《天天向上》20200809期:《中餐厅》合伙人为“天天”庆生 王一博力荐赵丽颖吃螺蛳粉 Day Day Up丨MangoTV

Published 2020-08-10
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#天天向上 #天天向上2021 #Daydayup

All Comments (21)
  • @angelwong1180
    了解了解赵丽颖,会看到很可爱的赵丽颖。个性内向不擅长表达,话不多。但有时说话直来直往擅长补刀。反应自然萌萌哒,笑起来时迷瞎了无数粉丝的眼睛,让人心情顿时变好。每当看她笑自己也不自觉笑了起来当别人对她好,她会义无反顾加倍真心真意的对你好,会跟闺蜜交心谈心,真心对待每一个人。当面对工作时,她会全心尽责的把自己投入到角色当中。丽颖说过:“ 每个演员都有自己的黄金年龄怕自己不能在演喜欢的角色。” 她一直很拼命拍戏。所以才有了拼命三娘的称号。她之前一直默默的在跑龙套演一些小角色像是丫鬟等等。从不喊苦喊累的她,只是一心想拍戏。跑了7年的龙套里,这些年都在跟前辈们学习,再加上有提前做功课和用自己揣摩的方式来提升自己的演技。终于,她在《陆贞传奇》中饰演陆贞。这是她努力都来的成果。她是一位懂得感恩,有责任和努力的女演员。她的戏很好看。起初,我喜欢《陆贞传奇》和《花千骨》,就是喜欢戏里的她。但那时,还没有去了解她直到有一天我无聊了想追星看看,就去搜了她。慢慢的连续几天都通过有关颖宝的电视剧,节目,幕后花絮和一些访问访谈。结果疯狂的迷上她了就去看她之前演的戏,好好看。然后,觉得她好努力很诚实很纯和甜美。
  • @wazihawahid5815
    i just realized li ying shared the same bowl with yi bo....it means they really comfortable with each other
  • @ayaya1346
    it’s so natural for Yibo to share his bowl with zly when she said she just needed a spoon. they’re so comfortable with e/o, it’s cute
  • @xx55xx
    Yibo is so comfortable with Liying, love their LOF bts.
  • @zielsal468
    Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo!!❤ Love this two so much.. I love their drama Legend of Fei.. Their chemistry is superb
  • @VIDAH_
    Yibo is so considerate and gentleman ! He's taken good care of Liying, also remembered her favorite food! interacts with her a lot too. They have a very cute bond, I've seen in award shows that how well Liying take care of Yibo too, also she is so pretty and seems so young !! ♥ Love these episodes where they invite chefs and have a food journey, It's a relief I can see Yibo babe eating well finally 😘
  • @rainasa5055
    赵丽颖人品很好👍人美心善,谦虚低调,有爱心 ,善良,真诚,随和,不靠炒作不靠关系,靠的是她一手一脚努力奋斗和敬业精神才能得到现在的成就。期待一博和丽颖的新剧《有翡》
  • @pyniepie8527
    after watching this, i realized Yibo and Liying have the same personality. they like the same food and Yibo even knew what Liying's favorite food.
  • @MaezazeY
    Wang Yibo is so nice. The way he treated Zhao Liying is so sweet.
  • After Yibo and Zhao Liying eat the wonton soup, they just run away🤣🤣
  • @sunshined7440
    Both Liying and Yibo are cute, honest and pretty/ handsome. Love them two❤️❤️💚💚
  • @httta99
    I’m here for Zhao Li Ying! YingBao is absolutely beautiful and adorable!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  • @IGOT-is8zb
    Yibo and Liying are so cute, they go well together🥰💚
  • @grn_appls7207
    So basically, Zhao Liying is a female Wang Yibo 😂: doesn’t talk much, and is blunt and honest (her nickname “Xiao Dao” is telling).
  • @leicruz2157
    Zao Liying is a cute little girl even in a Drama or action she is a good actress, when it comes to acting keep up. Your a beautiful little angel, Yibo is the same too. Your a good team up both of you and your group of Happy.
  • 1:23:16 they look like they don't like it so Liying gave Yibo a hint to go away from the place 😂 This two look like sibling
  • @siuhuy
    Actually Yibo and Liying shares some characteristics - they both usually don't talk too much when met strangers, they could be savage when they spoke aka straightforward (ZLY nicknamed as as outspoken), serious in acting, once getting familiar they warm up and more talkative. For sure Yibo livelier in this show with Liying around and they like/dislike the same dishes. even the first dish cooked in the show also similar - cucumber dish though Liying has more success than Yibo in term of taste..Their interaction in this show is really cute
  • I'm overwhelmed with this show Yibo Wang Zhao Liying ❤️ being together. Which shows true caring to ZZL.