What You Need To Know About The Presence Of God

Published 2022-12-14
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This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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All Comments (21)
  • Pray God lifts the scales from the lukewarm and lost eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts. Pray God brings revival to the earth. Pray the Lord of Harvest send forth laborers into the harvest. Pray God strengthens His children, gives them more discernment and wakes them up 🎉
  • I have been having sleep paralysis for the past few days, I always wake up, say a little prayer and put on this playlist and I am able to sleep peacefully afterwards. The power of prayer is mightier than any dark forces out there. Thank you Hillsong and to God be thy glory.....
  • @msneka38
    Nothing compares to the beautiful and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit of God! Hallelujah 🔥 praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!💖🙌🙏🔥👑🕊️
  • Create in me a clean heart ♥ oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me Amen
  • @Jackal
    Lord guide my hand in this day strengthen my eyes as I gaze at Your Word. I Love You Jesus, Amen
  • @SunMusic868
    You know I was soo much in frustration today and I was thinking I'm such a failure in my life but all of a sudden this playlist popped up and when I was listening it made me sooo light and all my negative thinking gone and I was telling myself yeah he is protecting me all the time...Thanks
  • Oh how I ache for GOD’S presence, the LORD presences imagine how beautiful it would be Glory to GOD always..,
  • My dad passed away around two weeks ago... Just before he went to the hospital and went on a ventilator he told me this was his favorite song. Nothing thus far has made me cry so quickly, this is a truly beautiful song and it resonates with my thoughts and feelings going through this loss
  • Hey YOU, incredible person reading this...The truth is you are confident and good enough already with who you are, where you are at and what you have right now to have the success you want in life. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn that skill and go after it! I believe in you so much! Have an awesome day! - Love💖🙌🙏🔥
  • A Story of Hope. This isn’t something I wanted to share but in these days I hope it helps you to understand the Light. 100% true story. Due to my quest for the truth a few years back 5 months ago I was at the lowest point in my life. I had had enough of man and his evilness. I had lost my family, my friends and I was beginning to lose my sanity. I was in South Georgia helping my parents who also labeled me as a lost cause. No one will ever understand the things I saw during that period. It was about to storm outside and pop needed to walk the dog because the rain was going to last a bit. I had heard a couple thunder claps so out of concern I went out with him. Never in my life have I ever felt the desire to just sit and watch a storm. This day I did. Pop went back in and I sat on the porch mesmerized. So I’m on the porch looking into the sky. The most beautiful clouds I had ever seen were rolling in from the south. They were magnificent. Suddenly I noticed they had started rolling in from the north as well. I had never seen clouds like these before. In awe of our Lords power I was overcome with joy. I began praising Him for creating such an amazing universe. The only problem was I had never been so alone in this world. My soul was tired and my faith in humanity had dissolved. Suddenly I was overcome with sadness. Tears began flowing down my face, at my end I said “take me home Father, I’m so alone in this world. I see no purpose left here for me. PLEASE TAKE ME HOME!” Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot horizontally across the sky as far as I could see. I felt the presence of our Lord. I stood up to step out into the rain, I removed my hat a stared straight up into the sky, threw my hands in the air and yelled TAKE ME HOME! At that moment I heard a loud boom from all points in the sky. I knew HE was there. I noticed dark spots beginning to appear on the edges of the clouds. At first I wasn’t focusing. When I began to I saw something incredible. As I focused I realized those dark spots on the clouds were in the shape of humans. All different sizes and in different stances. At first they were few but the figures began to fill the edges of every cloud in the sky. Suddenly I realized these figures were Angels. At that moment a smile formed on my face and I began to weep. Instantly another boom occurred and I heard what sounded like staffs banging on the floor as soldiers do. Then our Father spoke to me in a voice that couldn’t be denied. “My son, these are My Angels and they are saluting your courage. You have never been alone and you never will be!” They filled the edges of every cloud in the sky. All standing majestically. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I couldn’t see details, like as if they were behind a vail, but I knew. Overcome with joy, weeping like a child I was frozen in that moment. Suddenly I felt weightless. He lifted me up, not my body but my soul. The pureness of the peace I felt will stay with me until my end. No pain, no sadness, no fear. Nothing but love. Words can’t describe that experience. