Dead Space or Resident Evil 4 | Which Remake is Better?

Published 2023-04-02
Dead Space Remake vs Resident Evil 4 Remake - reviewed on PC

Well damn, some of you seemed to really enjoy my Resident Evil 4 remake review, and had loads of comments as to whether the Dead Space remake we got earlier in the year was better than Resident Evil 4 that’s just released, and well.. Seeing as so many of you provided your comments and thoughts, I thought I might not only provide my opinion, but also where maybe Dead Space might be preferred over Resident Evil, and where Resident Evil still remains the master of Survival Horror.

#deadspace2023 #residentevil4remake #gaming

All Comments (21)
  • @Tec3258
    I liked both games but I think I prefer resident evil 4, anyway I enjoyed them both and I loved them.
  • @morsecode5078
    They’re both amazing. There’s no winner in my book. Just incredible games.
  • My favorite small detail is in dead space after Isaac comes back inside from a space walk his suit is frozen at first for obvious reasons lol but if u wait and watch his suit thaws becoming wet and having a shine to it from the water then it drys from the interior atmosphere and temperature... It blew me away when I first realized what was happening. I legit thought i had horrible texture delay at first 😂🤦‍♂️
  • RE4 is more fun but Dead Space is actually scary and had me at the edge of my seat. The zombies in RE4, even when they sneak up on me, didn't scare me because it felt like a product of the action elements of the game because I usually had to be completely overwhelmed in order for that to happen. Also, the sound and graphical superiority isn't something that should be easily dismissed. RE4 looked like a PS5 game for the first 30mins, but I felt the game graphically felt like a PS4.5 game once you leave the village with the castle and island having lots of low res textures and weak lighting. Dead Space looks like an actual PS5 game from start to finish and the sound design is half the reason it's so scary.
  • Both originals had a HUGE impact on my childhood and the remakes were nothing short of incredible.
  • @rhysmyatt5136
    These two games are incredible..I love both. One thing I love about dead space is the complete lack of a HUD and how your suit and guns convey your health and ammo.
  • Finished the RE4 remake last week and it was fantastic. After that I decided to buy the Dead Space remake and playing it as we speak... And guess what: Its also fantastic. These 2 games combined with the Metroid Prime Remaster has shown early 2023 has been a great time for remakes and fans of the original classics.
  • @sikevillian
    Both Remakes are great so you can't go wrong with either really. I guess it really comes to preference. I love Dead Space RE for it's very spooky dreaded atmosphere, badass weapons, creative enemies even in groups that can scare/ambush you, redone sections for the better and combat is fantastic as ever with more refinement to some systems.. RE4 RE has phenomenal combat & I daresay it's a bit more engaging. A more refined darker story, characters for the most part are written well and the pacing is absolutely impeccable. Bosses are better here too imo.. I grew up with both games so I love both equally..
  • @Matt-bg5wg
    I think what both remakes bring to the table over their originals cannot be understated enough. How they improved the Ishimura for example, turning it from a linear level design with loading screens and no back tracking, to a huge singular level with no loading screens and the ability to travel everywhere and backtrack is insane. Likewise with what CAPCOM did with RE4R, and for example expanding the entire lake region among a hundred other awesome improvements.
  • @uh0p
    This was insanely well done, took me a solid brick to even figure out you had 1K subs. Quality content, crisp mic, Good cutaways/memes, best of all that script is flawless.. My man I’m here before 100k. :D
  • @samd2013
    I like both but I prefer RE4, it kindof has it all for me. It’s scary when it needs to be scary, it’s over the top when it needs to be over the top, it makes you feel badass when you need to be badass. Also the 3 settings of the village, castle, and Island are all so unique and add alot of setting and enemy variety with all three areas having their own feel.
  • I have to go with Dead Space because I prefer that Kind of story and the weapons. The gore is unbelievable the way flesh rips from the bone. Such a great game.
  • @damousx6860
    re4 just has insane replayability. it's def' goty so far.
  • They are different games. I like both. Resident evil 4 has grown on me and now I like it for what it is. DS had me grinning from ear to ear. I LOVED RE2 remake.
