8000 Years of Board Game History in 43 Minutes - SHUX Presents

Published 2020-06-10

All Comments (21)
  • At 12:15 Quinns claims that the mural is "huge", but without the use of a Standard Reference Pear I just don't know if I can take his word for it.
  • @ConManAU
    Modern board gamers: Why does every second game have to be about zombies, or Cthulhu, or zombie Cthulhu? Medieval game makers: Hold my waterfowl.
  • @RonnieLunn84
    If you like history, you’ll like this. If you like board games, you’ll like this. If you like both history and board games, make sure your door is locked before hitting play.
  • @Bllurr1
    Holy crap, Quinns. If you wanted to do an ongoing series about the history behind boardgames, I would gleefully watch each and every one. This stuff is fascinating to me.
  • @higochumbo8932
    The Goose Game is still played and quite popular in Spain today, it's called "La Oca", literally meaning "the goose" in Spanish.
  • @15Indianajon
    Irving Finkel playing the Royal game of Ur with Quinns would be the ultimate SUSD video of all time!!! As an aside the Royal game of Ur is phenomenal that I would highly recommend anyone playing, I've never met a person from 6 to 60 who hasn't loved it! having spent a career in archaeology this was a great lecture in which I learnt some fun new things thanks.
  • Great talk! I am from Spain and the "Goose game" ("El juego de la oca" here) Is still played, it's the classic grandma game. You don't double your move. You move to the next square with a goose on it throw the dice again. In fact there is a phrase that you say when that happens "de oca a oca y tiro por que me toca" which is something like "From goose to goose and I throw because it's my turn". At least since my grandma's times its been played like that.
  • @phillipmele8533
    Losers have “works cited”. Winners have “books that I mercilessly robbed for this”.
  • @XMarkxyz
    perfect talk, the only thing I missed is at least a mention of wargames which were popular in high nobility and martial education as a battle simulator
  • “So you want to play one board game to get through this quarantine?” “Yeah” “Like War of the Ring, Twilight Imperium... or?” “Um...” glances at 26:02 “yeah.. yeah something like that”
  • 31:04 in Italy we still play the goose game and it's still called as shown in the video: "Gioco dell'oca", it's a game for small kids, it helps them to learn to count.
  • "Ethics and Geese" is my new favorite intelectual proprerty, can't wait to recive the second edition manual.
  • @DrMcFly28
    Wife: wouldn't it be better to get off Youtube and do something constructive? Me: shhhh I'm watching a lecture Wife: oh sorry
  • @tigerpjm
    Amazing how Quinns can pack a little over 60 minutes of content into 43 minutes. No wonder SU&SD vids are so informative and entertaining.!
  • @ZetHololo
    As someone who worked in a game store i have vietnam flashbacks of extemporaneously explaining a complicated card game and a customer going: “oh, so it’s like monopoly?”
  • @IgnacioGutt
    Excellent talk, only regret is that he didn't mention go/weiqi/baduk. I know later he made a review about it, but the fact that go is missing from a boardgame history talk makes me feel as if something big is missing.
  • @remghoost
    39:42 "Or as I call it, Ethics and Geese" That joke was way funnier than the audience gave you credit for.