My Heritage DNA Portuguese

Published 2018-03-25
Hi everyone, I would like to share my results from my Heritage DNA.

My gedmatch results!

Family history:
What I know from my family is that from my mothers side: my great-great-grandmother was black and my great-great-nana was mixed, her father was a Portuguese from Bragança, and she married her cousin also from northern Portugal. Her daughter, my nana married a southern man, so my grandfather, from Alentejo.
From my father side: every ancestor known until know are from northern Portugal.

All Comments (20)
  • Interesting results :) Portuguese people usually have more North African and less Iberian than us (Spaniards). I didn't score North African and my Iberian is really high, 87% ! I'm expecting my son's results now. His father is part portuguese (one of his grandparents was from North Portugal) and I think he will have North African, maybe more Scandinavian than I have (Portuguese people often get high Scandinavian percentage as I've seen) and I'm looking forward to see if MyHeritage gives him a Portuguese genetic group :) :) It would be cool :)
  • @jtamarutaca3262
    I am from Brazil and my results are very similar to yours. Just curious about the Sardinian DNA (I have 19 %) which so far I have not found any explanation. I have researched and some say that is related to people from Tyrol and Alpes that migrated to where today is Serra da Estrela. It could be Sardinia but I not have any record from relatives that came from Sardinia in the last 200 years. By the way, I also have 16% of Scandinavian and I suspect it is related to Visigoth.
  • Interessante, irei fazer o meu também, já tenho noção do que sairá, pois sou brasileiro.
  • @abbad707
    amazing results, what's the other 19.5%, if you can break it down and if u mind.
  • @Paucuma
    Nice results!!!! :O I've compared mines to yours by watching your gedmatch pictures to mines! Kinda interesting about the fennoscandian in your Gedmatch K36 picture comparing it to the MyHeritage results! I've posted a video and my gedmatch results in the links below the video if you wanna check them out here they are ^^
  • @mainlander3920
    Sou bem parecido com você, mas sou leste europeu no lugar de Irlandês,
  • @renatot.d.7837
    Your DNA tells the beautiful story of the Portuguese people! From the Roman, Byzantine, and Celtic invasions to the Moors (Berbers from Nigeria to Morocco) who stayed about 800 years in Iberia. On the other hand, despite I am Brazilian, I am 100% of Italian ancestry and my DNA also tells a story, see:
  • @aaronx2771
    Curiosa mezcla, Escandinavia y Norte de África. Siempre me sorprende que el porcentaje de bereber es más alto en la costa atlántica ibérica que en la mediterránea.
  • @JuanJelesS
    Yo també tengo adn Sardo sigo sin comprender cual es la conexión entre Cerdeña y España, supongo que en la época de la corona de Aragón
  • @sofiane2b
    I'm from morocco and it's nice to see that we share sames ancestors in North Africa.
  • @rafaeldias9097
    Seu resultado é quase idêntico ao da minha vó, brasileira de origem portuguesa, ela descende dos primeiros povoadores do Brasil.
  • @addiomondo4493
    It seems that when MyHeritages finds some unassigned dna it simply assigns it to Nigeria...
  • @jackwn1405
    I bet that Scandinavian is Visigoth... great results
  • Which Country is that Ancestry from in North Africa? Also why can't they separate the regions to give you just that 1 country?