Woman takes action after spotting dad's stolen semi

Published 2024-06-19
A South Florida woman took action after suddenly spotting her family’s stolen semi. Unbelievably, the stolen truck passed her on the Palmetto Expressway.

All Comments (21)
  • They deserve hard time for stealing a man's means of income.
  • @rirkc
    "What a story!" No, what a daughter!
  • @lev0n3241968
    It's very smart not to show her face! Most 22 year olds would be compelled to come out on camera
  • @danor6812
    It's not "just a truck". It's his livelihood.
  • Stealing or being in prossession of a stolen commerical vehicle should be 20 years in US federal prison.
  • @yupitsme9713
    She knew how hard her dad worked for that truck. It's how he feeds his family 💪🏽
  • @AFloridaSon
    This is awesome. Im always glad to see people get their property back from thieves. Kudos to the daughter for staying on it.
  • If you ever get your car stolen don’t wait for police, try to find it yourself. A lot of times your car will be closer than you think. My was stolen in front of my house in 2021. I searched the whole city for a hour and found it 10 blocks from my house with the people still in it.
  • 0:31 A Firefighter in Adelaide (South Australia) when returning to his Fire Station after a Fire Call, saw that the car ahead of his Fire Truck, stationery at Traffic Lights was his own car, which he thought was parked at the Fire Station, but had in fact been stolen. The Fire Truck simply followed the car until Police intercepted it and arrested the driver. What are the chances of that?
  • Taking another man’s source of income is truly the lowest of low. May God bless this great family that displayed bravery and love.
  • @jaykay3835
    I KNOW dad is infinitely proud of his little girl man! That act alone makes his grind that much more worth it 💜💜💜
  • @MrZrazies
    Good job! My friend’s friend’s boss had his long camper stolen from the construction site where he was working at and staying at. Police couldn’t find it (of course) 2 weeks later, he drove by one building and spotted his camper so he drove up and checked it out. Sure enough it is his. He said they changed the paint and end up living in it. So he backed up his truck and tow it then left. He threw away all trashes that arent his and called police and said never mind. I found it. Thanks.
  • She said. I became a NASCAR driver. That's gotta be the best statement ever
  • @wyaldkingdom
    Right after Father’s Day too! Daddy loves his baby girl, best gift ever. Lol