Minecraft - Vertical Semiautomatic Farm

Published 2019-10-14
This farm produces items at a rate of 48 per harvest per layer. If the first layer is at Y=67 (which is roughly where most bases are at) and you build it all the way to the maximum build height of 255, that will be 47 layers, or 2,256 items per harvest.

Size: 13x14

Material list for the first layer:
-52 Bone Blocks
-48 Dirt
-28 Redstone Dust
-21 Stone Bricks
-11 Water
-10 Torches
-8 Pistons
-6 Redstone Repeaters
-6 Polished Andesite Slabs
-3 Redstone Torches
-3 Stone
-3 Ladder
-2 Polished Andesite
-2 Chests
-1 Stone Stair
-1 Sign
-1 Hopper
-1 Button
-Digging Utensil

Material list per subsequent layer:
-64 Bone Blocks
-48 Dirt
-20 Stone Bricks
-11 Redstone Dust
-10 Torches
-9 Water
-8 Pistons
-6 Polished Andesite Slab
-4 Stone
-4 Redstone Torches
-4 Ladder
-2 Polished Andesite

The reason I used bone blocks in this to start with is that, in the Minecraft server that I play on with a friend of mine, we have a skeleton grinder that we use for XP, so we have an absolutely absurd supply of bones at all times and needed something to use them for. And... well, it just so happened to work perfectly.

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