The Many Horrors of Alien Isolation

Published 2020-02-03

All Comments (21)
  • @DavidLins0
    Honestly it's a crime, like it should literally be a punishable offense that we will likely never get a proper sequel to this game. But that's okay -- Alien: Isolation can stand tall on its own forever as one of the best horror games ever made, and as one of the most lovingly-crafted homages to the original film.
  • @sagewaterdragon
    Alien: Isolation was my favorite game of 2014, I'm glad that folks are still talking about it in 2020!
  • @Pietruss
    I think this is the kind of game that you could still play and enjoy in 40 years, it has this kind of timeless feel to it, while being rooted in this lovely retro-futuristic vibe.
  • Fuck, alien isolation is so underrated. People don’t give it much credit but playing the game feels so damn unique.
  • @Chariot_Rider
    I have never really thought about the station as a haunted house. The contrast between what once was friendly and safe is now disturbed and dangerous is really interesting and I think this theme works really well in horror. Great video!
  • Alien: Isolation is not only one of the most intense survival horror games I’ve ever played, but it’s easily the best Alien game of all time. After the huge disappointment that was Colonial Marines and it’s dreadful plot that had Hadley’s Hope still alive and atrocious AI, Isolation chucks out pulse rifles and a swarm of Xeno’s for pant-wetting suspense and a real element of dread. I remember playing it for the very first time upon release in the dark with the sound turned up. There’s no better experience than having your palms sweat profusely when the tracker beeps and picks up the Xeno, or when you get an anxiety attack upon hearing it drop out of the vents. I slept with the light on for a week after the nest mission. It’s THAT terrifying. Even it’s homage to the 1979 masterpiece that is Alien deserves credit.
  • Haven't watched the video yet, but I'm commenting to tell the algorithm that it gets good engagement. Looking forward to sitting down to this tomorrow!
  • They may not hear my screams in space, but my roomates certainly did :/
  • @rckrckrckrck
    Finally played this after so many years in 2020 because it’s on Game Pass. Why’d I wait so long? Some unfair scores, like 5.9 from IGN. And the lingering stink from Colonial Marines. It’s amazing. Genuinely terrifying and stressful. Lighting and sound design are incredibly well done. Art direction shows so much love for Alien. Stands up 6 years later. Nice analysis.
  • @SolePorpoise
    I really appreciate this–a true art critique where it examines so much of what we took for granted that results in a hell of an emotional experience. You did a fantastic job and I really enjoyed this.
  • @MrHammers
    The sound design of this game almost made it hard to finish. Truly one of the scariest games I've played. Really great analysis, I found your channel a little while ago with your Control video and I really enjoy your style. Keep it up :)
  • @SleepyOmel
    I forced my ABSOLUTELY REAL GF to watch me play the game, never been happier to have such a safety blanket in my life, game was to spooky
  • @bigslydoc
    Such an amazing game. The best piece of Alien media since the directors cut of Aliens. Even watching this video makes me feel the uneasiness I felt playing. One of the few games that I’ve played through over and over. As others have said, I’d love to see a follow up with Amanda Ripley.
  • @Hexentric8
    Alien: Isolation is THE scariest video game I've ever played, It's horror perfection and a beautiful homage to the original film.
  • @theakiwar9118
    I play a lot of horror games. But alien isolation is the only one where I was genuinely scared. This only happened in my childhood when I played Metroid Fusion. But Alien Isolation threw me back into that time where I was a kid scared of a monster roaming a space station where everything has gone wrong, and where it is stalking you, and worst part you can do nothing against it. It was truly terrifying. That was until I learned how it worked, but those first 5-7 hours, where bone chilling
  • @Je45rryCP
    wonderful video. The comparison between seegson’s working Joes and real life CPR mannequin was an amazing detail I hadn’t noticed, blew my mind.
  • Excellent review. I remember my ex buying me this, for my birthday, on its release month. I played the hell out of it, for weeks. I remember spending at least 20 minutes in the area you first encounter it, hiding under hospital beds and lockers. Nothing comes close to beating it, for horror, in my opinion.
  • @solidsnake58
    This was absolutely brilliant. Well written, edited, and narrated. Excellent analysis and research as well. Well done.
  • @AurelienCharpy
    This is by far one of the best video essays I've ever seen. If someone were to tell me that video game isn't art, I'd show him this video. Amazing game by the way. Bravo !