FATE: The Winx Saga gave me whiplash | Explained

Published 2021-01-28

All Comments (21)
  • @AmandaTheJedi
    Somehow this sent me down a rabbit hole where I read all the Fate: The Winx Saga Bloom/Stella fanfiction what is WRONG with me? Like there was only 5 but STILL
  • @CeCe25234
    one of the things I hate the most about the "live adaptation" is that they pit the girls against each other for a boy while the cartoon taught us of supporting your friends and lifting each other up
  • You know what sucks is that in the animated series Bloom was openly adopted. Her dad was a firefighter and found her as a baby in a fire and they took her in. It was a huge plot point that she loved her adopted parents as much as she wanted to learn about her birth family and powers and they were supportive of this. Making parents abusive and erasing a positive adoption narrative is so toxic lmao
  • @billuraral1870
    Remember how in the original Bloom was happily adopted and her parents were aware of her fairy heritage and loved and supported her? Or hoe the show's core theme was the unbreakable sisterhood between the Winx girls? Well, none of that healthy relationship nonsense here! Just leather jackets and Riverdale speech!
  • @KaitoAisuLover
    I hate the whole concept of Stella being a mean girl. In the original show she’s a bit shallow, but overall a very sweet person who openly cares about her friends. Idk why they added the mean girls drama :/
  • @mothiestman4995
    I am so angry they made Stella into a bitch. She was rich and spoiled from being an actual princess, yes, but she was a genuine sweetheart who wanted to help Bloom and the others and was just a really good person.
  • @fuunosenshi
    Why isn't anyone talking about the fashion? Forget bright colors, Stella dresses like my mother, and I am 39. And Terra uses really unflattering clothes. The original show had actual designers draw some of the fashion the girls used, that was a big part of the appeal of Winx
  • I really don't like how Bloom had no repercussions after she caused so much trouble, even after Sam almost died because she set Rosalind free. I can't believe Aisha had to say sorry to bloom instead of Bloom saying sorry to everyone. Honestly Bloom is the most dislikable main character I have ever seen, she is so selfish.
  • @crazym1me
    The worst part of the whole remake, is the fact that Stella and Bloom were made romantic rivals rather than best friends. The whole tournament arc where Bloom is destroyed by Skye being engaged to someone else and backs her over all the royalty, was the moment I wished I had a friend like that when I grew up. Absolutely terrible and a huge trainwreck.
  • @jaash7981
    Why does Netflix think 90s kids want their favorite cartoons back but sad and edgy and colorless. Seriously why is Riverdale so grey.
  • I’m adopted and the one thing I’ve always hated in shows with the whole adopted storyline is always the “I have to find my real parents”/“I don’t know who I am without them”. I’ll tell you who you are without, the exact same person you were before. I have never called my biological mom my real mom. My (adopted) mom is my real mom and she’s the one who helped me find myself and teach me about life/morals. You don’t suddenly learn all of that by meeting your “real” mom. I could never relate to any adoption story on TV because of that. It was genuinely so frustrating and I always felt bad for my mom, when adoptive parents are never referred to as “real” parents .
