RANT; Violence!

Published 2018-10-30
Violent Left, I tells ya!

All Comments (5)
  • @LaVonneWhiteman
    @chas ames please, refer to your first video, entitled "RANT; Immygrints!" as I have responded to this video and I think it is, for the most part apropos to this video as well.
  • @trollop_7
    You don't want to know where you're wrong. Your mind, such as is left of it, is evidently made up, and beyond reach or repair. There's still plenty of fuming emotionalism left in the tank though. With that level of passionate fervor on display, it's a wonder you haven't committed an atrocity yourself - perhaps you already have. It's precisely this kind of fervid exhibition that you (yourself) would construe as incitement were you to clock it tumbling from the mouth of "the other side" (ie. people you disagree with).