Adam Hills Regrets THAT Megan Fox Joke | Happyism | Universal Comedy

Publicado 2024-02-17

Todos los comentarios (11)
  • @fsutrill
    His imitation of the Dalaï Lama laughing sounds like the Count from Sesame Street!
  • @KermitFrogThe
    I remember dealing with a large group of US students studying in the UK. I told them I knew they aren't all stupid, but for the purposes of humour would ignore that fact. The response was that I would get on well in the US. And I got on well with most of them, as long as I kept the jokes simple enough for them to understand.
  • @stevereber3358
    I think I have heard his holiness use that joke since then BTW
  • @nv5666
    Dint watch.. but added to watch later already.. cuz Megan fox
  • In all fairness you probably offended a lot of cancer patients but they won’t be butt hurt for long
  • @stevereber3358
    Late 80s or early 90's Harvard did a symposium on comparative religion and The Dalai LLama was debating William F Buckley Right wing walking Thesaurus and he riposted one of the Dalai Llama's points by using facility with english and a double entendre. and the Big DL replied, of course if we are having a contest of english language you will win, but these concepts (compassion etc) are not that hard, if you were really trying you could understand them. [You cannot drop the mike if it is clipped to your clothing]
  • @dallasgrant
    Basically USers don't get our comedy, most of them anyway, they are too uptight about insults or making fun of people, but are fine with other detrimental things. I'd say if you plan on telling a USer a joke insulting someone and you're an Aussie write the joke then tone it down about 70% and add about 30% of stupid too it, then it'll make sense and won't upset their delicate sensibilities.
  • @SimonFrack
    Should be easy to research Megan Fox, she has her own news channel.
  • @TheUrantia001
    The Dali lama is the joker in disguise, the only thing holy is his integrity full of Swiss cheese...