Is League Of Legends Toxic?

Published 2024-07-24

All Comments (21)
  • @slimgrady6732
    Holy shit rant at 12:00 resonates so much I don’t wanna carry the game I want it to be a close nail biter where we fight it out in a epic team fight and 1 player is left standing to run it down and end those games always feels so much better to win for me at least
  • My favorite part about there being no voice chat in league is that riot self admittedly chooses not to implement it cause they think people will be mean and hurty feelings. there is literally 0 reason in 2024 why i have to stop playing the game to type a message to be able to communicate with team mates.
  • there are some inherently toxicity enabling things in league, but other than that, the real toxicity maker is addiction. addicts fighting over heroin.
  • @ghibli5111
    The big difference between League and other games is that if someone ints then enemies get stronger. In COD or shit like that, one person can't run down your game as hard, if he play poorly his value might be 0, in League a bad player has negative value.
  • @DBasedAlex
    It’s crazy seeing the 2014 LCS weekly breakdown because in my memory LMQ was stomping until playoffs, not just week 1 😂
  • @parody20
    13:30 I feel this in my soul, I'm just trying to get plat queueing ADC as a personal goal, and it feels like it never matters how well I do, it only seems to matters how the rest of my team does. If I do poorly but my team is stomping, I'm at least allowed to play the game for the most part. If I'm ahead and team gets stomped, can't even farm without being rolled under tower mid-late game
  • 3:37 but what if the other team is also trying to keep 30-40% winrate against you? At some point the "throw fest" eats its own tail.
  • @LifeWisdomTV
    I’ve never roasted people harder in my life than league
  • @bozy0223
    i came back to league to play 1 game of D4-D3 and the first game enemy jgler ran it down.
  • @XxILikePie03
    That Curse vs Complexity game. FantasyLCS was popping off, thanks Dom 😂
  • @its_peter1
    LS recently spoke about vc and toxicity and basically took opposing view saying it would make it more toxic, would be cool conversation between dom and ls, or just about league in general they’re a underrated duo imo always enjoyed their discussions on facecheck or powers spike now
  • @Lvl1Glaceon
    "I want them to lose" man, I feel Dom there. sometimes people play so bad and have such a disgusting attitude, it's like why should I try for you? They care more than I do. So the tingling sensation of just tabbing out is hitting
  • @pie2these
    The rant from 10:00 to 14:30 is 100% the reason I quit league, probably the most accurate rant about league I've ever heard. 40% of games my team will get completely stomped (usually flaming everyone who is not getting stomped), and I can't play at all and have to sit there afk for 20 minutes waiting for 1 mistake by their carry, and I have to play perfectly to capitalize, and I can't make a mistake all game. 40% of the games my team wins and usually just carries me and I could've been an AI. 20% of games are "real" games, where I have to hope I'm not in a losing lane or vs one of the many instant waveclear champions so that I can actually play the video game after doing nothing for 4 hours.
  • Riot doesn't do enough to encourage active play and cooperation within their game, the lack of comms within the game, the allowing of multiple accounts, lack of moderation on the higher and lower ends outside of extreme cases, coordination and team-play not being rewarded by the devs or through game balance, there are aspects of the game that encourages KDA chasing and there is very little encouragement to work together and actually help your teammates when being selfish is easier.
  • Big agree. I feel like I am playing 1v9 in like every game. I quit playing like 3 months ago and I had previously played every season since season 1 or 2
  • What got me from plat to master was when i played i just decided that im gonna spam farm and objectives and not force plays. When i can give the kill over to the laner and make it obvious I gave it to them and generally speaking you dont get flamed if you misplay later cause you did them a solid
  • @Vuosta
    I think toplane can carry games where everyone is feeding quite often. If you are ahead on a champion that can hard pressure sides you can potentially drag the game out so long that it allows your team to catch up and become relevant. It's part of the reason i enjoy it so much.
  • @DelgaDude
    Chat off and pings off whenever someone spam pings made the game so much more enjoyable for me. And I say this as a fucker who would be toxic and type.