NYC is Building Anti-Homeless Streets…

Published 2023-11-12
“Hostile Architecture” has many purposes, but should it be used against NYC’s most vulnerable? There are examples of this type of design all over the city, some by private companies, and others by the city itself.

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All Comments (21)
  • @christinek2182
    It seems to me the “hostile architecture” is only kicking the can down the road- if you notice they are not solving their homeless crisis - just keeping people out of certain areas
  • @kjdnyhmghfvb
    That's not stopping people from being homelesss, that's just making everyone uncomfortable.
  • So elderly people with walkers, canes etc.pregnant women, the handicapped have no respite in such a situation- this is VERY cruel and merciless
  • @mikaross4671
    This mainly affects the elderly, pregnant women and other people with disability who cant stand long. This is horrible.
  • The perfect definition of “ignoring a problem believing it will disappear”
  • @daviddelgado6090
    Imagine being the architect who imagines how to make the world uncomfortable.
  • @stanieldev
    I was in Moynihan and I wasn't even allowed to sit on the floor. They told me I had to sit on my suitcase or stand. It's literally criminal.
  • @bimm7930
    This is horrible for anyone with a disability or old. Shit even just has any type of pain
  • @jimmyday9536
    This is like shutting off the water to the entire house to stop a dripping faucet instead of simply fixing the faucet. But hey, governments are not known for their problem- solving abilities.
  • @amaikarai5007
    As someone with a disability that makes it very painful for me to stand for long periods, that train station would be absolute hell. So not only is this affecting the homeless population, it affects the many, many people like me with disabilities. I don’t like having to take my wheelchair places if I can help it, but places like that would force me to.
  • @silky0439
    This is downright evil. Instead of finding a way to help these people, New York’s solution is to make their lives even harder. As if they all had a choice. People don’t just wake up one day and say, you know what? I’m gonna leave this house, job, children and go live in the park, under a bridge, in an alley. Then my life will be complete!
  • @dnjj1845
    I was sitting on a bus terminal seat in Atlantic City waiting for my bus. I was just sitting there with my ticket for about 2 minutes minding my own business. I never been there previously, never loitered, not dressed like a bum, etc. One of the workers there complained to me that I had my eyes closed too much like I was going to sleep. I couldn't believe it. I argued with him and wanted to complain to management, but my bus arrived shortly. It just wasn't worth it. Unbelievable.
  • @astrangerhere
    Cities/people think homeless people will just go away with things like this. Unless you've been homeless (I have) you don't understand the desperation, fear, and embarrassment of it. Whether due to poor choices or not (and it's NOT always, even in America), no one deserves this.
  • Keep in mind that private residential property owners can be sued for even a slip and fall on their own land in the US. Yet government can add spikes to curbs and you cannot sue them.
  • @emmcdermott574
    As someone with a disability, this is a literal nightmare for me. I can't stand/ walk for long at a time, so most of these places are inaccessible to me.
  • @mustangluke0048
    never thought we as people needed to fight for the RIGHT to sit. this is ridicules
  • @edthert
    Brings a whole new meaning to the city that never sleeps
  • @d.a.e.9423
    Worst thing is they are probably pouring a lot of money into private companies to design this stuff, instead of using the money to help the needy
  • @cellokid5104
    "Only someone with a college degree could come up with this" had me rolling
  • @Porter5habazz
    This is like ignoring a broken muffler by turning the radio all the way up, hoping you’ll forget the problem until you have to crank the car up again. 😂😂😂