  • @yulana990
    This show was just so ridiculous in a billion ways. They changed Musa's ethnicity, they white washed Flora (there is evidence of the original script using Flora in it, so they clearly just added flora as a family member of Terra to not get backlash), they turned Aisha into ANOTHER generic black side kick and even VILLAINIZED HER for being SMART?, turned Bloom into even MORE of a brat who constantly belittles others ESPECIALLY Aisha, and Stella got turned into a generic blonde bully who only dresses the way she does because it's forced upon her by society. And tecna is dead. It was honestly so tiring to see how everyone turned into such a generic trope. They even turned Bloom and Stella into love rivals?! Stella was also the one who was blooms closest friend trying to help her out in the actual winx, but they used Aisha for that in this show and turned her into another character used only for Bloom getting rid of everything that Aisha was in the original winx. I also know how some people were excited for Terra as she is plussize, but they turned her into another plussize girl who has anxiety and belittles herself constantly and at some point was even begging people to belittle her clothing style when Stella wasn't there?! Then we also find out bloom and her mom have an awful relationship, and so does Stella with her mom, both of which never happened, but okay. But then we find out bloom almost killed her mother because of their bad relationship?! and then she was just the most entitled brat ever imaginable and never got likable. It's also hilarious to me that they turned the trix into ''Beatrix'', yet Beatrix was portrayed as less of a bitch then Stella to me. I kept asking my friend who the hell is supposed to be the evil person here, because Beatrix her impact imo wasn't that great in the show AT ALL. Also, like you said, Bloom suddenly being able to do a half transformation without ever even having learned how to control her power was just ridiculous. It also wasn't even a transformation, and was very badly done. Like I told my friend, if they wanted a show based off of winx club, but change everyone's personality, white wash some people, remove others, using generic tropes and even change the setting of the world with things like ''transformations are ancient magic'' or whatever, they could've easily done that and just NOT called it winx club. Why not say its a continuation of the winx world? Thousands of years later, which would also give them all the freedom they need. But no, they wanted the hype of the brand Winx Club and turned it into the opposite of the original winx. I have heard some people say that the show is good if you just forget that its based on winx, but even then the show imo is not good at all because it's just a billion tropes thrown together in the worst way. Stella suddenly became a good person, when she never had proper character growth. Bloom never was likable even though she's the main character. Aisha was likable and smart but then got villainized and was just a prop to bloom. Musa was decent but didn't have that much screentime or effect on much and Terra was another plussize shy girl who hates herself and begs for people to belittle her. All whilst combined with Stella and bloom being love rivals, abusive households, bad relationship with parents and over sexualizing 16y old teens whilst not allowing them to wear actual nice clothes like every teen show on netflix. It has enough problematic elements even without the association with the original winx, and if you add that association which people should because that's what the show writers decided to do, it's just horrible.
  • @beckysaurus3277
    It’s basically just Shadow Hunters. Red headed heroine, who doesn’t know her past because she was hidden from her magical world as a baby. And one of the first people she meets in this world is the blonde sword welding, leather jacket wearing worrier love interest. Then just like all the Nextflic teen originals the main heroine continues to make selfish decisions for her own personal reasons. Until she fucked up bad then asks for help to fix the problems she’s created only to do another selfish thing to create a cliffhanger for the next season.
  • @Jenna-in4br
    Hmm yes, show originally about girls getting along and being besties who use team work? Hmm let's turn that into all of them hating each other and all only caring about some boy
  • @zaidamoosa6829
    Listen were all either gay or depressed, we dont want edgy and dark . We just want glitter and the feeling of nostalgia. They honestly had so much potential with the cartoon and could've made it great but it's like the writers went on twitter and saw some edgy memes and thought ohh so this is what teens want
  • @BeastGuyver
    You forgot to mention the complete lack of staff at the school, a head mistress, a botany teacher, and a fighting instructor and oh and the assistant that gets killed.
  • The two biggest, objective problems with FATE: The Winx Saga was 1. The white washing, and 2. The fact that they missed out on the core message of Winx: friendship above all else. In the remake it seemed like the girls didn't even like each other very much
  • You know, I wouldn't mind that they added a plus-size character if they didn't make her story about the guy she's romantically interested in mocking her behind her back. Can't fat girls just exist in this world without our stories being about how we're so undesirable?
  • @ShimShamFimFam
    The fucking slaughtering of Stella’s characterization and her close friendship with Bloom really makes me so mad
  • @meis18mofo77
    The show is like someone who never watched Winx, hates everything Girly and has only read the first paragraph on its wikipedia page trying to recreate it with the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and the bad Legend of Aang lifeaction movie as a blueprint. At least it got me into rewatching the original show here on Youtube but I'll skip out on watching any more of this garbage.