Does Process Count Matter or NOT?

Published 2024-03-23

All Comments (21)
  • Don't care about processes count if my computer runs good enough, but scrolling through shit on windows that I don't even use and can't uninstall is just hideous.
  • @pldcanfly
    I remember going deep about background processes when I got a cheapo 250€ laptop for highschool in 2008. It came preinstalled with Windows Vista for which it was extremely underpowered. I got it down to the bare minimum with XP, and it ran faster/better then a lot of the way better laptops some of my friends had. It was at that time that a spark in me was lit for performance-optimization, a real respect for ram-usage and computing resources. That spark made me a better software-engineer in the long run, since I tend to feel dirty if something simple takes way too much resources. Something I see constantly in the modern JavaScript-Ecosystem.
  • @Jakiyyyyy
    Size doesn't matter, it's the motion in the ocean.
  • @sixtyinsix
    Seems to me the cheaper the pc/laptop, the more process count matters. You can't have a process without memory use afaik, and manufacturers are still selling price point devices with 4gb memory with slow and small (swap file etc) emmc storage.
  • @bladman9700
    size doesnt matter, personality does mate, personality. 😊 (she lied)
  • @gidi1899
    It's all about " The PC interactions feel worse, Lets check what's changed " It was the case that you'll have a relatively constant list of processes , and a new one appearing is probably the one responsible when something goes wrong, you'll remove that problematic app or restrict it. But, the amount of processes and services that CHANGE every month became a problem, so "focus on count" right?!, but: more apps/abilities/sale-options on your small PC -> more demand on HW -> more access restrictions -> more grab-whatever-you-can attitude by apps on resources -> more inter-app commerce -> more detailed comm restrictions -> Looking at the "process count" just won't cut it anymore. We to conduct a personal update review, for any update of/within any app, and use a tester-app - that also gives us one place on the PC UI - to find "all updates to any app/driver/os in the past week". replacing the "process manager" for the mentioned scenario. hopefuly the tester app Menus won't change their functionality or appearence every month :)
  • What I can't stand is how intrusive Edge is. Constantly have to Block it's upgrades, and force shutting it down.
  • @jandraelune1
    Again with how large CPUs are now, unless an app is not behaving, you got so much CPU overhead you wont notice background apps running. Like any $100 modern CPU
  • @robonator2945
    while this is true in technicality, in any real-world case between comparable systems process count is a fine heuristic. It can be very inacurrate when you start comparing systems that have very little in common (for instance IIRC linux process counts can be in the 500s for a basic desktop environment yet run faster than a windows machine under a fifth of that) but between vaguely similar systems this is more of a "hey did you know that frankenstein was the na-" yes
  • @8KaMi8
    Awesome , thank you for all the stuff u show for all of us . Really apreciate :) I would like if you could make a video talking about "Misconceptions about timers (HPET, TSC, PMT...)" Melody Ultra tweak pack Thank you!!, have great day everybody 😉
  • @JR-uy2nd
    MS Edge it's always running by default, but you can deactivate that in settings - system and performance and turn off fast start and the other below. Google Chrome does the same thing, maybe others does that too.
  • @s0litaire2k
    Would be nice to see what Processes have the highest Switch/Cycle deltas over 10min / 5 mins / 60 seconds time-frames (like the load monitor count) so you can see what processes take up the most of you cycles a lot easier.
  • @LLPOF
    I got my Windows process count down to 0 by installing Manjaro KDE.
  • @ShayShaked
    General questions, not related to this video (not sure if there's a place on your site to pose a question): I have two annoying issues with Windows 11. 1. I can't remove an additional language I added before from GUI. I do that, it returns back after a restart. MS says to reinstall it and then uninstall, same thing, it returns. I attempted some registry fix I don't recall now that also didn't work (there was no second language to remove). 2. Windows "spotlight" search is activated with alt+space. Where do I remove this a horrible thing that keeps removing the focus from the game I'm playing in the middle of the action? What is it called? Keep the tips coming, and thank you! *edit* The windows "spotlight" feature I was talking about is part of powertools, which I do have installed. Its name is actually "powertoy run". It can be disabled from the options for power toos (gear icon in the system tray, you need to scroll a bit). Still looking for solution for the language bug
  • @evilmarc
    Putting my browser on the e-cores has been the best decision I’ve made for gaming optimisation
  • @Tanzu15
    Bro no matter what I do, I can’t get my process count down to 60. Shit randomly turns on.
  • @tooru
    is there a big list of services/processes' names and an explanation of each one and whether its safe to disable?
  • @covid_is_lie
    u can lower it by disabling services in Task Scheduler , System Configuration
  • @soulstenance
    Definitely do one for Linux for us Linux nerds! This was educational though and a lot of this can likely be applied to a Linux system minus the... 🤢 telemetry.
  • @leemanwrong
    On my main pc which runs a ryzen 7 i don't notice any difference between a stock windows install running 150+ processes and my tweaked version which has around 70 processes. Its definitely noticeable on my low end stick pc which runs a celeron processor, if i install gnome on opensuse my process count is about 120 and runs noticeably slower than if i i run opensuse with xfce where the process count is only around 70.