中國C919客機 突破歐美封殺 歐盟又出詭計 5年不給適航認證?【#環球大戰線】20240616-P1 林依伶 張競 王尚智 林穎佑

Published 2024-06-16
China's domestically produced C919 flies to the South China market for the first time, opening its fourth commercial scheduled route!
China Eastern Airlines’ C919 fleet will reach 10 aircraft, domestic large aircraft moving towards large-scale operation
Mainland China's domestically produced large aircraft C919 is facing the danger of technical "stuck", hidden worries?
The "localization rate" of C919 is only 60%? There may be key hidden dangers in expanding the production scale
Domestic production only in name? Mainland China’s C919 made its first commercial flight, with 60% of its parts made in China!
The three major airlines in mainland China have ordered an influx of 100 aircraft. C919 will gradually change China’s fleet.
The land-made passenger plane C919 has been in commercial flight for more than a year. Is it expected to obtain EU airworthiness certification next year?
Who stands in the way? C919 encounters obstacles when flying into Europe? Reuters: Certification may take up to 5 years
C919 regulatory certification will "take several years" and opening up the European and American markets is not a priority?
Are Europe and the United States a little panicked? How many hurdles are there before China’s C919 passenger plane enters the international market?
China's C919 domestic passenger aircraft may face ban in Europe and the United States. Is the domestic market big enough?
Experienced the China-made Lu C919 passenger aircraft up close, and ambassadors from many countries to China were full of praise!
C919's eye-catching debut has successfully broken the European and American monopoly. A larger C929 is already under development
Like! Consul General of Singapore in Shanghai: I am willing to take China Eastern Airlines flight C919
New progress of C929 revealed. Is the Chinese version of the "Dreamliner" expected to take off in 2030?
China’s domestically produced C919 hopes to enter the European and American markets. How far is it from becoming the aviation supremacy?
Attacking the aircraft market! China challenges Airbus and Boeing. Is the threat greater than chips?
Where are the old gods of Airbus and Boeing? How far does it go for China’s C919 to gain a foothold in the international market?

All Comments (21)
  • @eliso5973
  • 以後中國民航機可以自足時 取消波音和空客的適航証就行了
  • @donmills5341
  • @johnwhoo6194
  • @jjjjjj6875
  • C929只要中國給適航證。一樣可以飛美國歐州。比較麻煩的是歐美在地機場的維修成本
  • 中國不需要歐洲空巴訂單,中國還可以把歐洲空巴訂單退出
  • @SDS-xm1bf
    支持中國建立各種獨立認證機構 空巴新機都延後5年交機 或直接抽單改買C919 C929 看歐洲如何反應
  • @chan-nu1of
    FAA , give 737 so many certificate also got many problem . this FAA certificate is lousy .
  • @sc45248
  • 喪權辱國了百年,好多人都還在努力的沉睡!嘴砲?任由英夷、美盜收保護費!強盜行為都不是問題?人權如此多的踐踏...算什麼民主、自由、人權???難道你要多少就給多少才是真正的人權?!
  • 欧美不发适航证没关系啊,中国不买波音和空中巴士就可以了
  • @haieng
  • @my33311
    歐洲適航證中國不急. 首先滿足至少30% 國內市場需求, 這個需要相當長的時間 第二 C929 主要飛非歐美國家 直到中國的飛機成熟, 在2050 之前中國的國力超越美國. 中國的市場比美國大一倍多, 中國的旅遊市場強大, 歐洲不得不給, 甚至航空規則到時候由北京說了算. 這個是中國的長期計劃中 中國不急可以慢慢玩
  • 中国其实也不用急于開拓欧美航空市場,一來阻力會非常巨大,欧美已有空客和波音,它們肯定不願意商飞来插上一手稀化市場份额, 再説商飞的生产能力目前也非常有限, 一年生产不到十架飞机連本国市場需求也满足不了; 如要開拓国際市場,不如聚焦東盟,中東, 南美市場比較合理。
  • @speedcheng
  • 中國可以飛其它地區啊?!東南亞,中東,非洲,中南美洲,,,