10 Deleted Movie Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

Published 2024-06-30

All Comments (21)
  • Leaving that deleted scene out of Groundhog Day probably saved the movie.
  • X-Men : Storm says “You know what happens when a Toad gets struck by lightning. There were several deleted scenes. Where Toad would says “You know what happens when a toad..” and then pulls off some impressive stunt. All those scenes were cut. It was like setting up a great joke with all of Toad’s scenes. And the punchline would’ve been Storm’s line. Instead we got no set up/joke- just the punchline. Galaxy Quest- note the state of Gwen(Signorney Weaver)’s zipper as she’s going to the Omega 13 with Peter. Her top was fully zipped up then next scene it’s halfway down. There was a deleted scene. Two alien enemies find them. They are curiously attracted to her. She tricks them to go into another room, half unzipping her top. They follow her in. She tells the computer they need some privacy, and the door comes down -right on top of the aliens/crushing them. Then she complains to Peter saying “See?! This is how I get treated.”
  • A deleted scene from Aliens showed that Ripley had a daughter who died waiting for her mother to return. That scene explained why Ripley bonded so strongly with Newt and risked her life to save the girl.
  • @shepcon7892
    Pulp Fiction, you missed the Elvis man aspect, also leading to the specific accent as well...thank you very’much
  • @jamesspring4610
    The glitching the T-1000 experiences at the end of the movie kind of explains why he's wearing the shirt of the patrol officer he met at the beginning, and the trousers and boots of the motorcycle cop he met outside the mental hospital.
  • @edms3656
    I remember seeing the malfunctioning Terminator scene on TV. I think it was Spike TV and they were showing a directors cut.
  • Pulp Fiction - Mia was doing an Elvis impression. As she said in the deleted scenes: it's Elvis vs. The Beatles... a person can love one or the other but not both; Vincent is an Elvis man.
  • I thought with robocop 2014; he had a human hand cause the creators said something like human hand has to pull the trigger when killing
  • @otaking3582
    Wizard of Oz. The deletion of the Jitterbug sequence makes the Wicked Witch's line "I've sent a little insect to take the fight out of them" make no sense.
  • Brad Pitt's best role was in The Snatch, he was brilliant in that! The real reason they saved Robocop's hand was just to be different to the original. Just 1 of many bad decisions, the primary 1 being deciding to try to remake a Paul Verhoeven masterpiece in the 1st place.
  • @blackc1479
    As to the scotty nephew thing, it never seemed odd to me. I just took it as him considering himself kind of being the protector and mentor of all the "kids" in engineering.
  • I thought Scotty was just a good leader who cared about his people. Leaving out the randomly generated familial connection makes him a legend. That's good editing.
  • @dimitru6024
    Of course T - 1000 is glitchy in the end. Too much damage sustained. I figured that out for myself very early on and needed no deleted scenes. But that deleted scene did help me understand how John could tell his real mother from the copy.
  • @freddie488
    Murray's character in Ground Hog Day is basically the same character in Scrooged. Not complaining. I like Murray playing the douchy characters. He's such a sweetheart IRL.
  • @Kipper5168
    Mine is the scene from Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark. In this scene the translator guy in Cairo explains more about the Ark by translating the Staff of Ra. It basically says if you look at the Ark when it's open you die, which explains why Jones yells to Marion at the end "Don't look at it, keep your eyes shut!" Also means that without Jones' character specifically getting in the way, the Nazis would've read the same message and won. Just a little addendum to all the "Jones did nothing in that movie" people.
  • @Wezqu
    RoboCop hand can also be seen as a reference to the original movie where they state that they managed to save Murphy's left arm but are then told to lose the arm as they agreed on full body prosthesis. Its the left arm in the original and right hand in the remake.
  • @brainflash1
    For #1 I had always assumed that the garrison was that pile of bodies that Dunbar burned after he discovered them in the river and they had all died from disease.
  • @TonyHammitt
    It was fairly obvious that Fort Segwick was abandoned because of native raids. It would have been nice to see them leave rather than think that they were killed though.
  • @oneearrabbit
    I thought Murphy keeping the hand was just a reference to the original movie. In the original Robocop Bob Morton and Johnson are discussing Robocop keeping his arm, ultimately deciding to lose the arm. I figured this was a reference to that.