中國「天降火箭」大量民眾恐慌奔逃!? 整截火箭「砸進村莊」還爆出橘紅致命毒氣!【關鍵時刻】20240625-4 劉寶傑 黃世聰 張禹宣 林裕豐 姚惠珍

Published 2024-06-25
Chinese rocket falls into densely populated area of ​​Guizhou! There are constant explosions and an unpleasant smell...the big part "Tiannu Sanhua"! ?
The falling rocket contains "deadly poisonous gas"! ? The terrifying neurotoxin "can penetrate through the skin" and cause opisthotonus and cerebral edema! ?
China Rockets... The mountainous areas of Guangxi and Guizhou have become the hardest hit areas! ? "Rockets dropped from the sky" at every turn, destroying homes and pouring poison gas! ?
Chinese rocket wreckage "plants flags everywhere" around the world! ? Xi Jinping calls himself a great aerospace country... Rockets litter the world!
The "bad titanium" that makes Boeing's fuselage look like paper comes from China! The aerospace alloy certification certificate is full of "corrosion holes" and is still fake! ?
Changsha drained 54 volumes of West Lake water in one hour! ? Heavy rain pours into the city in seconds... "When you drive, it turns into a river" and people are hiding on the roof of every car! ?
The water in Meizhou, Guangdong cannot be returned... a financial loss of 5.8 billion yuan! ? The winery was flooded and the car was buried under earth and rocks for 27 hours! ?
The pig survived by lying on the "air-conditioning outdoor unit" on the second floor! Heavy rains caused landslides and massive mudslides across China! ?
Heavy rains in Switzerland for days have caused shocking "landslides"! The beautiful scenery of the Alpine resort "Zermatt" becomes a torrent! ?
Extremely hot weather in Siberia causes disaster! ? Wildfire next to Lake Baikal...The train passing through the "forest fire" is like purgatory!
Global heat wave breaks record, Lincoln wax figure "decapitated" by heat wave! ? More than 230 "vulnerable species" howler monkeys in New Mexico died of heat!
High temperatures in June may set another record! ? Kuwait Triangular Pyramid Melted? Arabia is almost 50 degrees and the water tower is also "warm"! ?
Most of the victims of the evil fire in South Korea were "Korean women" from China! ? Work abroad in harsh economic conditions! ?
Taiwan stocks "a little red amid all the greenery" Taipower loses money... Clouded Leopard makes big money? Jen-Hsun Huang strengthens investment in "green electricity takes off"! ?

All Comments (21)
  • @fatcat-rr9oe
    跑什麼跑? 能用臉接住這些偉大祖國的火箭,是你們這些韭菜八百輩子修來的福氣
  • @edgecon1
  • 所以當初宇航火箭飛過台灣上空 , 政府發布國家警報 是合理的.........?
  • @woke_world
    抱歉你們沒搞清洪水的主要原因,不是因為大雨,除了沙漠,世界哪裡不下雨?是水庫過多+汛期洩洪。在大陸年年如此,造成人禍洪水主因皆是一样: 家。1,建設太多水庫9萬多座,政績工程大興土木嚴重破壞生態!2,各地水庫都為政績盲目蓄水,汛期之前不洩洪,卻在汛期了人為洩洪。3,冷血瀆職-排水系統造假。4,不合格甚至造假排水系統。 5 對生命和民生的漠視。幾乎沒有官員關心過百姓死活,更不關人定勝天的水庫工程對生態破壞導致自然環境惡化。
  • 土匪說:人命不是命=黨最大!可悲+人民是倒楣鬼!
  • @imi831043
    只要不是掉在中南海 那就不算啥事
  • 並不是故障也不是技術不行。習近平只是沒料到這樣的小村莊也有人會有手機拍影片。
  • @yimlee5042
  • @linjanheng
    這證明天上掉下來的永遠不會是餡餅 而是中國的航空拉雞和失敗的導彈試射😂😂😂😂
  • @nb2cr
  • @dino1894
  • 中國常常有天上掉下來的禮物,這是習老二最大的恩賜
  • 那一根長長黃色的是習的寶貝,簡稱龍遺,偉大的中國夢破滅。
  • @BLACKBASS0819
    發警報有屁用喔 全年台灣發警報 藍白拖不就在那邊該該叫
  • 不找臺日製鈦螺絲 卻找中國製 ???波音高層腦袋都中國屎?
  • 😊中共国有14亿的韭菜,你们觉得独裁的中共会在乎死一两千韭菜的生命吗?