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the sky to the west was darker the the rest. As I focused I realized that the Angels had taken flight and were flying in a circle, like you see before the funnel drops during a tornado. Wings spread, the sight was amazing. I took a few steps to the side so I could see around the corner of the house to admire what was happening and noticed the clouds were appearing out of nowhere. Just beyond, the sky was clear. Like waves crashing on the shore, legions of Angels appeared. Millions of them. They just kept pouring in. At that moment I realized every Angel from the Heavens stopped what they were doing to come comfort me and show me the Glory of our Lord. That I had the full power of the universe standing with me 💙 In all His glory I was shown that even though the world had denied me, the Heavens have always been with me. The emptiness, fear, loneliness had instantly left me and was replaced with love, courage and peace! I had never been alone, and the all powers of Heaven were there to protect and guide me. It was the greatest gift I’ve ever received. I don’t expect you to fully understand. A spiritual moment or vision is meant only for its intended recipient. I tell the story as witness to the power and glory of our Creator. Folks I’m far from righteous, I have so much to learn. So much damage to overcome. I have no fear. I understand the power of our Lord. He will pave the way but it is up to you to overcome. He will open doors but you must have the courage to step through them. My tale isn’t yet finished. Praise You my Father, Praise You YAHUSHA, my Savior, my King... Thank You! 🙏 #ourreturntothelight
  • "People are very busy, very stimulated, rushing about always, unable to be still, unable to listen within themselves, the mind restless, always searching, full of passion, full of fear, full of persuasions, full of denial. Why is this so? Why are such intelligent creatures such as human beings so driven, so anxious and so uncontented? Why is this the case with nearly everyone? People speak of a spiritual reality. People speak of God. People speak of Heaven and Hell. People speak of their faith. But they are still restless, uneasy, confused. Why is this so, that even with an awareness that one has a deeper nature, that there should be this uneasiness? The answer is really deeper than most people would suspect and more confusing than people would think. For so close to you is the Presence, but if you cannot be with this Presence, then where will you go? What will you do? How can you avoid being with something that is so ever present, that is within you and around you? It would seem to be inescapable, and yet people do not experience it. You would think it would be ever present, but it remains unknown. Even amongst those who claim to be religious and inspired and guided, it is a foreign experience. And if they do experience it, it is only for moments at a time. If you cannot be with something that is ever present within you and around you, then how will you escape this? Where will you go where the Presence is not with you? It is a dilemma and a mystery, and the answer seems mysterious as well. It is the contradiction of living in manifest reality that a spiritual Being would be apparently so unspiritual—groveling like an animal, driven by external forces, kept to such a low point in a struggle to live. Surely, even the most optimistic person will hit these low points of experience, and if they are honest with themselves, they are feeling things within themselves that are hardly admirable or desirable. But that which is not admirable, that which is undesirable, are not part of the Presence, for it is pure. If someone sits still long enough and is able to quiet their mind, they will begin to feel the Presence. If someone begins to feel their real state of being, the real condition of their mind and their body, and they are able to be with themselves at a deeper level, they will begin to feel the Presence. When people honestly give to another without the desire for self-enrichment or self-validation, they feel the Presence. When you are moved by inspiration by the action of another, you feel the Presence. It is so close. Strip away the veneer of human psychology, and there is the Presence. What is this Presence? And why is it so ever present? It is the presence of your Spiritual Family. It is the presence of Creation. It is the Presence of the Source of all these things because you never left God. You did not physically leave God from one place and go to another place where God did not exist because there is no place where God does not exist. God is omnipresent. God even exists in Hell, or in states of mind that are hellish. It must be a real problem to avoid God. Yet people are doing this. Not even knowing why they are doing this, they are doing this. When you leave this life, when your body passes away, it is not like you disappear and go somewhere else. You just awaken to what has always been there. There are those who sent you into the world, waiting to greet you. And there is the Presence, the magnificent Presence. You did not journey from one place to another to experience this. It was always there." A quote from - The Presence - a teaching from - The New Message from God - as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers.
  • God, please forgive me my sins. Please give me wisdom and protection. May your will be done on our lives in Jesus mighty name I pray. AMEN.
  • @jslevenson101
    Clear everybody's thoughts, minds, and bodies. In Christ's name Amen. ❤️
  • Where shall i go from your spirit ? Or where shall i flee from your presence oh God? Amen
  • @vincehunt752
    Thank you lord Jesus i needed to hear this badly