《天天向上》20170324期: 蕾拉小姐携X玖少年团一起踏春赏花 Day Day Up【湖南卫视官方版1080P】

Published 2017-03-24
【欢迎订阅湖南卫视官方频道: goo.gl/tl9QpW】
本期精彩 -王一博大张伟踏春萌态十足 陈赫前妻许婧首登荧幕分享巴西奇遇

湖南卫视《天天向上》超清全集: goo.gl/WVwjsQ

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简介: 《天天向上》是由湖南卫视推出的一档大型礼仪脱口秀节目。该节目以礼仪、公德为主题,分为歌舞、访谈、情景戏三段式,氛围欢快轻松幽默。该节目于2008年8月 4日首播《天天向上前传》,8月7日正式播出,节目以传承中华礼仪,公德为主,也经常邀请一些明星、企业知名人士,来讨论礼仪,并有专门环节用搞笑的方式 诠释古代礼仪。主持人由汪涵、欧弟(欧汉声)、田源、钱枫、俞灏明、矢野浩二、小五(金恩圣)组成,采用全国第一支偶像男子团体的概念,用各种形式来传播 中国千年礼仪之邦的礼仪文化。节目氛围欢快轻松幽默,获得高收视率的同时,也受到了广大观众的好评。曾获得《新周刊》2008中国电视节目榜最佳娱乐秀; 第三届"《综艺》年度节目暨电视人"评选年度节目奖、网友最喜爱电视节目奖;第25届中国电视金鹰奖获得优秀文艺节目奖。

更新时间 每周五

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《歌手》播放列表 goo.gl/jFJNZH
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《我是歌手》第一季 goo.gl/HHBT65
《我是歌手》第二季 goo.gl/ck7Dtc
《我是歌手》第三季 goo.gl/T7EHTU
《我是歌手》第四季 goo.gl/3qVWyQ
《明星大侦探》第二季 goo.gl/i2p4C4
《明星大侦探》第一季 goo.gl/mzvswL
《真正男子汉》第一季 goo.gl/hCHHHs
《真正男子汉》第二季 goo.gl/Pe5Aqn
《一年级·毕业季》全集 goo.gl/sgsSAO
《一年级·大学季》全集 goo.gl/5L6m17
《我想和你唱》全集 goo.gl/qbx8Ar
《妈妈是超人》 全集 goo.gl/i3UATT

All Comments (21)
  • @ally-xs2wl
    people coming here after knowing that xiao zhan and wang yibo first met here, people is me
  • @sasuga1992
    did I really watch 1hour of this without understanding anything just because this is where yibo and xiao zhan first met ? ...yes
  • @mazikeen1784
    So this is where Xiao zhan & Wang yibo first met
  • @vodoberry1325
    People be coming here like: “This is where Yibo and Xiao Zhan first met.” and I'm one of them 😅😂
  • I was initially going to write that I came here for Xiaozhan and Wangyibo But then I realized 99.9% of the people came for that 😅
  • @user-fw6ms4ki5b
  • @meng2525
    有没有人和我一样 看了陈情令才过来的🤭
  • @qfany4076
  • Eng sub please. Coming here bacause of The Untamed. First ever encounter of Yibo and Xiao Zhan. I'm here smiling lika an idiot although I don't understand anything.
  • @rilka_li
    59:50 xiao zhan mentioned to yibo in an interview that he actually does remember that day, he remembers yibo beating xz's groupmate in a dance battle 😂
  • @xzwybsummer1953
    Xiao Zhan is absolutely handsome no wonder someone likes him that "TA" stole glances at him. What destined to be yours will always be yours no one can stop fate from working its way mysteriously. I am excited to know how their story goes. Xiao Zhan & Wang Yi Bo, we love you...fighting💪..❤💚 (p.s.... this id only my opnion no pun intended. Peace ✌)
  • @skyhigh1892
    I just see Xiao zhan and yibo hahaha.. the untamed make me crazy! Hahaha love love
  • @juniebooks6113
    I'm so glad I was able to find this video. I didn't understand any words, but that's okay. I loved Xiao Zhan's intro (so cute) and Yibo's dance (super amazing). I think it's so amazing that at this point in time, Yibo and Xiao Zhan are complete strangers and then a year later they're costars and becoming close friends. You can just never tell what will happen in the future. I also love seeing a shy and smiling Yibo; I think it shows how comfortable he is in this environment and with his fellow day day up mcs, and that makes me happy.