For Honor - How to Improve your Reads

Published 2020-11-20
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The general topic of "reads" is massive, and so many things can be said about it. Sadly our community, to a "loud" degree, refuses to even acknowledge their existence and labels them as pure guesswork.
This couldn't be further from the truth and I hope this video helps in that regard.

Link to the Warden post:…

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All Comments (21)
  • @XDeadzX
    "you don't just randomly press buttons." You don't know me. You don't know my life!
  • @howlez_ez5756
    That, “hello everybody.” Makes me get up in the morning
  • @serthiag7373
    It's all fun and games until the rep 70 kensei only does top heavies and dodge attacks. I guess if you don't think about what you're doing you can't be read
  • @dust4892
    Just as an honorable mention: you kind of covered it, but I think I would say putting a rep or two into characters helps you deal with their offence. Making that character your main for a while has some pretty solid advantages. You learn their moveset, and what moves they want to be doing as well as get to see how people try and counter it. You don't necessarily have to go chat on forums about it, you can play - let's just say goki - and watch how people react to your attacks and mixup. If something is hard for you to deal with (in goki's case, a fast bash) then you can usually assume others also have a hard time, which can be applied to your offence against said character.
  • @resspawn26
    "Up until the certain skill level, you can just press the light attack repeatedly. Then, all of the sudden, you face the players that shut you down completely, meaning, you need to change your whole approach to the game." - although said with different intention, this pretty much sums up the whole problem players keep arguing about since the CCU. Think about it. You cannot properly play and enjoy this game if you don't have high enough skill to block. Before CCU, this wasn't a big problem since most players were able to do it without excessive training. 10-15 reps and you're good to go, now start to learn other aspects of the game if you want to become a Decent player. But now you have to put a lot of work to just get pass the bare minimum. Lets say you know about frame adv and can use it effectively. That means that unless the opponent have any form of dodge attack (or full-block), you can continuously attack and kill any player with little to no effort until they are skilled enough to block (or even better, parry) lights. Basically, this means that before you'll be able to play and enjoy the actual read-based game, both you and your opponent must first train hard enough to get a good Reaction. If you don't have it, you'll be beaten as soon as enemy applies lightspam, which feels unfair and frustrating. If your opponents don't have it, you'll be able to beat anyone as soon as you apply lightspam, which feels unfair and boring. Overall, I'm trying to say that currently, the game is Reaction-based first and Read-based second, now even more than before, that is why people complain and that is why so many people stopped playing.
  • @mackprime6975
    I would also advise that if you face an opponent you seemingly can’t get a read on, try to get yourself into the mindset that “There is a pattern this player has that I have not found yet” instead of “ This player is completely unpredictable and random”. The former mindset should give your mind a sense of ease knowing there is a solution to dealing with your opponent than the latter.
  • @psfarg
    Even harder than making reads is getting out of attack patterns that make you easy to read
  • 2:15 "forces darkmode even on sites which don't have one" if you want dark mode on like every site, I strongly recommend the browser extension " Dark reader " , it does a pretty good job, and if you have issues on specific pages, it allows you to easily set the current site as an exception to it.
  • @TheAusar
    "you don't just randomly press buttons." 50% of the playerbase: "You underestimate my power!"
  • downloaded. thank you for the great content as always. I am actually really happy with this ad considering its actually very useful. I love opera before but it just got better with this update. I hope opera keeps sponsoring you because this is actually useful and good.
  • @youredad9250
    Honestly the change from prediction to read just made the game a chore to play, I still enjoy it don't get me wrong, Do appreciate your content
  • Absolutely stunning video man I never comment on videos or anything but the way you broke everything down it was really easy to follow along and provide insight great work!
  • @gmclucy
    The main problem I have with making reads is not actually making the read but being able to be successfully give myself a good outcome is the problem, I can predict what my enemy will do but am not able to execute a counter move