Ridiculous Safety TikToks

Published 2021-04-09

All Comments (21)
  • Babe are you okay? You've barely touched your 87 nails and 7 push pins 🥺
  • @jerememe98
    As a former home depot employee I can confirm that watching people get their asses ripped from toilet seats is a daily part of the job
  • @chlo739
    i had no idea taunting highway lions was illegal i've been doing it for decades
  • I really appreciate the accuracy of how uncomfortable it is to think of what to say when someone knocks on the door in a public bathroom.
  • @gabbirucci5401
    Throwing in “would you like another nail? 🥺” was absolutely god tier Kurtis you fucking won YouTube
  • @sarahohsiek3671
    we may have lost the mustache but we still have the mullet and that’s what really matters
  • I was removed from a sex ed seminar (6th grade) because they tried to tell us you could get aids by just touching someone with it. I was pissed. My cousin has had aids for a very long time and I knew how wrong that was. I threw a fit and once my parents found out why, they did the same. The next year they updated their curriculum apparently to promote facts. But I have to state that these videos were unhinged. The animation was wild. It was like watching Street Sharks teaching sexually transmitted diseases. It was not Jawsome. My uncle is still alive and doing well. He was one of the few who was given the, as he calls it, “magic cocktail” when they were testing out various medications. He’s happy, has a fab husband, owns an art gallery, and still lives in his home state of South Dakota. Surprisingly the town he lives in all the residents are so very understanding and not judgmental. This is jawsome. Sorry this was random but it reminded me of the stupid safety videos and seminars they made us watch. Also this happened in the early 90s at a US public school. Also, anytime my bestie smokes weed, he’s gotta shit. So there’s that. 🎉JAWSOME🎉
  • @ItsGemystic
    I used to work at Home Depot and I can confirm, whenever someone got their ass glued to a toilet we all had to drop whatever we were doing to go watch or else we'd be fired
  • @bethanycarr7599
    As a Home Depot employee I can confirm that's literally what training videos are like
  • @Tj_Smeejay
    The woman who created Gert and Burt, the "Stay Alert, Stay Safe" bunnies was a Canadian mom whose child got kidnapped and eventually was found murdered, possibly killed by a serial child predator. She created the bunny safety mascots to teach children about being safe in various circumstances where they might encounter strangers without having a trusted adult around. Her hope was to prevent what happened to her child from happening to any others.
  • Actually, the man who ate 87 nails and 7 push pins didn’t eat them after an argument. The Doctors who removed them therorised he did it because he was suicidal after getting into a fight with his girlfriend.
  • @tylerherrod3454
    Canadian Parliament: "Who can we get to teach kids that talking to strangers is bad?" Mustached Kurtis: "I'm your huckleberry."
  • @smiley6080
    These puns makes me want to swallow 87 nails and 7 push pins while being glued to a toilet seat. Bee careful guys
  • @A129WOLFY
    this tiktok account is the embodiment of my anxiety. Just "Be Careful!" and nonsensical scenarios that will never happen playing out repeatedly
  • @erinsharing
    i work at home depot and i cannot overstate how hard you nailed that employee video
  • @rockinrobinn
    I like how it’s so specifically 87 nails as if swallowing 86 nails would be perfectly healthy.
  • "safety village" sounds like the most violently canadian thing I've ever heard
  • @faithtelford139
    These tiktoks are visual representations of my anxiety thinking of every worst case scenario
  • There was a safety place like that near me that everyone went to the summer before first grade, and they gave you a little diploma at the end of the week. I remember them showing us videos of things like a girl running on a pool deck, only to slip, fall, and break both legs. That week scarred me for life.
  • @wherehowwhat
    Smoke actually calms bees down, so the people from the house fire skit are actually pretty safe in terms of bees. My mom keeps some bees and she has this fancy thing for releasing smoke at the bees before she handles them. (I'm not terribly knowledgeable because I am afraid of the bees regardless.)