Why Triticale Is More Than A Cover Crop

Published 2023-10-18
Triticale's versatility goes beyond being a mere cover crop. As Kim Cassida, MSU Forage and Cover Crop Specialist, explains, the key lies in its meticulous management:

🌱 Seed Placement: Opt for a no-till seeder or airscale drill. Avoid broadcasting; instead, aim for a seed depth of three-quarters to an inch and a half.
🌱 Seeding Rate: Transition from traditional weight measurements to seeds per acre. Aim for around 1.2 million seeds per acre.
🌱 Nutrient Management: Apply P & K based on local soil tests. Recommendations for wheat are a good benchmark. Don't forget to add nitrogen for quality forage, both in the fall and the following year.

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