why does it get worse before it gets better? #manifestation #jesusistheway #prayerworks

Published 2024-04-16
As I sit here nursing a foot with nerve pain that I can best describe as a "toothache but in the foot," I realise that sometimes when we ask God for something, things seem to get worse for awhile before they get better. (Healing from stroke follows a physiological progression of flaccidity (no muscle function) to spasticity (function and feeling return, which can sometimes be accompanied by chronic pain), and then back to usual function.

This chronic pain in my foot made me think about how the blind beggar in John 9 asked Jesus that he might see again, and then Jesus put more layers of occlusion on his eyes and told him to find his way to a specific pool to wash it off. An inconvenience for a blind man, to say the least.

When Jesus says his yoke is easy and his burden is light, he requires us to do certain things still.

I don’t know about you, but if I were born blind, finding my way to a specific pool with spit and dirt in my eyes is a minor inconvenience I’d gladly suffer to gain sight!

As my sales trainer once said, the Universe will meet you halfway. It won’t come all the way to you. You have to do something, and then the Universe will move toward you. You need to do something. Just make sure it’s light and easy, to jive with the nature of Jesus.

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Till next time, keep moving forward with light and easy actions and see if God won't meet you halfway!

#prayer #manifestation #healingjourney #bibleteaching #jesusistheway

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