WE ARE TERRIBLE PARENTS | Wildlife Biologists Play WolfQuest | Part 2

Published 2024-02-11
The biologists of the Wildlife Wire are back playing WolfQuest Anniversary Edition, this time they take on the challenge of raising pups. In a surprising realistic and brutal struggle to raise the Skeleton puppies.

How long can Dominic and Justin keep the pups safe??

Comment down below what which moment was your favorite and if you’d like to see more WolfQuest in the future.

All Comments (14)
  • @emberlight2721
    The more territory you have claimed between you and rival wolves reduces the amount of wolf attacks
  • @FragulumFaustum
    Well, on the plus side, at least you can keep calling them the Skeleton pups?
  • @pinkpupplayz6269
    Me as an avid player am cringing over the disorganization, BUT you both did pretty well for your first time playing and having no prior knowledge about game controls . Props to you both 🎉
  • @Liper21
    This was very fun to watch! As someone who has never played Wolf Quest but heard of it, it was very fun to see it be played from a biologists point of view!
  • @doktorhyena
    Justin, great job with the thumbnail! This was hilarious
  • @pennylane7377
    Man, you make being a wolf look hard ;) in all honesty, I played through easy and it was a challenge. I look forward to increasing the difficulty. It looks like the game is a lot of fun playing with a friend too!
  • @_Tinja_
    Oh my god, you're having it rough! I love when new people try WolfQuest, but please, read the instructions! You are missing so many helpful things, like that you can turn the nametags on by pressing N, which helps a lot with seeing where the pups are and finding each other when away from the den. Or that you can lock on to other animals by lef-clicking while you see the arrow pointing at them, which helps during hunting and predator attacks. I couldn't watch this to the end so I'm not sure if you figured it out at some point xD
  • @emberlight2721
    Also haven't finished video but the young ungulates have a music que if you see a mom by herself and the music changes it means there may be a baby near. Good luck with your time playing
  • @jurassicswine
    I’m going to leave all my bear jokes here: Where would a bear want to propose? Bear-ring-ia. What kind of hat does a bear like to wear? A bear-rett. Where does a bear store his fish? In a bear-rel.