Satisfied || Hamilton Animatic

Published 2017-02-25
yea boi it is done!! almost 400 frames jesus

anyways i hope you enjoy my animatic! thank you all for the love and support

music by Lin Manuel Miranda

All Comments (21)
  • @johnlaurens2247
    Angelica stares off for 5 minutes straight
    Alexander: "Uh, Angeli-"
  • @snomflakes
    Angelica: gives up her chance with Alexander to make Eliza happy

    Alexander: upsets Eliza by cheating on her

    Angelica: "are you fucking kidding me"
  • @alaska4939
    Although it’s not historically accurate, as Angelica was already married at this time to a guy that she had eloped with, I really love this song and it does the job of showing how close Angelica and Eliza were and how much Angelica loved Eliza.
  • @kyoka3681
    Satisfied: Toast to the Groom
    Congratulations: Roast to the Groom.
  • @juslynrusly
    At least my dear Eliza's his wife.
    At least a cheater aint in my life.
  • @films_by_kia
    The saddest part is when she sings about how if she tells Eliza she likes Alexander, that she would be silent and let Angelica have him, and say she's fine but obviously would be lying, but she's basically then describing how she feels now. Once Eliza told her, she put away her feelings and let Eliza and Alexander meet. She sees fine to the others, but is hurting inside. Basically, no matter if Angelica got Alexander, Eliza would feel this way, and of Eliza got Alexander, Angelica would feel this way. It's just sad to think about how whoever got who, they would put their sister first.
  • @alastair7167
    My cousin asked if I could sing this in his wedding since it's his fiance's favorite song, I looked at him like "Hell no" but still gave it in.
    So yeah, on my cousin's wedding I'm getting on top of the table that's going to be right in the middle of the place with a champagne glass as I yell the last "To the groom, to the bride" part.
  • “And I know, she’ll be happy as his bride”

    laughs in Reynolds Pamphlet
  • Laurens: Alright, Alright! That's what I'm talking about! Everyone give it up for-
    loud crash and French curse
  • @p3arldiver
    angelica: he will never be satisfied..
    hamilton: cheats
    angelica: ..well then
  • @davidkbos1
    Satisfied: A toast to the groom
    Congratulations: A roast to the groom
  • 2:08 At this moment she became so cute and beautiful that I was smiling along with her. Her style became childishly cute and the way she was bouncing around made everyone around her entranced with her (If you noticed the passersby people). She was literally shining. I really hope she can be like that more. Her bounciness is really cute.
  • @ok-zi4gb
    “It lasted 2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes! >:3”
    i love the expression on Angelica’s face, how cutely excited she was about the conversation, showing how in love she was.
  • @bingbong4061
    At the end, Eliza thought Angelica was happy crying, that literally killed me :(
  • @evachapkin999
    " She'll be happy as his bride"
  • @kodivance9538
    I love her sass when she puts Alex in his place with the "you forget yourself" its hilarious