  • @Mega6staR
    Dead Space has some music in certain areas that make the immersion to the Ishimura. Not just the scary music, sometimes you walk through hallways and these gorgeous outer space tracks come on. I'm gonna send a link under my comment and give the timer to the video if anyone wants to hear an example. I'm a bigger fan of Resident Evil(my channel shows that), but Dead Space Remake is put together so perfect and I feel it deserves the point for music too. Here's the link: Fast forward to 50:30 minutes, walking through the Tram Station and hear how the music becomes wonderful while exploring the ship in a smooth area. It's tough to realize Dead Space has songs like this, but they do(in various parts). But RE4 is more fun of a game if ppl want to shoot allot.
  • @brentcox2961
    I like both of them but I really enjoy the vibe of RE4 a lot more. Dead Space gets a little too dark/scary at times. Even when RE4 starts to get scary usually Leon will bust out some corny one liner to lighten up the vibe.
  • Two things I want to address that you left out. For one, unlike RE4 remake, when you Backtrack through the Corridors of the Ishimura in Dead Space remake, it's never clear when you're going to encounter Necromorphs. This ain't like the original Dead Space where the encounters are scripted. Some of them are in the remake. But each time you Backtrack through Medical or the Flight deck, Mining and Engineering deck too, they happen at random. Sometimes you can reload your save only for it not to happen. Other times it just happens when you least expect it. It'd be true what you said if it was the original. Thing is it's not the original. It's a remake of the original. But it's level of progression is different. It does a good job keeping you on your toes. You know not to let your guard down. So in that regard, it works well. Also you can skip the Village part either by going to the farm in the next area or just shooting the bell. That first Village encounter can be bypassed. The second thing is unlike RE4 remake, you can Backtrack throughout the Ishimura. This ain't the original where it was linear. You can backtrack each area and find highest level security clearance doors. There's some backtracking in RE4 remake. But like the original, once you reach the castle or the Island, there's no backtracking to those areas. So if you missed some important errands from the merchant or treasure, Better luck on your next playthrough. Dead Space remake again let's go back to areas previously explored. It's built around it. So yeah. That's what I wanted to point out. I like your video nonetheless. Maybe do a video on MGS original vs It's inferior remake MGS Twin Snakes.
  • @TacoFusion
    This is really just a matter of personal preference if you never played a Resident Evil game or a Dead Space game the best way to pick between these two would be to flip a coin and assign one side to Resident Evil 4 and the other to Dead Space. I'd recommend that if you have the money too and you're interested in both games just buy both of them and form your opinion like they're two drastically different games that try to do two different things.
  • @ouyrtuy5334
    I love both too, but RE4 Remake has a bit more to offer in terms of enemies variety, modes, environment...
  • These are 2 of my favorite survival horror games and maybe just 2 of my favorite games overall so I am super stoked on both. I am so happy they did justice to them in the remakes. I love the games for different reasons and both remakes completely redefine the original experience with updated presentations and mechanics. I would have to say I rate Dead Space higher simply because I am a huge fan of sci-fi horror/cosmic horror, and I just love the atmosphere of the Ishimura. The intensity director is also terrifying and a great new feature. At this point I have beaten the game several times and on the highest difficulty, and I am still excited when I start over. That being said, I believe the RE4 remake provides more rewards on multiple playthroughs and ofc there is the addition of the mercs mode that will keep fans coming back for more. RE4 is quite a bit longer too with its 3 main sections so there is just more game to play. All in all both are incredible and anyone who was a fan of the originals should be in heaven rn. It would be awesome if we get a DS2 remake now or possibly some sort of DLC until they figure out what direction they want to go with the franchise. At the very least I think we can all agree that survival horror is still very much alive and that gamers want more from our favorite franchises.