Class 14: “The Future of Inequality (& You?)” by UC Berkeley Professor Reich

Published 2023-07-07
This is the last class of my Wealth & Poverty course and my final time teaching it at UC Berkeley. Even if you haven’t had a chance to keep up with all the others, please make sure to join this one.

I summarize the main points of the course, give a short history of the struggle for social justice in America, and talk about how my students (including you) can make a difference in the future. Plus I’m planning a surprise at the end.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this class. Even more importantly, I hope it’s made you think harder about widening inequality — and perhaps want to take action to make your community, state, America, or whatever nation you call home, a more just and humane society. Thank you for joining me.

Additional readings can be found here:…

Class Outline
00:00 - Introduction
02:15 - The system
06:04 - Reset and renewal
17:51 - Leadership and positive social change
38:10 - You
59:18 - A fond farewell

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you for making this series public and available to everyone. As a psychology student, I have found that social movements for racism, for authoritarianism, and for fascism manipulate the same cognitive dissonance functions. They mobilize around unjust ideals and values. Awareness is supplanted by manipulated perception. And the sense of efficacy is provided by a sense of authoritarianism. We must be aware that the power of those leaders who try to fill the gap with their own self-interest. Part of getting positive change is how it is framed psychologically.
  • I truly needed to hear this. I have been growing more cynical by the day. Especially about justice and about media. Thank you so very much for offering this invitation. I hope that since you will not be able to sit still during retirement, you will write more. I haven't wanted to save capitalism, especially lately, but now I will go buy your book. I truly hope that you can go fishing, or at least watch the sunrise or sunset from a pier. I hope you can take a nice nap every day in a comfortable recliner. And I hope you can be always accompanied by those you love. May God continue to bless you and keep you all the days of your life and beyond. ❤
  • To me, Professor Reich summarizes the dreams and goals of the civil rights generation, trying to make the world a better place.
  • @mgener1
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have grown cynical in my advocacy work and your words inspire me to overcome that cynicism and keep fighting for social justice.
  • @pwarren180
    “There is no end to that fight…” My eyes have been newly opened…again. I’m old. It’s not over. The family motto makes sense in this too: “Keep going.” Thanks for helping with direction and hope.
  • @kiwifreund
    Thank you for all of your classes being made public, and for all of your wisdom.
  • @doobaa
    Thank you! The world need many more generous people like YOU. I wish all the best with your retirement time. I am sure you will continue sharing your wealth of knowledge.
  • @edwardb7811
    Professor Reich is a brilliant lecturer. He speaks very clearly. He inspires action. I feel blessed that many of his lectures are available on YouTube.
  • Thank you! This has been a real eye opener. I knew something was a miss. As a micro mini business owner it's been really tough. I hope everyone on here will spend a little extra on us. We work twice as hard. I support the community and my employees the best I can possibly do. However, I can see how big corporations keep "rolling up services" from small businesses like me. I support health care for all, public education because it is good for small business. Thank you thank you!
  • Congratulations Professor Reich! Happy Retirement! Hoping you continue to keep us informed with your comon sense and fair approach advise and encouragement! Thank you! 💕
  • So glad I found you. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge, experience and optimism.
  • @gjr2980
    Thank you, Professor Reich, I just wish that I had a professor like you while I was in college. This last class was fantastic, and I could only imagine what the full semester was like. I have followed you on YouTube and always found you to be factual and presented your information in an educational way. Your students have been blessed to have you and I hope they are able to put into practice what you have taught.
  • Thank you for giving those of us online the chance to engage with your lectures
  • Thank you, Professor Reich. You have definitely made the world a better place. Thank you.
  • Thank you so much for making these classes available! Before watching these videos, I was just a cynical young woman in NY. Someone on disability due to chronic illness who didn't think she could help anyone with very much at all. This year I started volunteering when I'm able, and that is partially because of you! Your classes were so engaging, I feel like you are my professor even though we haven't met! I'm still working on the cynicism, but you taught me that anyone and everyone can fight for change! Seriously, thank you for everything you do!!
  • @annychang5683
    Thank you Prof. Reich. Your teachings and podcast are such an inspiration--believe it or not, Class 14 is helping me navigate some tough time at work at the moment. Thanks again.
  • @anacolh7710
    Thank you so much Profesor Reich, the world is a better place already thanks to people like you👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • @DrGlennChiarello
    I have enjoyed these 14 classes immensely, so much so that I want to watch it again in it's entirety. Thank you Prof. Reich for making a difference in our world at a time when we as a collective people need your knowledge the most. It saddens me that as a college student in the 70's you, or a person like you was not presenting this information so that the trajectory of our civilization may have been altered sooner. It's not too late. Thank You.