Bad IRISH ACCENTS That Even I Can't Understand

Published 2020-11-24

All Comments (21)
  • @jeffhoffman1478
    There are 5 types of Irish accents 1: polite and interesting to listen to 2: strong and sexy 3: slightly loud and intimidating 4: I taek ta sheap tah hdghskdhdbbfbfjdhdhdhej 5 nogla?
  • @delsinrowe6696
    “Why didn’t they just hire actual Irish people?” Welcome to Hollywood baybeeee
  • @Jimbo386000
    I love how Sean's accent just kept getting thicker over the video.
  • @dylonthedog1
    Brad Pitt was playing an Irish Traveller. Irish Travellers have their own distinct accent, and he was VERY accurate.
  • @brycesasser6204
    “We don’t say top of the mornin, it’s cringy saying it” names his whole ass coffee company ‘top of the mornin coffee’
  • @Emma-yz2rn
    Fun fact when irish people are arguing they thicken their accent to show an act of dominance
  • @Koyangi
    I naturally talk very quickly and have spent my entire life trying to consciously slow it down. My one visit to Ireland had me feeling like I had finally found my people. 😂
  • @Sofia-oo1vi
    After being with my Irish bf for 3yrs now and being around his family and Gaelic football teammates with strong cork ascents, I was actually able to understand the cork accents pretty well.
  • @Hauyen1
    The farmer’s accent almost sounds like he’s talking backwards
  • @DanDoesDnD
    Brad pitt: hungover noises Jack: "THATS a good Irish accent!"
  • @Livikyu
    JACK! My Dad + Grandma are from county Mayo. Grandma's been in England some 50 years and she is convinced anyone from Ireland thinks she sounds English . I'm going to play her the good fellow who lost his sheep and see if she can understand it.
  • @RenegadeRanga
    Brad Pitt played an English Pikie/gypsy mate, not an Irishman. Brad was brilliant in snatch. The Kerry sheep farmer kills me every time.
  • @ItsTrulyAhNaF
    THE IRISH man: Aryabuiiandjakjcamjwbaojdiawf! Jack: Oh he said he lost 45 sheep!
  • @creeperanimatez
    There are 3 types of Irish accents 1: polite, calm and interesting to listen to 2: strong 3: ma shaep wa taken a foo moon noigh vfgrbtny fvgbyntgyh
  • With the farmer one, you know it's a super thick accent when they're speaking the same language as you and you still need a translation.
  • I'm Brazilian, and for me Irish sounds badass as hell! Is a crosspath between a drunk Scottish pirate and a Texas native 😆
  • The man who lost his sheep has discovered how to successfully speak in cursive.
  • Imagine having an accent so strong you have to be translated from English to English.
  • @cylindricalfire
    Slowly as this video progresses, Sean starts slowly slipping further and further into a thicker Irish accent and he doesnt even notice
  • Imagine a world where Jack isn’t Irish…. That’s crazy bro