Best Spring Tools for Organic Food Gardeners: Raised Bed Methods

Published 2017-05-02

All Comments (12)
  • @paulmcwhorter
    I had to chuckle as you described your 'compacted soil'. My friend, come visit me and I will show you compacted soil. I live in East Africa on the equator, and we have compacted soil like you have never seen. I am talking dense, sticky, hard as concrete clay. I have struggled mightily over the last 3 years to get to try to grow anything. I have brought in hundreds of dump truck loads cow manure and river hyacinth, and turning compost bins is a full time job for three people. Seemed like no matter how much I amended the soil, and no matter how much I mulched, and encouraged a living soil, nothing would grow. Then one day like magic, like some sort of switch was flipped, my farm came alive. Now everything does well. We have a rabbit house with 170 rabbits, and the cages are designed where the urine and poop are automatically separated and collected. The urine ends up in a large storage tank, next to our irrigation pump. We are on the bank of the Nile River, and have a large solar operated irrigation pump. When we irrigate, we have a fertigation system that automatically mixes the rabbit urine with the river water, in proper ratio. The urine is a balanced foliar fertilizer, and also a natural pesticide. Spraying the crops twice a week from the sprinklers takes care of both pests, and a good part of the nutritional needs of the crops. We use the rabbit poop to grow black soldier flies, which then become the primary feed for our chickens. Finally after three years we are really finding success. Thanks for all your useful material in your videos. It does not work overnight, but if we are patient, one day it all pays off.
  • Another excellent video. The Google Algorithms need to work harder at promoting this content. Excellent data and easy to understand. He makes the complex easy. Very motivating. Thank you!
  • We actually just went looking for a broad fork. Our tiller broke this past spring so I want to try and use this instead. Its much better for all of us in the end.
  • @jcbrook9463
    Good video. Thanks. Had not considered using old freezer . Good idea.
  • My name is IBRAHIM AKKO from Nigeria, I'm a new learner of your tutorials, I hope I'm going be accepted as a follower of this platfom, thanks
  • Diakon radish for soil compaction and pulling nutrients from the deep.
  • I'm not a person who expects things for free, and as a self employed business man I completely understand the value of personal effort and time. That said, it's a little rude (for want of a better word) to claim something to be available for free to draw in views and orders, when it isn't. I went to the link above. There's NO free material that I can find anywhere (except for a 'May mini course' which I haven't viewed as it wasn't the purpose ), much less the promised information on worm bins and compost. I very much appreciate what you've offered here on YouTube, and fully appreciate your time. My suggestion? Delete that bit of sound from the video. It was a turn off, at the least...and for the entire time I spent looking for a link (including using the search function, which just pulled up more 'login' links) it continued. It makes what you offer to sell seem like yet another 'gotcha' gimmick like that offered by so many of the other video content creators on YouTube. You have a great channel and I firmly believe in the thinking behind the concepts you've shared. I'd like to close with a huge thanks for what you share. This video isn't meant to be an actual negative. Just a polite suggestion on something I think could be improved.