Momma Cat Carries Baby Kitten

Published 2012-11-30
I wanted to know were the momma cat was hiding her kittens so i followed her. Cat kept on moving kittens from one place to the outer.

All Comments (21)
  • @shaliabun
    I find it adorable how the mother is new to everything, and is trying her best to carry her kitten properly! And I can tell how much she loves her kittens! <3
  • @YmohTheFrog
    kitten-carry obstacle course. that mama cat is a fucking champion
  • @bitspacemusic
    Cats have a built in relaxation trigger in the neck skin. The babies feel safe when they're carried like that. I've seen vets put a clamp on older cats' necks too and they lie down completely still and relaxed, while the vet examines them.
  • The idea of cats just carrying their young by the scruff is hilarious and adorable.
  • @gigitrue63
    SHeesh! I can't get over all the hateful comments on here! First people are making hateful comments about where the person that filmed this lives. Then, people are making hateful comments that she didn't help the kitten. Good grief people! No wonder our country is in such trouble! I'm sure she lives in the best place she can afford, OK? The point of the video was how cute it is when a momma cat carries it's kitten to a hideaway; not the condition of her property. I've seen worse. All that is so unnecessary. And as for the kitten, a mother cat is more than able to move her kittens to a warm, safe place, given the chance to do so. You saw it took her all of 2 minutes to get this one moved. These are kittens; not human babies. When we intervene, we rob he mother of her chance to do things naturally, and the kitten of its chance to learn from its mother. Let nature take its course, people. And please, be kind to other people. Let's not tear one another down for no reason.
  • @rebeccaross7500
    It is so cute when the momma drops the baby on the box and he just slides into place with the rest! 😻😻😻
  • @tretre3892
    the little squeaks!!!! omg I'm dead. too cute!
  • @DoeDonDoe
    She's a good momma. God bless her and her kittens.
  • @DreamDancer82
    I think I'm gonna explode from the cuteness. I also thought it was funny when the mommy cat started rubbing against the camera.
  • @abcdecity
    Y'all are complaining that the Mom was abusing it, but THATS JUST HOW CATS CARRY THEIR BABIES! I just got done co-raising my cats babies and she carried them like that all the time. Don't worry about it!
  • I like how they put the subtitle here dog barks in the background Kitten meows again Kitten meows (Meows) (Meows) (Meows) (Meows) (Meows) Man, what do i do without them subtitles
  • @kgermack96
    I AGREE Katie.... She's protecting them.  They're cats not humans.  This is how they carry their babies..  They can't carry them in there arms/paws.....   She's a good Mamma cat.
  • @joannejeppers
    My 3 year old loves this video! We watch it over and over.
  • Also, I do not understand people commenting on this video calling this animal abuse.  So ignorant yet so quick to judge...cats carry their young like that.  How do you think animals take care of their children in the wild? Do you think they pick them up with their non existent hands and plop them in a stroller to get from point a to b?  The mother cat in this video saw that the kitten wasnt with all of the other babies and wanted to bring it back to safety.  Either the mom cat was bringing the kittens to a new spot and the person recording got the last kitten relocating or the person recording took the kitten from the box and the mother kitten got worried and wanted to bring it back. Either way, this video is so adorable!!
  • @isyi
    I'm guessing she is a first time mommy cat. Even cats has a learning curve when becoming a mommy. She'll eventually learn that carrying her kittens by the scruff of it's neck is the best method to carry. And all the dumb dumb ones who are commenting that this is an abuse need to get their blind sense of justice checked. No mother in the animal kingdom would do that. Humans are the only ones who abuse their young, and hence, those who abuse their own kids are worse than animals.