Ban ...

Published 2021-04-01
It is difficult to understand certain attitudes, I was banned (for what?) Two days ago I took a beating on the same map from the same player and incredibly I could not find him shooting, I knew where he was (as always in the same place) but I died without being able to see him shooting, without seeing any part of his body ... Yes because in SE4 even his foot shoots, his hand, his helmet (lmao) .. but anyway ... I put up with that without complaining, just said it once in a tone of amusement who didn't see him, he replied .. "good for me, the stone saves me". When I saw him I was dancing here and there .. (on other occasions he would be saying .. "don't dance please" ... if it were another player) .. on the next map RIVIERA it was my turn ... I killed him several times times and a newbie many times. Then he started to complain and, as he always does, he left the game. I also received complaints from another player (I will not quote his name) that I practice banning from our server .. very well, a player with 20 hours of play (not the one who complained about me) who knows all the maps and the good places besides the favorite places of some players and he has the audacity to say that he never played SE4 made me his victim and was the one that killed the most on his team. After a lot of talking to him and listening to the same bullshit all the time I waited for the next map to prove that he was a well-known player with problems with the servers hidden behind another account. Yes, a night map where I always stand out, and I went to my favorite place ... close to the border where for someone to arrive it is difficult because you have to show yourself to the other players so even if you take great care, I find you. Well, that's when the ban ... he was alone in the team, the others left were 4 x 1 me and 3 more experienced players ... with an average of 3 thousand hours of play each ... and he with his until then 23 hours of game ... and he made a comment "me against 4?", I said can you do it is a super sniper, another one of our team disee .. "wait for new players", he replied .. "no need". .. and immediately afterwards he killed me in my very difficult place .. few find me there .. there are five thousand hours that already know me jajaj so I take care of him ... That same player who complained was in another situation but same map and he already has a few hours of play but he is careless, and I killed him from the same place where this 23-hour rookie found me very simply ... The player in question started to say that I was already getting suspicious for killing so much, and he even made accusations against me, but unlike my friends and admins who were playing with me .. I decided not to ban and even explained some things but he he didn't accept it, and on other servers it bothered me a lot about it ... do I need to draw anything else?

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