The Rings of Power was TERRIBLE.. Here's Why

Published 2022-11-02
In this Rings of Power Season 1 review, I explain the top 5 reasons the show was so terrible. I discuss the the show's production, the toxic femininity, the harfoots, Tolkien's lore and the overarching boredom I felt watching this show. If you haven't watched the show, save yourself the time by watching this video instead.

#ringsofpower #review #lordoftherings

0:00 Introduction
0:25 The Harfoots
1:23 Toxic Femininity
4:13 Lore
6:27 Production
10:11 The Show is Boring

All Comments (21)
  • @emptyhand777
    I want Amazon to know that I am also a lazy shit writer with terrible ideas and I will be the showrunner for the remainder of the series for 1/4 of what Amazon is paying both DeKay and Pain-in-the-Ass.
  • @Strideo1
    My theory is that her husband, Celeborn, isn't dead, missing, or captured or anything. He just noped the hell out of there to escape an abusive relationship with this show's version of Galadriel.
  • @projimbo
    I had to watch Peter jacksons lord of the rings again to purge my mind of the abomination that is rings of power
  • I'm pretty sure the reason for why galdriel never suffers any backlash for her behaviour is because the writers don't consider her behaviour to be wrong. I'm pretty sure the writers think that this behaviour conveys strength and any man acting like this would be respected for it. And since the only way these writers are capable of portraying a strong women is to strip all femininity off her and replace it with masculine traits we get this character that the writers reflexivly insist on calling galadriel.
  • I love how when Galadriel goes home after years of absence and they immediately try to to send her away cuz they’re already sick of her shit.
  • @crazyman8472
    The showrunners delved too greedily and too deep… 👿
  • @shyguy9102
    The best example of an arrogant character softening : Jaime Lannister now that's what I call character development.
  • @cttommy73
    To be fair, Helbram is Sauron. So him being fine after taking a massive wound is no issue. In fact, in a good or competent show, the characters would comment on how weird it is that even after taking massive wounds, he is seemingly fine and has no issues.
  • @bIametheniIe
    When Galadriel and the 300 Numenoreans teleport to Middle-Earth with their horses, you'll notice they're charging with sun setting and to their back. In the very next scene when they magically arrive at the exact town in the Southlands they needed to be in, they're charging into the sun. The shadows indicate that. So, the only reasonable explanation is they either were riding in circles or rode past the town, just to make a 180 degree turn to get a nice shot of them riding into the town to save the day. The entire show is a dumpster fire
  • @oldaxehead655
    The show failed for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest fallacy is that it doesn't feel like an adventure and the story telling unfolds so poorly without creating any compelling characters worth following.
  • @Kaysa56
    That Peter Jackson comes up hugging 14 Oscar Trophies, always put a smile on my face whenever I sees it.
  • Even if you divorce this from canon and just view RoP as an alternate timeline it still sucks. I managed five episodes and just can't bring myself to view anymore. The show did give me one good laugh though so I'll give credit where credit is due. The part where Guyladriel is riding the horse along the beach in Numenor made me guffaw loudly because I genuinely thought they had switched to a Tampax commercial. It took me several seconds to figure out that I was still watching the show. So, kudos to whomever did that scene because I really needed a good laugh to wake me up from this otherwise boring train wreck. Seriously, who else could make a train wreck boring?
  • @Weaseldog2001
    I was confused early on, about why Guyladriel didn't dispatch the sea monster, as she can kill any monster with a single blow. Then the theme of the show became obvious. Nobody gives a crap about anyone else. Everyone is a narcissist and enjoys seeing their comrades die. It's amazing that these characters have bothered to build a civilization. Essentially, they are orcs, but without a unifying will, forcing them to work together.
  • @jul3249
    The most frustrating thing in all of this is we know they will learn nothing and keep ruining everything they touch.
  • @Weaseldog2001
    The ocarina music, is perfect for this. Props to the ocarina player. They have clearly put more effort into learning this instrument, than the ROP did in putting this series together.
  • The elves did to Galadriel what companies do to bad managers: promote them to a different department!
  • I have had enough of TROP, the writers are not storytellers. So Galadriel is responsible for all of Middle-earths wars and deaths and destruction since the second age! Talk about not knowing your source material. Probably one of the greatest character assassinations in tv history.
  • This show was so bad it actuall hurt me to watch as a die hard tolkien fan. Almost everything about it was dreadful, there were some nice location shots and sets. Nothing even remotely good enough to redeem this dumpter fire though. I loved your take on it and that terrible recorder music playing the howard shore shire music had me laughing my ass off. My morbid fascination will no doubt drive me to watch season two though, like watching my own autopsy as a hovering ghost above my corpse. Fun vid, it made me chuckle :)
  • If the sun on GUYladriel bugged you... What did you think of the Numenorians landing on Middle Earth in the WEST with the sun RISING behind them in the west while it's STILL night in the town 😅 basically in Rings Of Money Laundering the sun rises in the west and also.. sets in the west?
  • @mauser98kar
    Can we just stop for a moment and consider the fact: Between Sauron arriving in Eregion (several centuries into Second Age) and Durin's Bane awakening (year 1790 of Third age) passes around 3500 years or more. And if my memory serves me well, Mordor was formed as an aftershock from the War of Wrath at the very end of the First Age, meaning its another several centuries till balrog wrecks Khazad-Dum. Meaning, showrunners (I won't call those authors) crammed around whopping FOUR THOUSANDS YEARS of history into some weeks season 1 takes. That would be an unacceptable level of quality even for a fanfiction, even for a rule34 fanfiction! That's an unquality! That's like making movie about Fall of Rome and make Ramses the Second armed with musket fight Chalemagne on war elephant while Atilla pilots Enola Gay above them. Why even my cringy jest looks better than this show's timeline. It just don't... Why even care... This show is below cringe, below stupid jokes, below shite for quality, below character assassination and lore tarnishing, it a damn thing of its own. Its a singularity of everything wrong with how industry is ran. Fake or misguided passion, fake virtues worn as a camo-net, disrespect for everyone and everything, complete lack of understanding of what the heck they were even doing, lack of even basic writing skills, smudged in overbloated budget wasted on glitter instead of substance. One billion dollars. One billion dollars spent on making one of the least faithful and least quality-ful adaptation ever. Even when you expect shite, they surprise you with just how deep the brown stuff runs. Subverting of expectations by making even the worst expectation become too mild. WHAT?! THE?! HECK?!