10 minute transfomations: Speed cleaning my entire house!

Published 2024-03-30
In today’s video, I show you how fast you can clean your entire house, using one of my favourite tricks! enjoy ☺️

All Comments (21)
  • @kathy3178
    Things I have leaned from you: 1. Give myself grace 2. Ditch what doesn't work for me 3. Its okay to do what I can 4. Family time is what is most important. You are truly a down to earth breath of fresh air. The only cleaning channel I watch.
  • @danoyse8233
    The 10 minute timer is great to bring focus. Get up, start countdown, get on with it. Stop timer. Look at what you’ve achieved. I’m sure your little boy will be well. Hardest job, being a parent.Well done. Thanks Remi
  • @TheClassyLady7
    Dear Remi, your videos are an inspiration to me and every messy person. Stop shaming yourself! Be proud of the outreach service you are performing! Hugs!!
  • @cathyprosser1050
    Thanks, Remi for posting some of your TicTok here because I don't "do" TicTok😊 Love your 10 minute tidy ups and I am implementing some of those myself ❤
  • Finding you and learning about neurodivergence and 10 min timers changed my life. ❤
  • @garlicgalore
    Remi I want to share something that helped me when we had health issues with our daughter. It can be so all consuming, and my sister used to remind me to "take baby steps"- to bring the big picture back closer and closer, smaller and smaller, to the moment I could manage. Sometimes that was the day ahead of me, sometimes it was the very minute I was in. It really helped and may be useful for you or someone else. I realize when I am overwhelmed I am thinking too far ahead, about too many possibilities, when actually I often need to only do what's right in front of me. Baby steps reminds me even now to pull in and in and in until life feels smaller and manageable... and then move forward from there. ❤❤❤ Best of luck with everything! I have three daughters and I once made a miniature book titled My Heart Goes Out in Three Directions. Once we have children our heart is no longer our own.
  • @livefollower3475
    I’m 58 female with adhd ....my age are just being diagnosed....found the last 5 yrs much easier in life ...thankyou for your handy hints
  • @milda0820
    becoming a mother unlocked the world of fears I could not imagine😅💖💖💖 it gets a little bit better with time...
  • @Carhornchannel
    I think I unconsciously do this, I always tell myself it’s not 100% perfect but it’s 100% better 🗣️
  • @RoundSeal
    I absolutely love this type of cleaning. My own mental health (and neurodivergence) has been Big Nope lately, so I've pared it down to a two-minute tidy for the time being. The real value for me is that once you get that ball rolling, it just gathers momentum and wants to keep on for ages sometimes. And if it doesn't, then you've still achieved your tidy goal. Can't lose either way. ♥ You've got this!
  • @JaniceS65
    Praying for Ike and the rest of you. It is hard being a parent. When my daughter was a month old the doctors thought she had cystic fibrous. I didn't even know what that was. When he told me I was like you i just froze up. After that shock I cried and prayed. After 10 days of tests in a childrens hospital the test came back negative! I thank God to this day and shes 35. About your video, you have done so much in 10 minutes! I love your videos. Your ideas are marvelous! I don't know you personally but I would love to! I really like your humor and your heart for people. Thank you for what you do!
  • I wish my mom had made me do chores. I think it would have helped me greatly in my adult life. I am a lot like you. My mother used to fuss with me to clean my room until she worked herself into a lather then she would just clean it up herself. That did not help me in the long run. Do not get me wrong, she did not clean very often. Our house was always messy - always. I guess that is why I am comfortable living in a disaster area. But, deep down, I want a presentable house. It has been a struggle n my entire adult life. I am 72 and still trying. In.my 50s, it was determined that I have ADD. So I have medicine that I take on days that I want to accomplish something. Otherwise, I am VERY easily distracted and do not get much accomplished. I really enjoy your channel. Do you ever watch the you tube channel Diane in Denmark. She is great. Take care.
  • I hope you have a beautiful relaxed day also! Saying a prayer for your son's blood test. Love your videos, you tell it like it is. Love just listening to your voice.
  • @sylviaeneriz4808
    You know, Remi, I just tried the 10 min clean of my living room and I’m surprised by how much you can get done in 10 minutes! I’m going to try this on my bathroom and bedroom now. Ten minutes just feels more manageable so thanks for this idea!
  • @trubyboo4072
    I used to have terrible anxiety as well especially with my children. I finally couldn't take it anymore and i prayed and i gave it all to Jesus. I was healed and no longer have anxiety. And if i start to fear i remind myself that he tells us not to fear. I hope this helps. Love you and praying for you.❤
  • @YunuPolsen
    It IS amazing how much can get done in in just a few minutes. Often my boys & hubby would also join me in a 10 minute tidy. Four of us blitzing through the house. So much accomplished! When my boys were little I tried to treat the 10min tidy as a game. Took a little work in the setup and it's a silly little game, but the boys had fun with it. This is what I did... I had a collection of pictures of the rooms throughout the home in their "tidy" state. The boys would select a picture and in 10min they would do their best to restore the room to the condition shown in the picture. I also had bought little toy ducks that were "designated" to each room. I would hide the duck before the boys entered the room. I would ask- "Boys, where is MR Duck in the picture?" If they found the duck within the 10min. tidy and return it to the location shown in the picture they would earn points towards a special treat.
  • @user-uj7kz7wx5k
    ❤ I want to say thank you for encouraging me I'm disabled but I keep trying
  • @KarMa-ws3ll
    I have a chronic illness with phases of extreme pain. I know the feeling when its just too much too "just pick up". Sometimes you are happy to just reach the bath or make yourself a coffee. What helped me was to declutter ruthlessly so there is no chance that the floor gets covered even if I have a very bad flare up. And I keep on decluttering so it stays that way and this way i wont exhaust myself clearning it all up once i feel better. Cleaning is so much easier as well with minimal stuff. For me, I have a rule: if its not managable, its too much stuff. I needed more than I few years to realize that this is whats best for me! I am happy that the clean up wont stress me out no more.
  • @lindseyowen5968
    My abusive narcissistic partner of 11 years has just left me (again, but I won’t ever have him back now) and he left the house in such a state. I have a three year old autistic son who is non verbal and of course very messy, but having his father here was like having a lazy teenager too. Now I have to start tackling everything on my own, and I do mean on my own which is hard cos I don’t have anyone to help or watch my son while I work. Still, as you say, bit by bit and hopefully I’ll get there. It’s all so fresh atm as it only happened two days ago, so I’ve had little “get up and go” in me. I’ve spent a lot of time moping around, but I’ve started to do bits and I will get there. I just wish I had a magic wand to do it all for me just this once 😢
  • @katespurgeon5572
    Love the 10 minute timer. Sometimes I reset for another 10. One tip I've been focusing on in the kitchen is put things away as I prep/cook. That way it's not such a job to clean up in the end.