sad edit audios because I lost the will to live

Published 2021-11-25
This is the last video I will be posting before going on a well-needed break for my mental health. But I will be liking and hearting comments because I love you all ๐Ÿ’ž

Timestamps with creditsโœจ

0:00 - Miss Wanna Die || โ€ช@quitezyaudiosโ€ฌ

0:46 - Unfair || โ€ช@DARKAEPโ€ฌ

1:42 - The Beach || โ€ช@bladyaudios9826โ€ฌ

2:32 - Space Song || โ€ช@ysavfxโ€ฌ

3:05 - Easy On Me || โ€ช@YuNGFrizEditsโ€ฌ

3:57 - All Time Low || โ€ช@Earyzzโ€ฌ

4:32 - Lose You To Love Me || โ€ช@mornixgstarโ€ฌ

5:22 - Happier Than Ever || โ€ช@ysavfxโ€ฌ

6:04 - Traitor || โ€ช@adelesseditsโ€ฌ

7:02 - And To Those I Love, Thanks For Sticking Around || โ€ช@JuliusAudiosโ€ฌ

7:32 - Black Swan || โ€ช@JuliusAudiosโ€ฌ

8:23 - Train Wreck || โ€ช@edittaudiossโ€ฌ

8:52 - You Broke Me First || โ€ช@nxphilimaudiosโ€ฌ

9:29 - Lovely || โ€ช@Neonickโ€ฌ

9:56 - I hate u, I love u || โ€ช@bladyaudios9826โ€ฌ

10:36 - Paralysed || โ€ช@TolkariusXโ€ฌ

11:26 - Sad Song || @Sparkling M

12:18 - Impossible || โ€ช@kxpner.audios7102โ€ฌ

13:18 - Six Feet Under || โ€ช@nxphilimaudiosโ€ฌ

14:06 - Happier || โ€ช@OfficialAmbianceโ€ฌ

All Comments (21)
  • @orannotoren1
    hello. please, please please credit the artist. her name is qinniart. thank you.
  • @iabrellaaa
    Just remember, when ur crying, That ur loved, and they are so many people that love u, some of them u haven't met, and some u have, Ur beautiful, We Love You โค๏ธ >3
  • @ashev4245
    "Time doesn't heal anything, it only teaches us how to live with the pain."
  • @smores8861
    Dear person whoever reads this, Hey, you, yes, I am talking right to you. I hope you will see yourself with the eyes I see you one day, because I can tell you have some awesome music taste :) Youโ€™re such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy, I know society build up the standard that whenever youโ€™re alone youโ€™re not living a happy live. But in fact that is not true, if you start to realize that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, donโ€™t beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, and over everything your mind wants to destroy you. I wish I could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy. If you ever feel lonely then watch the sky, because you know, someone, at the same time is watching the sky too, maybe feeling the same way..I am glad you exist and I hope you wonโ€™t ever remove your own spot in this world, maybe you donโ€™t feel like you belong here but, Angel, then build your home here. I donโ€™t want you to leave this world unhappy. I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive, I donโ€™t want you to see yourself just existing. You deserve it. Whatever happened, itโ€™s not your fault, the demons in your head recognize that you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such beautiful heart as yours, so why let them win over you? . Youโ€™re not selfish for isolating yourself, but you deserve to talk to someone. If youโ€™re reading this than please never forget to breath and smile. Donโ€™t live up to other standards! Itโ€™s your story and not theirs. Life for those who couldnโ€™t, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like thereโ€™s no other, hug like its your last one. I love you and send you hugs. Youโ€™re so strong, youโ€™re still here, and I am proud of you. YOU ARE NOT USELESS. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE WORTH IT. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE LOVED. READ THAT AGAIN. I AM GLAD YOU EXIST. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT A PROBLEM. YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT BEING DRAMATIC. Youโ€™re not a burden to anyone, donโ€™t be afraid to talk, to use your voice. Youโ€™re beautiful inside out. Your body is beautiful the way it is. Please donโ€™t starve yourself. Please eat, I know itโ€™s hard but you deserve food. You deserve to eat and drink. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. READ THAT AGAIN. I WISH I COULD HUGH YOU RIGHT NOW, SO A VIRTUAL HUG WILL DO. It hurts me to see youโ€™re in pain :( you deserve so much man, donโ€™t let your emotions control you. Donโ€™t let them get the best of you. I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u please donโ€™t go. I am sorry that no one is hearing you, I am sorry no one is noticing that you have lost yourself. I wish I could take your pain away, it hurts me to see the pain in your eyes. I love you trough my words and I mean it. I just want you to stay, hold on a little longer okay? Please? For me.?? I hope you have an awesome day/ morning/ evening/ night. If itโ€™s night for you, go to sleep, I know itโ€™s hard to fall asleep right now but you deserve a good sleep. If you have nightmares, please, donโ€™t let them fight you. If itโ€™s day for you, donโ€™t start it by such sad music, I know itโ€™s impossible to have a good day with such mindset but take baby steps, start by drinking two cups of water in the morning and so on.. You will start building little healthy habits. If itโ€™s evening for you, youโ€™re probably overwhelmed