Studio Electives - The Lords Coming Wrath 6.0 - Who is the Restrainer? Pt 1 with Michael Ufferman

Published 2020-10-05
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The "restrainer" in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 has puzzled many for generations. In this Studio Elective, Michael Ufferman explores this topic and states the generally, but erroneously, held idea that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit. Watch as he builds his case in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 6.0 - The Restrainer: Who is it? Pt 1."

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#Restrainer #HolySpirit #Angel #Michael #Archangel #Bible #Wrath #EndTimes #Revelation #2Thessalonians #Scripture #Lord #Jesus #Israel #Jew #Jews #Myth

All Comments (17)
  • @robertluark4508
  • @susanjones6973
    Oh my goodness, I really enjoyed this video, who is the restrainer, "Michael".
  • @ronpiper4548
    I enjoy your insights and teaching. I would suggest that Jesus teaching, on the Spirit`s help to the saints in the time of apostasy, applies to the past and present as well as to the future revealing of the Man of Sin and the Apostacy.
  • @Luke747gal
    Admin: can you please make a playlist with all of the coming wrath series? 🙏
  • @imcat-holic10
    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV), he asks, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. ... God created our physical bodies, therefore making it good and precious from the beginning.
  • @seasquawker
    Take a look at Daniel 10. Michael is mentioned here as a helper, but someone else is here restraining princes in the heavenly places.
  • “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16:18‬ ‭
  • @1969cmp
    At what point in the '7 year period' is Revelation 6 ?
  • @jvlp2046
    In 2 Thessa 2:5-12/paraphrased... Paul narrated that there is a "RESTRAINER" (someone in masculine gender who holds back, takes control, keep in order, subdue, prevent, check, tether, etc.) that when it is "Taken out of the way" (to remove, to release, to pull out, to retreat, etc.), then that is the only time the Son of Perdition /Lawless/Anti-Christ will be revealed in the middle of the 70th Week (final/last week) of Daniel. The restrainer can not be GOD, for GOD can not be taken out away/pulled out/removed by Himself for no one is above GOD, it must be a "powerful masculine gender entity that is much lower" than GOD in status, it must be a heavenly servant of GOD like Archangel Michael who fought and defeated/restrained Satan and his angels. Just like the Policemen/law enforcers restrained the bad guys/criminals... It can not be the Holy Spirit for it has no gender. Paul specifically narrated the pronoun "He"... It can not be Christ's Church for it is Christ's Bride, therefore, the Church is in the female gender, "She" as the "Bride." So, therefore, the real RESTRAINER that Paul is talking about is Archangel Michael, that when the Angel of GOD is ordered by GOD to be put out, pulled out, or taken out the restain from Satan, only then would Satan give powers to the Anti-Christ/Lawless/Son of Perdition and be revealed to the public. In the book of Daniel, the 70th week of Daniel (final week) narrated that in the "Midst of the Week (3.5 days = 3.5 years) the Man of Lawlessness/Son of Perdition/Anti-Christ/666 will be revealed... In other words, Archangel Michael will be taken out of the way by GOD as the RESTRAINER of Satan who gives power to the 666/beasts/false prophets in the middle of the Tribulation, so that the 666 can be revealed... Amen.
  • @migma8460
    The church us, we are the restrainer!
  • My Brother, I am looking at this through a different lens. John is seeing the Body of Christ around the throne in Chapter 7 but it does not say we just arrived. What I am seeing is a Council meeting and Christ, as High Priest is about to announce judgment and avenge the blood of the Saints that have been martyred for their faith in Christ, the first 4 Trumpet judgments. (See how bloody these judgments are, guilty blood for innocent blood). I see the Church raptured just before the sixth seal. Israel will be at war with her neighbors and there is a nuclear exchange because the language speaks of total destruction of Damascus and 4 other towns, one in north Israel, and speaks of a Hazmat team to clean up the waste. God will stop the exchange of nuclear weapons and missile exchanges with the events of a pole shift, Sixth Seal. When the Earth shifts and wobbles like a drunk the debris from the planets above will take out all satellites and the people on Earth will be thrown into chaos as never before. They will use the weapons for fuel after this because they are of no use as they run via computers. Truck, cars, tanks, phones, computers, TV, radio, cash registers, nothing will work. Man will not know how to move forward without technology but guess who will know exactly what to do and will declare, NO MORE WAR and confirm a peace agreement. He will have to set up a new calendar because the pole shift will change the rotation of earth. He will seek to change times and laws. There will not be religious holidays on his calendar because he will combine all religions. Food will be scarce and will have to be controlled by a mark on the hand or the forehead. It will all make perfect sense to those left alive. The world will be much smaller and centered in the Holy Land. Everything will revert back to the law and the people will believe this person who has put their world back together must be their Messiah and will worship him as such. The Church will not be missed because the world will think we are just part of the casualties of the pole shift. They will not be thinking of anything but how to survive. See how fast it all could happen. God has chosen to let his created Beings rule with Him and Christ is in charge of everything that happens in the Book of Revelation. I believe we have to be in the throne room with Christ as He makes these judgments because it is His will that we rule with him. Well, that is how I read it. The signs in the heavens is telling me it is time to look up and listen for His voice. I for one will not miss this mess we are living in now but it is so exciting to watch the end time events come to fruition. Shalom Church.
  • @samueldavis9810
    The majority of pre-trib rapture believers say the Holy Spirit takes out the believers in the pre-trib rapture, but doesn't leave the Earth. They teach the Holy Spirit was restraining through the physical presence of believers, but of course God's Spirit is everywhere and will continue to work in the world, especially as God saves more people (they call them tribulation saints). So for the majority of pre-trib rapture believers, your whole teaching could be easily dismissed and they would probably stop listening before you finished - which is too bad. The wrong position you are defeating in your teaching is pre-trib teachers saying the Holy Spirit is removed completely, but this is a small minority usually of the extreme dispensationalist view which actually thinks salvation also changes during the 7 years to a works based salvation. They are so wrong, of course, but it would be nice to have presented both wrong positions in a teaching like this. We have a big job trying to root out the pre-trib rapture so fellow believers can be prepared for what is actually going to happen to us. Thank you.
  • The Holy Spirits stops restaining the evil in the world, does not mean it is taken away from the belivers !. The belivers will be in this world and the Holy Spirits will be in the belivers, but the Holy Spirit will not be able to make a differents in this It stops restraining. There is a simular periode of time in the Bible where the diciples had the Holy Spirit ( from John 20:22 ), they knew who Judas ( the Son of predition / Antichrist) was...but they had no power to make a differents in this world. The Church was not yet born. They where told to WAIT. ( 10 days ) Then after Pentacost the Church was told by Jesus to go out and make diciples. Theese sequence of events will be reversed. And by the looks to me that the rapture of the Church is between the sixth and the seventh seal in the Revelation.