1st Presidential Debate – Watch With Friends!

Published 2024-06-28
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All Comments (21)
  • @cab5917
    I spent the debate praying for Biden, knowing he as President, has been doing a yeoman’s job helping the world and representing “goodness.” The job of a true President takes a toll. God love him and we are fortunate to have Biden right now, instead of an evil, no soul, shell! !
  • @VickiePease
    President Biden has been fighting off a cold 💙 still voting blue.
  • @cab5917
    Biden’s Admin. is the best of the best for our country. Trump will not have anyone that compares to what the US and the world needs to do the job of running all the aspects of government. The vote must be for all the candidates that keep us safe and doing the best we the US is capable of. You cannot put all the world on Biden’s shoulders! It’s a big job for a lot of good people!
  • Despite Pres. Biden fighting a cold and sometimes getting frustrated and pulled in by Trumps lies, he did attempt to answer and do so honestly. In my heart, Pres. Biden was the winner, and Trump was the repetitive lying whiner. Biden 2024
  • I guess after this debate, the upside is that folks who may not see the danger and fragility of our democracy, and do not want Trump will be MUCH MORE motivated to work hard in getting Biden elected for God-forbid we must not have Trump be in office!! Last time I felt like this was when the Mueller Report was a flop after hearing time and time again from pundits it would take Trump down!
  • @dgprn
    Joe was much more alive at the watchers group. But he wasn’t feeling good, can see it in his face. Wonder how his back was feeling.
  • @irenamangone
    Thankyou Autumn and Valerie sad that President Biden was not well. Wish him well for the election. Vote vote vote. For the sake of bith USA and us in the rest of the world who want democracy. .
  • @DenLD
    What a rough night. I couldn’t watch it to the end. When they started arguing about golf, I tapped out. I couldn’t wait to get home to check in on the channel. It’s wild to me that the cards seemed to indicate the opposite of what happened, so maybe that means that the surrogates will get to work and turn around the perception. Kamala and Newsom are already making issues-based statements, but I don’t think we can deny this was a bad night for Joe. At this point, I look forward to the 11th and hope sentencing is more just than we expect it to be.
  • @o.m.6374
    This was heartbreaking to watch. While Trump was more controlled than usual, and he unfortunately did look better and more energetic than Biden, he proved he has not changed, he still lies, he still has allusions of grandeur, and he avoided answering questions. His performance may not have swayed more votes his way, but I also don't see young voters, and less informed voters being convinced of Biden either. A little bit of panic mode at the moment. This may be just the first debate, but it was an important one. Without Biden sounding and looking energetic, without him being quicker to call out Biden's lies, without him using his solo time to also focus on Roe vs Wade, and pointing out that Trump was a convicted felon, I fear many opportunities were missed. I was surprised Biden was not vocal on Trump being found guilty, but I thought that perhaps if he was then Trump might have dragged his son into the frey. The oddest moment for me was when both men were discussing their golf skills instead of using their time to better inform the public. More than ever, Biden needs our prayers, our white light, and our steadfast belief that good will ultimately conquer all. Biden's team let us all down.
  • @Kari.F.
    Trump doesn't walk a single step if he can have someone fetch him a golf cart. How is he in good shape? And the doctors at Walter Reed have never dealt with a "cognitive" person before. Right...
  • Biden desperately needs to take voice therapy to strengthen his voice. Considering no notes were allowed, I think he did pretty well, although he missed some points. He does need to look stronger at the next debate. Trump avoided answering key questions.
  • Hi everyone, I had surgery today. When I finally started hearing about the debate. Please tell me it isn't true. They are saying President Biden blew it. That was on CNN. I swear the more I hear from Scott Jennings, the more I can't stand him.
  • @kathharper
    I had to check my emotions during the rewatch of this this morning. It occurred to me this was like the holiday dinner conversation between a kind grandpa with a cold and an out of control weird uncle who blames kind grandpa for crazy uncle's failures... and hates everyone... why are we in a place where we are? The energy was so chaotic that the wave of chaos just was too much. I hope we can come out of this because it broke my heart to have no fact checking and letting the crazy uncle's stuff take over the room. It feels like this is a summing up of the campaign so far and I hope those watching who haven't yet decided which seems like it shouldn't be anyone but... will the low information undecideds look at post-debate fact checks? Maybe. Anyway... this caused much stress and worry and felt like a bit of an "unforced error" in hindsight for Democrats.
  • Biden is a much better orator than what came across tonight. President Biden was no where close to his best. What happened?
  • Disappointed. It's almost like the same people who prepped Biden in 2020 stuck to the same issues. 😬
  • @firequeen2194
    Thanks for the replay! Watched after work. So much better watching with friends! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸
  • What a shame a criminal in a debate oh my goodness someone please tell me what is going on? Don't anyone care about the future.
  • @patriciap2393
    @VickiePease - Yes, I herd Keith Olberman say that Biden has a cold ☹. I'll still vote blue! 💙