Dead Space Remake - Official Reveal Trailer | EA Play Live

Published 2021-07-22
The first Dead Space has been completely rebuilt from the ground-up for next-gen consoles and PC with stunning new visuals powered by Frostbite.

#IGN #Gaming #DeadSpace

All Comments (21)
  • That red light on the USG Ishimura at the end of the trailer is transmitting in morse code saying “Make Us Whole.”
  • @-Fluxor
    The real horror here is EA performing Necromancy.
  • @ravipathak4614
    Let's be real here, EA didn't make Dead Space Remake because they care about the series. They just saw Capcom making banks on recent Resident Evil games and wanted a piece of that.
  • @slackalot3982
    We heard you like Dead Space, so we destroyed the original developers' careers and we're reselling their game to you over a decade later.
  • Fun fact guys. The red light you see on Ishimura in this trailer flashes in morse code which translates into "make us whole".
  • @gician93
    Remember, shoot everything that moves, and everything that doesn't.
  • @PolaroidDG
    Whenever you die and hear the flatline from your RIG, let that be a reminder of how EA killed off Visceral
  • The first dead space's opening scene/mission will forever be ingrained in mind, a true classic
  • @RazaNoonan
    I’ve waited years for this. Hardcore Dead Space fans felt a pain in their heart when Visceral was shut down.
  • @KingDusk278
    EA is doubling down on a dead series is one thing, but doubling down on a series they personally killed? Madness
  • @lradmclovin9
    EA: Destroys developer that created Dead Space Also EA: “Give us more money for Dead Space”
  • @primepm8861
    "Cut Off Their Limbs" -A Message from EA Corporate to Visceral Games
  • @imarock.7662
    Still gives me chills. What a masterpiece of a remake. This is how remakes are made, developers.
  • @GitGoodGaming
    This feels like a real needle in the eye man. Still hyped