and stressed, I want you to know itโ€™s okay to feel the way you feel. You donโ€™t need to be scared, of course youโ€™re overwhelmed or stressed, I mean who wouldnโ€™t? But itโ€™s important to know that when you feel that way you should do a little self care, such as taking a bath for example? You deserve to feel at ease and relaxed. And if you are somewhere in between I hope you know that youโ€™re stronger than you think, I know you will make it :) Now wipe those tears away and smile for me, you really donโ€™t know much a smile can brighten someoneโ€™s day, do you? I hope one day yours will become a genuine one where you donโ€™t need to fake it anymore, because I canโ€™t say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. Youโ€™re worth more than every fucking cent in this world. Remember crying is not weakness, let it out as much as you can but donโ€™t let the emotion control you by giving up. Itโ€™s okay, youโ€™re here, youโ€™re safe, you can let it out. Did anyone asked you, how you are feeling today? If not, how are you really? I donโ€™t think youโ€™re doing good, but you will feel good at one point. Donโ€™t give yourself up. I am sorry you feel misunderstood. But anyone who gets to be with you, doesnโ€™t know how fucking lucky he/ she/ they is :). Enough with beating up yourself for today, okay?! - The stranger that cares about you more than anything. I hope this is enough for you to stay today, tomorrow will be a new day, a new start, let go now. I hope you can stay. This is your sign to stay and treat yourself with love, you deserve it. And in case no one told you today, again, I am so proud of you. I hope you will remember my words :) Until tomorrow, my friend <33 (this isn't my speech, but I wanted to spread it for those who really needed it :D)
  • @shahadb1404
    I hope u and everyone who clicked on this vid are ok :(
  • Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scared from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't feel depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tommorow's new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share, this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!
  • @starbloomed5035
    I hope you feel better during your break. We love you and appreciate you <3
  • @rayisabotttom
    Just so u know crying doesn't make you a weak person
  • @zeldie2375
    Edit: Rest in peace Qinniart, you were a gem. Thank you for your beautiful art and for inspiring me and others. Whenever I look at the stars Iโ€™ll think of you ๐Ÿ’ž
  • i hate the feelings i get constantly, depression isint fun to have, especially when its severe (yes. i am diagnosed, and i take pills for it.) i sit in the corner of the classroom listening to all the guys joke about depression just being "sad" its not just that its the unmotivation to wake up, The Voice always nagging at you, the constant feeling of worthlessness and the mental pain you put yourself through to smile for everyone at home and school. your bed is the only one who knows why youre hurting so bad
  • Sending love and healing light to anyone who see's this and needs this โค๏ธ
  • @violet_jay8935
    I totally get it! I hope the break helps! Also amazing playlist!
  • @gracedaviess
    i hope your breaks helps, if you need anything im here <3 just remember, your loved by everyone, including me and everyone who supports you. your such an inspiration to others and me. i love u sm and hope you start to feel better. i might be a new sub, but ur videos inspire me to follow my dreams. i hope u understand that ur loved and dont let anybody tell you different. have a nice break and love urself. โค๏ธ <3
  • @artaaaaaali
    pov u just clicked bc u like the music ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ im very happy rn bc im together with someone i love very much<3
  • @allvxorz
    Miss wanna die 0:00 to 47:00 - you want to die/ people have made you feel very depressed Unfair 47:00 to 1:42 - people have treated you very unfairly compared to others The beach 1:42 to 2:32 - people have left you Space Song 2:32 to 3:05 - you feel like nobody likes you Easy on me 3:05 to 3:57 - you feel like your very soft, and people can hurt you very bad All Time low 3:57 to 4:32 - you kinda have anxiety Lose You to love me 4:32 to 5:21 - you have had to leave someone important for your bf/gf Happier than every 5:21 to 6:03 -you feel like your happy but youโ€™re not happy Traitor 6:03 to 7:01 - someone has betrayed you 7:01 to 7:31 - you had the best time with them and they left you (sorry i am to lazy to do the rest, but i hope whoever watches this is ok, and safe, and these are time stamps and what i think the songs make people feel like)
  • @surina_nunez
    Thank you for this. I really needed an excuse to cry.
  • I hope you get well soon your not the only one suffering here, i wish you all the best of luck and i hope everyone here is fine <3 โค
  • @LowOn3nergy
    Searched โ€˜happy edit audiosโ€™ Clicked on this Cried๐Ÿฅฒ Edit: also I hope youโ€™re doing ok! Just so you know,youโ€™re amazing and beautiful the way you are๐Ÿ’•