Is enough to grieve But having nowhere you could go That I don't forgive May the night fall upon him And those who take his side My roots will crawl beneath their beds And spread a rotten blight Will my garden settle you, Or will you follow your flight? Darkness looks like haven When fiends hide in plain sight Let the dawn light scatter 'round And spread the robin's tune May this glade be home and hearth For the children of the moon May this glade be home and hearth For the children of the moon
  • My name is Rhiannon and I've reflected this very same opinion - that children should not be so deprived of rights and autonomy - for almost my entire life just to go unheard. This is beautiful. Thank you.