Fan Edit: Anakin Skywalker's Turn Restructured

Publicado 2017-11-01
This might be a sneak peak of a future edit.

I haven't had access to the internet for a few days, due to storms and I needed something to pass the time when I wasn't in class or endlessly rotoscoping (I swear I'm working on it). This edit utilizes a number of ideas inspired by fan edits made by some very talented editors.

Haven't been able to post it until now.

All rights belong to Fox, Disney and their respected copyright holders.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I loved how this scene cuts right to Mace saying "I sense a plot" WORKS AMAZINGLY!
  • @kyledonnelly8069
    Reminds me more of how the force used to feel. Like an intuition or an instinct. Always look back to Vader talking to Luke at the end of Empire, they just feel each other through the force. This edit brings a back some of magic.
  • @jeanleon3537
    Loved how you restructured the scene, and how you made Palpatine reveal his powers to Anakin...amazing. my suggestion is to increase the volume of the Palpatine line when Anakin is sitting in the Jedi chamber, and add the sound effect of the fight between Windu and Palpatine in the back while Anakin is coming.
  • @StarWarsStory
    When KCutter finally returns after over a 10 year absence, you'll appreciate his edits, he did one similar to this where Palp's wrinkled face momentarily shows before he even ignights his saber,
  • @JW-jg6vq
    To cheat death is a power only one has achieved . Love that line but why is it cut out ?
  • @praetor9822
    “Do you remember that myth I told you of, The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?” the shadow whispered. The myth—  … directly influence the midi-chlorians to create life; with such knowledge, to maintain life in someone already living would seem a small matter … “Yes,” Anakin said. “Yes, I remember.” The shadow leaned so close that it seemed to fill the world. “Anakin, it’s no mere myth.” Anakin swallowed. “Darth Plagueis was real.” Anakin could force out only a strangled whisper. “Real …?” “Darth Plagueis was my Master. He taught me the key to his power,” the shadow said, dryly matter-of-fact, “before I killed him.”
  • While some parts are a decent edit, overall to much was removed, it makes his giving in to the dark side to quick of a transition. Personally, i always felt that his transition to the dark side was to quick in It's original form, it needed more exposition, not less.
  • @mp_reviews
    This is AWESOME! It's so much more mature and dramatic. Great job!
  • @paullynch1246
    Very nicely done, makes the Jedi seem less stupid and anakins conflict feel more real. I love the lights going dark and then palatine revealing himself as his plan is now complete.
  • So much better this is how he should have turned to the darkside, not that whole loss is a path to the darkside thing. I like the giving into anger destroying evil to do whatever is necessary to win the war path to the darkside that’s Darth Vader.
  • @shoyahaaruni
    Who turned off the lights? seriously though this sequence works so well