"Mafia" is a Racing Game

Published 2024-07-20
The 2002 Mafia, a game known for its great storytelling and open world, is also a competent racing game. Despite this, most people hated this game's brutal racing mission, when in reality it was one of the easiest.

Links and sources: docs.google.com/document/d/1rpOI3cz9If59hpuMpVI8hk…

0:00 pre race mission
1:33 race mission
3:15 "what is this wheel doing in the office? i thought we're making a mafia game?"
4:07 the game and its driving
6:21 no one knows about this "secret" gamemode
6:59 the console port
7:50 the pc port of the console port (racing mod)
8:56 mafia situational disability edition

All Comments (21)
    So the "difficulty" of that mission came from a bias caused by driving systems being less arcade than other games.
  • @rubenthekid
    The reason so many people think the racing mission is hard is because theyve never played a racing game with slightly realistic driving physics, so they never slow down and brake before entering corners, and they dont understand the concept of going on the outside for a wide turn.
  • @superjesse645
    I had no clue Mafia was a racing game in disguise. Absolutely incredible when you realize this is a 2002 game when most modern triple A games don't even bother with soft body physics (Granted the last game I played that was an action mixed with a racer was Just Cause 3 and I don't really know if that counts).
  • Was shocked too when I played the mission for the first time. Guess most people don't know how to race cars
  • @mosesracal6758
    Mafia II had this anti-piracy measure where you are constantly at one hp so the slightest bump will kill you and you are in constant black and white. When I played in my local LAN cafe, I didnt know they pirated the game so I thought it was normal. God I learned to drive that day. And the mission that gets rid of this measure is with a mission that has you on a drive by chase with the police.
  • My most beloved game. The physics are so well developed, the gearswitch sound and the realistic gameplay made me really enjoy driving every vehicle. My favourite one being Silver Fletcher and Bolt V8 Touring.
  • @rafalst
    Soo, about that 1 hour extension... i need it
  • @FanboyKisser
    0:59 That's not boredom, that's literally your character dead from suffocating the exhaust fume trying to start up the car.
  • @Paragleiber
    2:58 Welp. I really can't trust anybody in my comments I guess, lol. Thanks for clearing this up. Also your times are very impressive. I had no trouble beating the AI but I wasn't as fast as you.
  • @raptorjesus3894
    Honestly the changes to the map in the remake are fine, it literally gives you directions in the form of signposts on streetcorners, so you get to look at, and are even encouraged to look at the environment whilst driving.
  • @sturm8115
    honestly main difficulty of mafia is the combat system, people who think driving is hard think vehicles from 30s can take corners at full speed as well as a skyline in underground
  • @kitsunemusic9
    Nah bro i was drifting like a god in the original pc version, as a kid i struggled with that race but as an adult who knows some racing basics the race is kinda easy as long as the car slip or flip after the chicane. And i never had the issues that you had. Mafia is one of my favourite games ever, and yes im Czech of course im gonna defend it. Also fun fact the main theme is composed by the Prague orchestra and the lead developer Daniel Vávra made other games like Kingdom come deliverance.
  • @krishacz
    this game came out when i was 4, and one of my earliest gaming memories is my dad struggling with the race. just last week he played the remake and still struggled with driving the racecar so i did the mission for him. felt like an achievement for me.
  • @gabrielloko30000
    When you are used to arcade games and look at Mafia, of course the racing game will be fucking insane difficult to finish. But then again, i get the grips against the game but i do get it's qualities
  • @cze7470
    I would be happy if the Subtitles were Optional, we understand you very well! Other than that great Video!
  • @Vermilleno
    I disagree with the notion that Remake is dumbed down or worse. Clearly, they still cared a lot because remake has a lot going for it, and actor performance especially is amazing. Giving options to set is not dumbing down something, its making it accessible.
  • @102Help
    I always found it odd when I read reviews complaining about that mission being impossible, when I beat it on my first attempt on the hardest difficulty with relative ease