Published 2023-10-28
I’ve traveled to Sapporo Japan to record a new style of video! I wanted to do traveling asmr so I was figuring out how I should do them but in 3 days I ended up buying a flight and accommodation to Japan and just off I went. I did try something similar in the past but I thought it was a bit far from ASMR format so this time I tried my best in line with ASMR so I hope you guys like them :)
The trip to Sapporo was solely for ASMR footage! I got about 4 different videos worth of footage within 3 days..! xD
Roleplay, talking, this video and that, mukbang etc!
I left mukbang for a membership video!
With the trip to Japan, I feel like I somewhat found the direction I should move towards
So the plan is to try something similar with travel to Thailand upcoming soon! Please look forward to it~
Using Japan trip footage as trial and error, I’m planning to try something a little different with Thailand video! I hope you guys enjoy today’s video as well.

Have a good sleep, sweet dreams and have a nice day!

- I know it sounds crazy but I actually booked my flight to Sapporo 3 days before my flight! I left in a rush…! My MTBI seriously leans towards P and my head was just full of ideas to make new videos! So if I saw any clearance tickets, I was just gonna go for it!!! And that's how I ended up with Sapporo trip XD
- I booked accommodation in two days, did trip planning like a flash and video preparation as fast as I could! Since I wasn’t able to enjoy the trip as a holiday but I would love to go back during winter time if I can!! Trips are always good..
- Although…it has been a fair bit since I went and came back. I was going to upload as fast as I can once I got back but… editing took longer than I thought and the month ended up going past! Still, as long as it took for us to edit, I hope everyone likes today’s video!!!
- Please recommend me your trip of a lifetime place!! See you for real!!!

00:00 Introduction
01:35 In front of BIE accommodation in Hokkaido
04:10 On the way to Cheongui Lake
05:22 Arrives at Cheong's Lake
08:05 Reminiscing about Joan Kei's first day at the dorm
09:37 Water Sound ASMR
11:43 ASMR of packed food
14:24 On the second day, the highway on the road from Joan Kei to the rain
15:28 Palm Tomita
16:11 Third Day Mint Tractor Scenery
17:23 Reminiscing about the sushi restaurant on the second day
19:00 the sound of stepping on the grass
20:11 Driving in Korea and Japan Is Different
22:50 Ken and Mary's Tree
27:16 Mild Seven Hills
28:38 Sapporo City
28:54 Rice with Shrimp Eating Show
29:40 Jinkis Khan Eating Show
31:45 Why Japan Is Cheaper To Whiskey Than Korea
32:47 Yakiniku Restaurant
35:08 Odori Park
36:10 Finish

