Raspberry Pi Pico Clone with 16MB Flash, USB-C, Neopixel, and More!

Published 2022-08-17
Clones of the Raspberry Pi Pico have started to appear for sale. These clones offer more features, for less money. But are they truly compatible? What extra features do you get? Let's find out.

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All Comments (21)
  • Just for the Type-C connector, I would prefer the clone board. I hate micro-USB plugs, they are just too flimsy and breaks way too soon.
  • Fantastic, love the USB-C connector. For my future projects, definitely going with something like this.
  • @dphair3805
    Gary, thank you for doing these videos and making your code available. Helps a beginner like me to learn without reinventing. I had to bridge R68 on my board to work the neopixel and noticed at 7:10 on the video that your board is already bridged. Also updated a couple of GPIO numbers in the code to match what you explained on the video.
  • I’ve successfully use a couple of these with Pimoroni’s Pico RGB Keypad Base without any issues. You get extra memory, user button, a neopixel and much better usb C which is better for repeated connection/disconnection. I found they arrive a lot quicker (< 2 weeks) if you order multiple boards at a time. One thing to note is they are wider than a regular Pico and will overhang pins/connections on some prototype boards.
  • @OcenaSoft
    I have a few different Pi Pico's and then got this one as a result of your video. Have to say, for the price, I am impressed!!! It works the same and functions just like the real thing in Arduino IDE as well. It's good to have the reset pin and the RGB LED for testing as well. Now, knowing what I know about the clones, I would have gone for this one first. Now I can't wait for the Wi-Fi version to hit the market, as that is what I have the most of. Great video and well explained - thanks!!!
  • @avejst
    interesting video as always 👍 great walkthrou of the board. Thanks for sharing your expirences with All of us 👍😃
  • @ddbhaha1529
    GPIO pinouts are printed on PCB. MUCH BETTER!
  • I have 4 in house and 2 on order of the RPi-2-pico-W (Pico W). I just ordered 2 clones with RP2040 TYPE-C 16MB after watching this. Thanks Gary.
  • @davidmarks509
    I have one and its got nicescreen printing on the top and bottomfor all the pints SUPER NICE.
  • I bought one, the only difference I noticed that may cause incompatibility is: The 3v3_EN pin was disconnected from GPIO 23 so you can no longer control the SMPS but the pin instead controls the NeoPixel.
  • @CDRaff
    Just wanted to throw out a little tip to make life during a USB transition easier and that is: Adapters. I got these great USB-C to USB Micro and USB Mini adapters that use jewelry clasps to fasten to the cable and they are amazing. No more digging for older cables when I am working with a board like a Pico or an Arduino Nano. I wish they made a USB-B one. Stupid Uno and it's ancient connector.
  • @XanCraft21
    Thank you for showing us this. I’ve been thinking if getting one of these clones with the higher flash memory. I already have a clone that looks like the original with the original 2 megabyte flash, but i plan on upgrading to 16 megabytes. This version mentioned in this video also comes with 4 megabytes of flash. I would be careful which seller you buy these from, as some sellers flat out ignore messages without even trying to help, random cancellations of orders, and can be a total scam.
  • @DamianRene
    VCC-GND Studio is the original designer and manufacturer of this RP2040 based Raspberry Pico clone black board. It uses an LDO regulator instead of a buck-boots converter; it is a very low dropout voltage regulator still good for a Li-Ion or LiPo battery (up to 3.4V). The advantage of the LDO is a massively reduction in power consumption in sleep and dormant states.
  • Thanks! I just ordered 5 of these with 16MB flash, for a total of $16 US, from AliExpress.
  • @stargator4945
    Is there an original firmware (current) changed to recognize the 16 MB, because it only detects 2MB with the original one. I had to use the Pomodori Lipo 16MB to see the other ones, but I would like to have the original firmware only updated for the 16MB. Do you have any hints for this?
  • @hiddencat3785
    Exists also a very similar board "WeAct RP2040", with 16 mb of flash, with one small difference - 3.3v output on 4-th pin fron right side, not on 5th... And no NeoPixel LED there)
  • @phantu9113579
    one question gary, is uploading code go to the flash chip? and how to check the flash size of the chip. i am quite new to this
  • To answer Gary's question: Since (all) the clones are based on original design/drawings from RPi Foundation, the RP2040 chip itself will be the original one (hard to clone this, right?) and other components that were present in the original design should be basically the same (BOM is included in public design files) => I wouldn't expect any issues related with the RP2040 itself (oscillator, power, USB compliance, ...). However, the more "changed" the clone is, the less trust I would have. No one wants his RPi Pico project to random reboot occasionally. For critical projects I would choose the original only.