The Russian Woman Accused of 'Stealing' Ukrainian Children | Exclusive Interview

Published 2023-05-01
In an exclusive interview with VICE News, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s children’s commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova denies illegally deporting or brainwashing thousands of Ukrainian children.

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All Comments (21)
  • @mngx
    So let me get this straight, she adopted a child from Mariupol, after they killed his parents? Such generosity...
  • @DenysBrazhnyk
    She is a monster with a sweet smile. They themselves destroyed the cities and kill the parents of these children, and then she says that she saves them?
  • Mariupol was surrounded and controlled by Russians from day one of the invasion. Civilians trying to get through were shot. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed 90% of city buildings were ruined. It's ridiculous she's blaming Ukrainians for not being able to evacuate their own children. See you in Hague Lvova Belova.
  • @MiSt3300
    It's so creepy when she says that her heart told her that it's 'her child'. I think that she looks at all of these children and thinks that they 'belong to her' and to Russia and not to their Ukrainian parents that are now either killed by them or homeless in a refugee center somewhere. This is unbelievable evil... This is just horrible
  • @Jeffthermite
    >Smiling when getting accused of horrible things. >Blaming the other country of doing the thing they did. Ive seen enough.
  • @waterywaffles
    im amazed she can say "we don't use children for political purposes" while keeping a straight face. They literally just talked about how she "adopted" a 16 year old and how children were "thanking soldiers". This woman is pure evil. Saying a massive conflict like this was motived by "compassion and love" is so backwards.
  • @MrDanMeman
    She says children are not used for political purposes but they also have children thanking "Uncle Yuri" in front of thousands of Russians on state tv
  • @olga6770
    Боже, сколько лжи, сколько холодного лицемирия😥 Сложно было досмотреть это интервью, меня охватывает ужас от мысли, что судьба моих детей могла быть в руках этой женщины. Мы с мужем дважды успели эвакуировать своих детей из под надвигающейся российской "заботы", в 2014 из Донецка, в 2022 из Запорожья. Но не успела маму из Мариуполя, теперь она там фактичкски в заложниках. Мы уже 9 лет скитаемся в своей собственной стране, как только мы где-нибудь наладим жизнь, туда приходит россия, и всё разрушает. Это дикость и варварство. Мои дети сейчас, как и многие другие лишены детства, возможности жить дома, общаться с друзями, ходить в школу, видеть родных с оккупированных регионов, мы прячемся от смерти, и прячемся от жизни 😔
  • @Sentrme
    This is absolutely gross. I can't finish this. I hope the Ukrainian child she adopted learns she backed the killing of his parents. And can get away from crazy!
  • @gigidi9983
    “I am not a war criminal, I am a mother!” Woman, how many mothers have been gassing children in concentration camps before going back to their own children, just to give one example? Motherhood does not make you pure and innocent, it just means you are responsible for another human being- and even then you can still do a shitty job, or steal someone else’s child and call it your own!
  • @johnster02
    think about some ukrainian mother or family watching this interview and seeing the person who abducted their child on T.V, not in handcuffs, not in a jail cell. someone stole your little sister or little brother, and you’re watching the person you know did it on TV denying everything. you’d want to destroy this woman.
  • @TabLeTkaOFF
    I'm just shocked by this woman. I'm from Ukraine. My friend lived in Mariupol. When the Russians occupied the city, people who tried to escape from the city themselves were simply shot. Ukraine tried to make humanitarian corridors, only Russia constantly opened fire on those who tried to carry it out and on those who wanted to escape.
  • @giomjava
    This lady has the GALL to say Ukraine didn't save these children. She forgets to add that they wouldn't need saving if russia didn't attack at all
  • @DeeWeber
    9:10 You literally featured the children at a political rally in a huge stadium. What a cold dead liar she is.
  • @madeline6951
    I can't fathom how you managed to not punch her face. Must've taken every last drop of your professionalism.
  • @Acidlib
    “There were no humanitarian corridors [in Mariupol]” Who’s fault is that? How is Ukraine supposed to create humanitarian corridors when Russia had the city entirely surrounded since the first month of the invasion? This is literally schoolyard bully “why are you hitting yourself” logic. It’s like if the US hadn’t gave any warning about dropping nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, then blamed Japan for not evacuating quick enough. The blood is on your hands, Russia, the least you can do is take responsibility.
  • a cold, cruel woman, she does not think that kidnapping children and forcibly turning them into Russians is a war crime. It's creepy to look at the eyes of such a person
  • @Peter421
    You can literally see the evil in her grin
  • Какой ужас! У меня мурашки по коже от этого интервью. Я как будто интервью с маньяком посмотрела. Только его не поймали, а отпустили дальше делать свои дела. Раньше я думала: «Как эта миловидная женщина не понимает что творит?». А сейчас я думаю, что она прекрасно понимает, что делает. И на это смотреть жутко. Улыбается, в те моменты, когда это неуместно. Как социопат какой-то. Прикрывается своими детьми и чужими. Жуть! И уже совсем не кажется миловидной. Волк в овечьей шкуре. Я очень надеюсь, что она окажется в Гааге и понесёт наказание за все зло, которое сделала.