The Carbon Cycle + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

Published 2019-05-03
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Nature is constantly recycling carbon between living and non living things. This is cycle called the Carbon Cycle. Carbon cycle is divided into the biological carbon cycle and the geological carbon cycle.

In biological carbon cycle, carbon moves from atmosphere to plants and then to animals. When these living beings respire, the carbon goes back into the atmosphere. Also, when these living beings die, their bodies decay, causing the carbon to go back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

In geological carbon cycle, carbon moves from atmosphere to water and then after passing through various processes, it eventually gets stored in the earth's crust as limestone rocks. This process of capturing and storing carbon is termed as carbon sequestration and the natural reservoirs like limestone rocks that store carbon are called carbon sinks. However, due to geological activities like subduction and volcanic eruptions, the carbon content from limestone again goes back into the atmosphere.