Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attitude | Barbara Sher | TEDxPrague

Published 2016-01-06
According to Barbara Sher we have to change our common understanding of why we so often fail to bring our dreams into reality – blaming bad attitude, negative thinking or lack of effort. Heartfelt, funny and surprising stories told by a lady who's been helping other people's dreams for many decades.
Podle Barbary Sher musíme přehodnotit běžný názor, že za neuskutečněné sny může špatný přístup, negativní myšlení nebo nedostatek píle. Překvapující, vtipné a srdečné vyprávění dámy, která již několik desetiletí pomáhá lidem na cestě k realizaci jejich snů.

Barbaře přezdívají „kmotra životního koučování“. Je autorkou šesti bestsellerů, vede semináře po celém světě, školí v největších firmách a přednáší na univerzitách. Ve svých knihách a lekcích propojuje velké množství praktických zkušeností s osobitým humorem. Pokud jste někdy bojovali s neschopností vybrat si jen jeden cíl a na něj se zaměřit nebo máte pocit, že pro uskutečnění svých snů nemáte dost pevnou vůli, pak Vás Barbara snadno utěší. Stejně jako ty, kteří se bojí, že některé věci už v životě prošvihli.

Barbara má veliký rozhled po světě (žila mimo jiné v Turecku, Francii i Německu) a asi nejhezčí na jejích lekcích je, že se co chvíli neubráníte smíchu nad tím, jak jsou některé věci prosté.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @annv6781
    Since quitting my music degree almost two years ago, I have been in I guess voluntary isolation. I see people moving on, building their lives, getting married... and here I am in this same room. People need people. And I think it's high time that I go and get my people.
  • @SanaaStark
    R.I.P Barbara Sher - 14 August 1935 – 10 May 2020. You will be missed ✨
  • @lamcnulty6640
    Having met her, I think she is one of the most exquisite humans around. After a talk, she stayed on stage until the last person had a chance to speak with her. She is brilliant. Her books are seminal.
  • @williamkreth
    I've been in extreme isolation for years. And the longer it goes on the worse it gets. I'm so disconnected from humanity.
  • Personally, it's been a very solitary existence. Lots of shame, guilt and fear of asking for help. Time to turn that battleship around.
  • @sspike631
    Practice this without a group, in everyday life. Imagine, when meeting new people you ask, what is your dream and whats stopping you from attaining it? Basically asking, what can I help you with? But instead almost everyone asks, What do you do for a living? Which I feel is just another way of saying, how can you help me?
  • @primalspirit1
    Incredibly important message. It's hard because the more isolated you become, the harder it is to reach out. I've been isolated for 15 years and it has taken this long to appreciate that I am dying of neglect. No one can understand what it's like when no one knows whether you are alive or dead or cares.
  • @MsUrsula777
    My favorite quote from her is: Don´t let it stop you if going after your dream may take a long time to get there - the time will pass anyway :-)
  • @jacijay724
    I wish there was a talk show host that had this mindset, imagine that - getting a big crowd together and just solving audience members obstacles on the spot. That'd be so entertaining and inspirational to watch.
  • “Every time you make someone else’s dream come true, it echoes… “
  • @clayton3518
    The common attitude in her stories are being genuine.
  • @TinaSotis
    So: name your dream, then name the obstacle and let people know about both. I like this woman. She's really on to something.
  • I wasn’t sure whether I should “waste” my time on a 21 minute video which will probably say the same thing as all the other success oriented videos, but my God! this is an absolutely wonderful video filled with such precious stories and emotions. It really inspired me and one comment also said that this would make for a great movie, and I agree so much! Thank you Barbara Sher! Thank you❤️✨
  • @Jcrpdx
    She's right. In case you're alone, a good church, a positive work environment or an active charity organization are potential communities that might offer these type of relationships.
  • @by8819
    This should be adapted into a movie. It would be so heartwarming.
  • The ending story made me cry. The woman's scared daughter being stalked by ex-husband was me. I was attending college not really knowing what I'd do with the Marketing degree. Fast forward 20 later, I return to school realizing I was born to be a teacher after substitute teaching for a year. That last story of yours really woke me up to what I want and need to do. Finish my second degree in Elementary Education/Integrated Science. I really needed to hear this!! Now, who to turn to with my deepest wish when I'm now 63 years old. But, have the dreams and heart of a much younger woman.
  • @MsLondy96
    In Zulu we say, engakhali ifela embelekweni. This means a child that does not cry dies in the cradle. You need to speak up so that you can be helped. One of the best Ted Talks I've seen, thank you Ms Barbara ❤