BNC#5: "By evolution or creation, humans were designed to eat fat and protein" – Prof. Tim Noakes

Published 2023-03-31
Professor Tim Noakes' presentation at the BizNews Conference in March detailed the failures of medical science and the imitation scientists who fervently serve at the behest of "The Science". Noakes' grasp of the complexities of the ongoing yet unseen pandemics of diabetes and obesity, among other equally critical matters, exemplified a perfect marriage between incontrovertible comprehension and the kind of simplicity only critical thought and accuracy could inform. Albert Einstein would have applauded and thanked Noakes for demonstrating the degree of understanding referred to in one of his prolific quotes: If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself."


00:00 Tim Noakes on purported incidences of people dying after cutting out carbohydrates and how he deals with this kind of criticism
01:48 On the number of books he reads and owns
02:10 On human beings have evolved to eat fat and protein
04:33 How the reason the low-carb diet took off the way it has
04:59 The history behind the term 'banting.'
08:27 On disproving the "immortal marathon runners hypothesis
08:55 On academic funding switching from government to industry in the 1980s and how this has compromised scientific integrity
11:28 On the link between insulin resistance and mental disorders
13:54 On the misconceptions around and demonisation of cholesterol
15:37 On food addiction and its role as a primary obstacle to the prevention of diabetes reversal
17:27 The backstory behind insulin injections being used to treat diabetes
19:42 On the significance of the microbiome and gut bacteria, particularly their effect on overall health, being overlooked

All Comments (21)
  • @Wings_nut
    Thanks to Prof Noakes and the carnivore diet (I eat no carbs or plants), I am able to run 100 miles a week completely fat-adapted and glycogen-depleted. Two Sundays ago I qualified for the Boston Marathon, running on fat and ketones only. BTW I'm 61 years young.
  • Thankyou for your time. My son went on a therapeutic Ketogenic Diet after refusing chemo and radiation for his malignant brain tumor in November 2018. He's in Matric this year 💛🙏
  • @chazwyman8951
    I went on my first calorie restricting diet 50 years ago, and pretty much every year after that. They all ended the same way some good weight loss; but tired and hungry and obsessed with food, eventually leading to putting all the weight back on with a higher normal weight. Last year ended up 254 lbs, on 7 medications, prediabetic, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, and with pulmonary edema. In 2022 I started low carb fasting with one good meal per day, increasing meat, fish, eggs, and green veg. Now I am 209lbs, no more heart pain or fatty liver; dropped 3 medications, no more prediabetes. But the great thing is that fasting was easy after the second day, and once you become fat adapted hunger is no longer a problem. I wish someone had told me 50 years ago.
  • @debigreig4557
    Tim noakes is the first person I ever listened to when I was eating sad and it was a complete lightbulb moment for me he simplifies things and makes it so easy to understand thankyou Tim noakes❤️
  • I have to agree with him. I am 43 and lost 35Kgs (77lbs) last year with the assistance of the Keto diet and haven't felt better in 20 years.
  • I'm 45 years old. It is extremely difficult to change your diet when at every turn society and people are pushing the "regular" form of consumption. From my own experience I can say I absolutely feel great eating nothing but eggs milk and meats
  • @iainneilson1453
    Thank you for sharing this conversation. With regard to Professor Noakes' point about kidney stones: I followed the Atkins Diet, back in the 1990's, and abandoned it, when I passed a kidney stone. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, and frightened me. What I now realise, having done my research and following a low-carb diet for over a year, is that the only reason I passed that kidney stone, was that it had reduced to the point where it could pass through the ureter. It was not the Atkins Diet which caused the kidney stone. And the same is true for any low-carb, ketogenic or carnivore approach: if, as a result of years of high-carb eating, you have kidney stones, it is very likely that they will be passed out through the ureter. Likewise, gallstones.
  • I agree that our bodies are designed to eat fat and protein . I restrict my carbs intake and never felt fitter, healthy and stronger. I am 62 years old and take no pills.
  • @MagnusAzul101
    Currently in Maasai Mara on a community project, Maasai people mostly eat meat. Upon further investigation, they have no cardiovascular, diabetes or high-BP. They are lean, flexible, mobile & agile right up to old age.
  • A profound statement Tim Noakes about cholesterol is meant to keep you alive. The liver would not produce cholesterol if cholesterol was meant to kill you. Awesome. 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
  • @richking4705
    I was on low fat diet my whole life , wasn’t ever fat but now I’m on high fat and protein diet and I’m absolutely thriving, I’m happy all day and massive energy, I look back and carnt believe how wrong my diet was for 35 years
  • @Paul-Weston
    There's an obese woman at my work. I told her to try a low carb diet. She said she already tried that and she got ill. Did she really get ill, or was she just looking for an excuse not to give up sugar?.
  • I so wish Prof Tim Noakes would make more video’s! So humble and friendly. What a legend!!! I also wonder what happened to the people who almost destroyed his life???
  • @raftguy
    Listen to Tim - it's about history! Weston A Price (a dentist) conducted the most detailed study of nutrition and human health by traveling the world in the 20's and his incredible book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration is the most amazing read. It showed that traditional high fat diets were known to be the core of healthly living in traditional lifestyles and when this was followed there was no sign of the degenerative diseases that we know today. His observations were backed up by physicians that lived in these areas. He also showed how the switch to modern diets was a factor in the increase in mental health issues.
  • @johnryden2921
    I’m a 58 year old male, 5’ 11” 175 lbs, and I’ve been eating 42 egg per week (6/day) for years. Every month I donate platelets at our local blood clinic for use by burn victims. (Not to be confused with plasma donation). This is a two hour process where they extract the platelets from my blood and return my red blood cells and plasma. Hanging above my machine is a yellow bag of platelets. My technician loves my platelets, she says most people’s are a milky yellow due to the triglycerides ( suspended fats) mine is rich clear golden yellow.
  • Thank you so much for acknowledging God. All the other scientists I've been listening to believe in evolution. You just raised my respect for you immensely.
  • @butchlester1
    Alec the statement Prof Noakes made concerning the professors in cohoots with big pharm needs some exposure
  • @mossfairy3060
    I have just cut out all carbs..and I definitely have seen an felt the difference..I don't even get heartburn like I got eating wheat an gluten.ill carry on eating no or little carbs. Sugar is my addiction. Battling eith that. thankyou
  • Doctors are being trained to treat symptoms with drugs, not solve or cure the problems that cause the symptoms.