Night Approach With No Landing Light KFRG

Published 2007-01-03
This was my first night landing without using a landing light. I think it came down pretty good, although my video assistant was a little wobbly on touch down with the camera. I'm flying a Piper PA 28-161.

All Comments (21)
  • @itzajdmting
    I'm glad I came across your video, I'm gonna make sure I practice without a landing light when I do my night rating now. Thanks to you both.
  • @itzajdmting
    Excellent, thanks for talking me through it..I really think it's a good idea to practice like this (inc. dark panel)...God forbid if anything did ever 'go dark' you'd be prepared for it.
  • @silvybarreiro
    Que miedoooo, aterrizar sin luz!!!!! Q buen PILOTO
  • @soulprovider915
    Thank You!!! I actually prefer no landing light unless it's gusty or a stiff unsteady cross wind. Yeah, it's unfortunate that many pilot's don't practice landing without the light. But, as my instructor used to say, not many GA pilot's even fly at night. I prefer it better than the day. I like the looking at the lights.
  • @xybervid
    Oh I see; I thought the lights were inop which would be a FAR no-no (if the a/c is for hire). I'm glad your CFI makes you do this. Mine did also, and a week after I got my Private, my landing lights and taxi lights all failed during a night flight from Santa Barbara to KSMO. Training works! :)
  • @soulprovider915
    Actually, I was renting it!!! I have full permission to practice stuff like that!! My old instructor owns the plane and he made me do those landings without the light during my training. He was very proud of me when I showed him the video!!! Thank you for your nice comment!!
  • @KHFY172
    @soulprovider915 Very good advice. I practiced one with my instructor once and my first night XC the landing light burnt out in the old 172N and I had to do 2 landings without it. Glad I practiced it!
  • @soulprovider915
    It's excellent practice. Cut your power back a little bit on final, ride it in, and when you flare pull the power back enough to keep you going forward but sink about 50 ft per minute. After a bit of practice will be able to flare with power off over the runway just like a daytime landing.
  • @soulprovider915
    @KHFY172 I'm glad to hear that. I didn't realize people were watching this video still. It's better to know how to and not need to than to need to and not know how to!! I've probably done at least 30 or so landings like this. I prefer this way more than with the light.
  • @soulprovider915
    Yes it is! You can see the shopping center on your right and the rotating beacon on your left.
  • @soulprovider915
    Nice. I'm going to maybe upgrade to flying an Archer (181) occasionally.
  • @aviator147
    thats what im flying in out FRG to for me training!
  • @soulprovider915
    @itzajdmting So sorry to not have responded. I didn't realize this video was still getting viewed. I hope all went well with your training.
  • @N605JB
    i fly a pa28-161 out of frg too. it was a 151
  • @itzajdmting
    @soulprovider915 no problem...I'm about a third of the way through m PPL now....had to put in on hold for a while though sadly.
  • @xybervid
    Assume you were not renting that A/C? But nice landing all the same!
  • @soulprovider915
    @CJModiano Hi... No it's not. However it's a really good idea. Although the chances of some major system going wrong are slim, you may find yourself without the landing light more often than one would like. If you haven't trained with no landing light and all of the sudden you don't have one it could be a real problem. I'm at the point where i prefer no light. It's easier on the eyes. Plus landing in the abyss is kind of cool!!!
  • @soulprovider915
    @itzajdmting I've been off about a year. I will be getting out again this fall. I might go for my complex rating in a Mooney.
  • @N605JB
    no, my plane was a 151, but it got a new engine, and now its a 161
  • @CJModiano
    Is landing without a landing light part of training at some point or something?