老公放棄香港高薪厚職回流英國,變成全職爸爸…失去了男人的尊嚴?! My Husband Gave Up His Job for Our Family…

Published 2023-11-19
歡迎回來Reynolds Family的頻道☺️
Welcome back to the Reynolds Family Channel! ☺️

3 years ago, I lost my job in Hong Kong and it was a tough time. Thankfully Laurence had his teaching career and was able to take care of us financially. 🇭🇰👨‍🏫

Not only that, he supported me to start my journey on YouTube and has been in my corner ever since. 🫂👩‍💻

之後當我們下了一個重大決定移居到英國的時候,Laurence也同樣地做了重要的決定 — 犧牲他的事業,成為了一個全職爸爸,與我共同努力發展我們的頻道🇬🇧💪
Then, when we made the huge decision to move our family to the UK, Laurence took the equally massive decision to sacrifice his career, become a Stay-At-Home-Dad and join me to help make our channel even stronger.🇬🇧💪

But at what cost? How did he adjust from being the traditional breadwinner to this new modern role? 💰😬

Jump in and find out first hand from Laurence himself and at the same time find out if our kids consider what we do to even be a REAL job! 😅

And when it comes to a “REAL” job interview, see how Noah helps Daddy to film his application… 🤭

We hope you LIKE 👍 this VLOG and would love to hear your comments on this topic.

Thanks so much for watching and see you next time! 🥰

點擊鏈接查詢《輕鬆學英語 · 第一章節》電子書 : bit.ly/CasualCurriculum-Vol1

CLICK in link to access the Casual Curriculum E-book Volume 1: bit.ly/CasualCurriculum-Vol1

All Comments (21)
  • Hey everyone, thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts so far ☺ In case you missed it, here is our FIRST FREE E-book: bit.ly/CasualCurriculum-Vol1 😄📖 We hope it proves useful and you can take some meaningful learning away from it
  • @seanlo3898
    大學生做了媽媽,工作好好發揮卻突然失業,業餘拍片愛好者變成職業content creator; 外籍老師改行做了家庭煮夫,stay at home dad 做埋work from home dad; 兩夫妻家庭事業一起拍住上,做得好好!人生就是充滿很多可能性,只要你把握和爭取。
  • @gigi-sy6zw
  • @winniechan3439
    我一路聽你訴說,我一路哭,住我女隔離隣居,男人都是在家照顧一齊. 還照顧五個小孩老婆是當醫生的,現今社會,不要一成不變,這樣的男人,我們要敬佩❤
  • 其實而家咁流行網上一對一教英文,Lawrence 也可以在家中網上教英文,又可以陪仔仔。
  • @cherrychan3764
  • @jessicawong142
    看到Noah 哭的那一刻,他真的很不舍得爸爸去工作~ 加油加油❤
  • @carmen7892
    當Laurence 一路講感受時Gladys 一路好溫柔咁望住Laurence 對眼係充滿着愛同埋感激 🥹
  • @jessica2521
  • @shingshunlo5244
  • @CarrieLau-fc3rt
    你哋既片雖然唔長 但每一次睇到我都好感動 你哋夫妻學識感恩 感謝大家嘅付出 感謝大家嘅貢獻 每一次見到你哋拍嘅片反應好真實 兩個仔仔都唔做作 支持你哋繼續拍落去😊😊
  • @dorothykwok1240
    似乎係只是Gladys 轉變了工作性質,由marketing 轉了做YouTuber。 而Laurence 雖然在家工作,但其實工作性質沒有改變,Laurence 些終都係鍾情於教育工作❤
  • @gigi2004
    Noah is so sweet!!! when he cries, i can't help crying as well. Laurence is such a good man, husband and father. i love Reynolds family!
  • @jlouie8835
    I think if Laurence has a Youtube channel teaching English and that's his strength, why not, it can be very successful. You really don't need a 9 to 5 job to be called a family main income earner anymore. So many people work at home and still do very well including myself.
  • @hoodie7089
    其實依家好多人都將發展自媒體做個人事業,而且本身Lawrence 一開始都有份出鏡,佢既背景(老師同家事能手),個人覺得以男YouTuber 黎講幾新鮮,自你地搬左去英國,啲片都睇到好多Lawrence 既input ,相信對於呢個新身份佢會愈做愈好,可能好快就有人睇中Lawrence 既優點有廣告乾爹係特別贊助佢,就好似小巴西咁🙈😆❤️
  • @user-co3in6km3k
  • @clarachan8449
    好感動呀 由一開頭你開Channel 睇到現家 睇到你地用心禁拍片 用心放時間心機係屋企 真係鄧你高興有個禁好既老公 大家互相體諒支持付出 唔係個個家庭都可以做到❤❤❤❤
  • @dorothykwok1240
    睇多幾次先留意到Noah同爸爸講要誠實,真係要講一句: Good boy, Noah
  • @UKK-fs7fy
    I am a househusband and I’m proud of it. As parents, we’ll always choose the best option for our family
  • @ivyliu9711