All Comments (21)
    日本旅行はとても楽しかったです!今度も日本旅行に行きたいです!次の旅行先をコメントでおすすめしてください! Membership video https://youtu.be/XE0HndqLS98 타임라인 timeline 00:00 인트로 01:35 홋카이도 비에이 숙소앞 04:10 청의호수 가는길 05:22 청의 호수 도착 08:05 첫날 숙소 조잔케이 회상 09:37 물소리 ASMR 11:43 포장한음식 먹방 ASMR 14:24 둘쨋날 조잔케이에서 비에이오는길 고속도로 15:28 팜 토미타 16:11 셋쨋날 민트 트랙터 풍경 17:23 둘쨋날 저녁 초밥집 회상 19:00 잔디 밟는 소리 20:11 한국과 일본에서 운전 다른점 22:50 켄과 메리의 나무 27:16 마일드세븐 언덕 28:38 삿포로 시내 28:54 새우덮밥 먹방 29:40 징키스칸 먹방 31:45 일본이 한국보다 위스키가격이 싼 이유 32:47 야끼니꾸가게 35:08 오도리공원 36:10 마무리 00:00 イントロ 01:35 北海道美瑛宿舎前 04:10 青衣湖への道 05:22 青の湖 到着 08:05 初日 宿舎 ジョザンケイ 回想 09:37 水音 ASMR 11:43 包装した食べ物 モッパン ASMR 14:24 二日目城山渓から美瑛路高速道路 15:28 パーム富田 16:11 三日目 ミントトラクター風景 17:23 二日目の夕食寿司屋回想 19:00 芝を踏む音 20:11 韓国と日本での運転の違い 22:50 ケンとメリーの木 27:16 マイルドセブンの丘 28:38 札幌市内 28:54 エビ丼モッパン 29:40 ジンキスカンモッパン 31:45 日本が韓国よりウイスキー価格が安い理由 32:47 焼肉屋 35:08 大通公園 36:10 仕上げ 00:00 Introduction 01:35 In front of BIE accommodation in Hokkaido 04:10 On the way to Cheongui Lake 05:22 Arrives at Cheong's Lake 08:05 Reminiscing about Joan Kei's first day at the dorm 09:37 Water Sound ASMR 11:43 ASMR of packed food 14:24 On the second day, the highway on the road from Joan Kei to the rain 15:28 Palm Tomita 16:11 Third Day Mint Tractor Scenery 17:23 Reminiscing about the sushi restaurant on the second day 19:00 the sound of stepping on the grass 20:11 Driving in Korea and Japan Is Different 22:50 Ken and Mary's Tree 27:16 Mild Seven Hills 28:38 Sapporo City 28:54 Rice with Shrimp Eating Show 29:40 Jinkis Khan Eating Show 31:45 Why Japan Is Cheaper To Whiskey Than Korea 32:47 Yakiniku Restaurant 35:08 Odori Park 36:10 Finish
  • @momononomo
  • @sino_sk
    わ!!日本行ってくれて嬉しい🫰 ソナちゃんのASMR雰囲気からめっちゃ好き🤍
  • @u_y_u
    道民です!! ソナちゃんが北海道来てたなんて嬉しすぎる!! 数ある都道府県のうち、北海道を選んでくれてありがとうございます💖 北海道は広いので、ずっと住んでいるのに行ったことのないところがたくさんあって😂 こうやって観光客のみなさんがいろいろ紹介してくれるおかげで、今まで知らなかったことを知れるし、自分でも行ってみようと思えます😚
  • @user-hw9eh7bi9g
    日本人です! sunaちゃん、日本に来てくれて本当にありがとう!!☺
  • @user-wr3uz1kr6u
  • @user-nayop
  • @user-ds3uu6oy8m
    日本に来てくれて本当に嬉しいです😭 こんなに素敵にレポートしてくれて、本当に日本に住んでいて良かったと思います!
  • @vnfu2
  • @yk-rl4qm
    sunaちゃんが日本に?! 全然遠いけど日本に来てくれて嬉しい〜 旅行しながらasmr撮るなんてすごい🎉 sunaちゃんチームを通した北海道はすごく幻想的になるね。撮影、編集能力のおかげかなあ 私は北海道の函館、阿寒湖、広島の尾道がお勧めだよ! ぜひぜひまた日本でasmr撮って欲しいな。 いつも癒しをありがとう😊
  • @pompokopon11
    日本に来てくれたんですね!嬉しいです😭❤️ たくさん機材を持ちながらの旅は大変だったと思いますが、美しい景色と美しい音を届けてくれてありがとうございます。 また日本に来てください!沖縄の海もとても綺麗なのでぜひ見てほしいです☺️
  • @ring-hf9vj
    北海道民です! 沢山の音や景色に癒されました(* ´ ` *)ᐝ 冬の札幌もゆっくり楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです! お肉がお好きな様でしたら、次の旅行先は三重県とかどうでしょう
  • @user-wp5ud4wr1i
    札幌市民です! 住んでいるのですが行ってみたい気持ちになる映像で楽しかったです! ありがとうございます!
  • @user-wc6gu1gb1z
    ソナちゃんが日本に〜!!!😭❤ めちゃくちゃ聞きます!! 北海道素敵だから楽しんでくれて何よりです🎉🎉🎉✨
  • 同じ世界に住んでるのか分からないくらいソナちゃんのASMRの世界はなんか儚くて綺麗で輝いて見えます☺️日本に来て下さりありがとうございます!また遊びに来てください💗
  • @user-nm7et3od3w
  • ソナちゃん!日本に来てくれてめっちゃ嬉しい😭😭 ありがとう❤❤❤
  • @luma0Q0
  • @user-ng4ch1pe6j
    北海道にいらっしゃったんですね! 見慣れた光景にソナさんがいるのが不思議で嬉しいです☺️ また北海道来てください〜〜!!
  • @_LovelyTrouble_
    This is such a lovely video. I love the idea of a sound diary. Your choice of filming locations and camera angles were amazing. It was all beautifully done. Thank you for sharing your travels! 💕