Dress Me Up Giveaway (USA & CANADA ONLY~~~I'm really sorry International subscribers)

Published 2022-07-27
You must be 18 years of age or older to enter this giveaway. This giveaway is not sponsored by anyone. I have purchased all the items with my own money. This giveaway is only for THE USA AND CANADA. I'm really sorry I forgot to say that in my video. You must be a public subscriber to my channel ( I must be able to see you are subscribed) and you need to leave me a comment in the comment section below this video. It cannot be a 1 or 2 word message. Please let me a sentence let me know what you are working on, where your from (If you are close to me, I'm in Lafayette Indiana please let me know if you maybe would like to meet up in the future) or anything you want to say but please be kind because if you are not I will delete your comment and ban you from the channel.
This giveaway is going to go till August 31st. I will choose a winner on September 1st and as soon I get the winners address I will mail out the winners package.

Please check out Creative Grandma if you haven't already been watching her. She's got some great content that you will be sure to learn from as I have.

My contact email:
[email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • Hello. I was born in Mckeesport PA 62 years ago. When I was 1 my family moved to California where I have been ever since. I have been crocheting for over 50 yrs and currently I have so many wips going it would take all day to type them in this comment. Most of my projects are donated to charity. I make towel toppers and donate them to Stitchin Ain't Easy who takes them to a woman's shelter near her. Please take care and have a great day.
  • Hi April and thank you for this giveaway. I saw this booklet on Glenda's Creative Grandma channel. I've never made towel toppers before, but would love to. The yarn you are including will work up nicely. I'm in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Have a great week.
  • Hello April Lee, this is amazing. I made some scrubbiest and gave them to my daughter. I love the book. Toppers are really nifty. I too like towels that are the same on both sides. I have a son living in Evansville Indiana. I have lived in western NY all of my life. I am actually only 3 miles from where I grew up. I am country too. 💕NonnaGrace
  • I love Glenda 💕💕 she always looks so organized and is very crafty!! Great to see you! I used to drive 200 miles round trip every day to work at IRS in Des Moines Iowa. I've been to Rolla Missouri once to drop my daughter off at her dad's for visitation. I have severe fibromyalgia in my left shoulder, neck and arm, neuropathy in my right thigh, scoliosis, sciatica, 4 ruptured discs, and bone spurs on those vertebrae. I've had a disc replacement with fusion at the c5-c6 level in my neck. I also am bipolar with manic depression and have PTSD. I've lived in Arkansas, Utah, Colorado, Missouri, Idaho and Iowa.
  • I don’t think I’ve ever seen that pattern leaflet before. I’ve got a new granddaughter coming in December and I’m making up dresses, headbands, and Mary Jane’s. Also, trying to keep up the MAL’s with Crochet Creations by Christi in YouTube. I’m having fun doing it all.
  • Hi April. What a wonderful giveaway. I didn't know she had that magazine out m i would love to try and make that. Thank you again.
  • @barbp66
    Thank you for this nice giveaway. I have made many towel toppers over the years and give them away as gifts. I don't have Glenda's pattern book but would certainly love it. The patterns look so cute. I have always lived in Minnesota.
  • Lovely giveaway. Haven't made any towel toppers yet. Like those 2 you picked out. I watch Creative Grandma, I didn't realize she had that booklet. Thanks for the nice giveaway Watching you from Canada, I am about 500 miles from you..
  • Hi April - I just started my first hat & scarf to send to Rose for the WINGS program. Hat almost done. I live in the San Joaquin Valley in a town named Tracy. It’s not too far from Modesto (Scott Peterson case). I’m 75 yo and my grandmother taught me how to make a chain when I was 6. Unfortunately she passed away before I got to learn anymore. When I was 30ish I bought a book and taught myself to crochet and have been crocheting off & on since then.
  • You inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and become a pattern tester. Thank you for being an inspiration to me.
  • Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Love Glenda and I remember when she showed her booklet. Bless you and your family 🐰🐰
  • Hi April! What a nice giveaway! I’ve never made a towel topper and this would give me the nudge ! They seem like the perfect summer crochet project! I love the Lafayette area ! It’s so pretty there !
  • I have seen that booklet before, it looks really neat! I'm currently crocheting a shawl. I'm in Alberta, Canada.
  • Hi April. Love Glenda. Her booklet is one that is on my list to get. Thank you for the chance to win. I have a grandson coming in October so I have been working on baby stuff. This would be a nice change and make something pretty for my kitchen.
  • Creative Grandma is amazing! I live in a small town in Northern Utah. About 60 miles north of Salt Lake City. I love living in a small town. The downfall is I have to go to a different city to find a Michael's, Hobby Lobby or Joann's. It's good to hear more about you
  • Hi April, I'm a Ga girl who loves crochet, I'm working on fall craft fair projects, mostly amigurumi, so that takes awhile but I totally enjoy it. Thank You for the opportunity to win.
  • What a nice giveaway. I watch creative grandma too. I'm working on my first filet crochet...argh it's tedious and I've frogged a few times lol. I have a small farm in Alberta, Canada.
  • Thank you for the beautiful giveaway, I love Glenda and have been wanting to get this pattern booklet. Your channel is great too, keep up the great work. I am making a sweater from Jeanne on the hook.