DBD's New Anti-Tunnel Perk Is S-TIER!

Published 2024-03-17

All Comments (21)
  • @shadysorkin9214
    "My teammates actually tried helping me there, which I wasn't expecting" If that isn't the dbd experience idk what is.
  • @clearlycaileigh
    “we’ll allow it bc is james” has no business being so funny
  • @idkbrittt
    i was screaming 'NO KEEP THE FLASHLIGHT' and you wanted to give it back XD
  • @Wolvahulk
    Perks like these make me wish we just had perk info of our teammates in SoloQ. It's seriously so dumb we don't imo. It would also help new players learn what perks do a lot quicker...
  • @kenwashere5408
    I literally won a game against a bubba yesterday because a sable had wicked. She got put in basement and I was mentally preparing myself for the save when she unhooked herself. Bubba immediately came back and spent like 2 minutes checking basement lockers because he couldn’t find the unhooker. By the time he was done he was down to 1 gen.
  • @Orssi
    4:16 I do kinda miss the old days where you just go in a game with all solo queue teammates that will do stupid stuff and make the video more fun and a lot less sweaty even though solo queue teammates are bad made for more relatable moments
  • @MayoIsSpicy
    3:22 Oh my god thank you so much! I really like watching your videos but I know nothing about DBD, so when you just say the name of a perk I have no idea what it does haha Whoever came up with these perk cards is the best. Super well done, as well
  • @hvk6506
    I'm glad there's finally a reason to hang around the basement
  • @snoopdoggydog172
    Your ability to stop yourself from exiting the theatre as Billy zooms past is insane. Noice.
  • It's nice to always hear you positive playing this game, even when talking about your teammates. It's a nice change of pace from most DBD youtubers
  • @dunktastic7942
    Ultimate show in the background just reminded me of my favorite game in my childhood thank you for this nostalgia ayrun
  • @MSXexe
    These longer videos are good! Your content is very enjoyable, keep it up